I need some serious computer help!!!

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by FrameMaMa, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Hello fellow 4042ers,
    I need some help with my computer PPLLEEAASSEEE!!!
    My computer has suddenly slowed down to being slower than a snail on sticky paper.
    I have sprint DSL ( problem already), my earthlink program runs an automatic virus scan every once in a while, well it ran this time and now things are soooo slow. It took me 20 minutes to get to the forum.
    I have restarted the computer a few times, I have gone into the windows task manager, and I have like 37 processes running, but I dont dare end them because I am computer retarded, and dont want to screw anything up.
    Can someone help me fix my computer?
    BTW: My disk cleanup wont work either.
    Thanks for any help.
  2. Clif

    Clif Guest


    Download and run AdAware SE Personal. It is free for personal use.

    This is a start. If you are still having problems, there are a few other hints I can give. But the biggest problem is spyware, which AdAware will remove.
  3. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    Give Spybot Search & Destroy a shot as well.
  4. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    OK I installed and ran the ad aware that clif told me to, did a restart, and it is still being slow. :?
    O M G you would not believe how many files they found to destroy, there were over 100!!
    Any idea why my disk cleanup won't work?
    It comes up, asks me which drive I want to clean up, goes for about two seconds and stops. Completely.
    it just sits there,
    I am about ready to throw this one away, but I can't.
    foot, foot foot, and foot foot foot. (have to be a Jerry Reed fan)
    Gotta love the snowman. 8)
    I know not to end any processes, but just wondering, what in the world are all those for?
  5. appcomm

    appcomm Well-Known Member

    I would suggest rebooting in Safe Mode and running AdAware again. While in Safe Mode, also try to run your disk cleanup.
  6. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    I agree with the others in here, it sounds like Spyware (greek name: "majorcongestous PCous")
    3 prog's I use to clean are Spybot; HijackThis & Regseeker all are free and do a good job.

    If you want help with task manager here's the easy way to check processes:

    Open the task manager and click on the "processes" tab. Read the process you want to check and type the full file name into the search block on this site. http://www.processlibrary.com/ Keep doing that till you find bad ones and then try to stop them.

    If the file is not listed on that site; open another IE window and type it into a search engine for a broader search. Use www.dogpile.com, it's non-invasive it doesn't take but 3 seconds to load and the false returns on bogus links are minimal. Sorry but Google sells you out.

    Don't worry on process killing. The core processes other than "explorer.exe" can not be killed by task manager. If you follow the steps above you should not be stopping core files anyway.

    If you can't get it fixed, there's 5 of us in here that will give you a price to fix it. Use the PM or the other links.

    Good Luck
    DDR Dan
  7. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
    Ok that's my I don't have a clue what you guys just said face.
    Could you guys pm me with some prices on what it would take for someone to take a look at this heap.
    I would need that price to include coming to my business(where the hunk is) and hopefully fixing it. :)
    Assuming you make house calls.
    thanks for all your help.
    I give up on this thing.
    time to bring in the pros. :wink:

    God Bless,
  8. it'sme

    it'sme Well-Known Member

    good luck framemama in getting help..i have no solutions...just wanted to hijick your thread to say THANKs.... I've been having the same type problems and this information is very helpful for me also. Esp. the processes info. Thanks geeks....errr.....guys! ;)
  9. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Calling us "Geeks" is like giving a cat catnip .... purrrrrrrrrrr :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. Romworks

    Romworks Well-Known Member

    I prefer the word Guru!!!
  11. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    go to www.trend.com and under free tools. run a spyware virus check for home use and this should wipe out all the bad things on your computer.
  12. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Call me paranoid, and I know Trend is a well known company, but, I would not allow a "CAB" file or give ANYONE access to you hard drive data for a spyware check over the internet. Especially a link that's unsecured. Trends problem is their "Privacy Statement" and their "License Agreement" are pretty vague on who they share that data with. If they had a "demo" download I would consider giving it a try, till then I'll stick to the other demo's and freebies.

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