
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Bad weekend....long story...still have a headache...

    I missed getting a Sunday paper. Anyone know where I can get one tomorrow?

  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    They have a Sunday paper box at the gas station in front of Food Lion on Hwy 70 Clayton next to the Jiffy Lube. They keep them in there all week last I saw.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    FYI,just tried to get one there (it's a BP by the way) Something wrong with the box. Stopped in at Walgreens, they have them inside and it only cost $1 instead of $1.50. Not too many of them left but there was some as of about 11:00 am.
  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Bump for Faye!!! :lol:
  5. cegh424

    cegh424 Guest

    Hoping you all can help me

    I hope it is ok to post this here. My husband accidently tossed out a upc I needed for the Aquafina rebate that expires 3/1/06. Does anyone have an extra upc for the 24 ct. 1 liter bottles of Aquafina. If so would you be willing to trade for something else. I just need to be able to pick it up in the next day or two.
  6. FamilyOfFive

    FamilyOfFive Well-Known Member

  7. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member


    Is it still on tonite at 11 pm?
  8. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    As far as I know, it is still scheduled for tonight's 11 pm news. :)
  9. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Have y'all ever stopped for a minute to think about what the grocery stores will do if a lot of people start getting $60 worth of groceries for $.15 every week? What if they have to stop offering double and triple couponing to combat their losses?????
  10. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

  11. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    That is an interesting statement Ready-and one I have heard many times in the past 5 years. The vast majority of people do not purchase $60 in groceries for 15 cents each week. That usually only occurs during triple coupon promotions. Most people who use these techniques will save around 50% off their groceries. The majority of people who eat, though, will not take the time to do what it takes to save more of their hard earned money. They are content to spend much more than they need to because the perceived effort isn't worth their financial security.

    The managers with whom I have spoken are very pleased to have the couponers in their stores. Many of these folks never shopped at Lowe's and HT before they understood the benefits of coupon shopping. The managers are thrilled to have the increased traffic.

    The stores are always changing their promotions and policies. It is up to us to work together to find the best ways to save based on what the stores offer. The more people we have using these techniques and communicating with one another, the more deals we find out about and the more money we save.
  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Gosh Faye, my post wasn't meant as a put down or to tell you that I thought you should stop teaching the classes or anything. I hope you didn't read it as such. :( I was honestly just curious about what the stores would do if a large # of people started putting forth the effort (and I know it is effort!) that you do and started saving like you do.

    I'm sure the vast majority of people who try it will do it for a few weeks, maybe even months, and then find it too time consuming or frustrating and simply quit. Kind of like dieting. Especially Atkins dieting. :lol:

    Shoot, I'll be tuning in tonight -- and taking notes. If anything, I wish I could afford to hire you to shop for me. :wink:

    Oh, and to answer your question. IF I take my time and use a sales paper w/ coupons, faithfully stick to my list, and DON'T take my kids with me, I usually save around 40% or more. But, I'm not always faithful like that, and I normally shop at Food Lion where they don't double or triple the coupons. I did a half-hearted trip to Food Lion yesterday in fact. Spent $93 and saved $57. BUT, that included a $14 birthday cake - which really killed my numbers. Without the birthday cake, it would have been $79 spent and $57 saved. That sounds a lot better. :)
  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Yeah faye, I'll have to dvr your big news story!!! Dinner out and today has been the day from... you know...hell!!! :x
  14. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I didn't take it as a put down at all, Ready. I can understand the concern, but, as you mentioned, I just don't think enough people are willing to put forth the effort to save enough that the stores will stop offering the sales and double coupon promotions.

    Sounds like you are already doing a great job saving using sales and coupons! :)
  15. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, will DVR it too, have fun tonite Harley :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Just watched the NBC news segment. All three of the anchors were really impressed with the story. Even the male anchor (Bill Gaines, is it?) commented about how much money he wastes at the store. Sharon Delaney said she would be calling you Faye. :wink:

    Faye, I saw you at Lowe's once. It was on a triple coupon day. You had two little girls and an older woman with you. I kept looking at you and wondering, "is that Faye?" I think you were reading my mind as I was thinking that, because you had this, "yes, it's me" look in your eyes. Now I know. :D
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Wonderful story Faye, watched it this am. You did a great job and looked completely natural (maybe a future in TV coming up?)
  19. Call me JT

    Call me JT Well-Known Member

    I've never read this thread, just because 70 pages is very intimidating. I haven't read it all either, so forgive me if this has been asked. How much do you pay for coupons? Granted, even spendign $10 to save $70 is still worth it, I just was curious.

    I also saw the news thing, and I recorded it. I had no idea the person was on this board either. It was a great clip and very inspiring.
  20. Call me JT

    Call me JT Well-Known Member

    Also, could someone post what stores do double coupons and when and details surrounding that? I read it earlier in the post, but that was from September ish of 2005, not sure if it's changed.

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