I found that out today too. Not just one person either. 2 different situations but stil cold heartless buttheads!
yep... there are... i don't even know what to say... but I'll think of something appropriate and well deserved I'm sure... just give me a little time to get over being shocked and appalled... suffice to say for the time being though... I really hate people with no tact or couth.
Almost shocked beyond words here, but completely speechless is really pushing it for me. Still... :shock:
Unfortunately, this is true .... but I think I'm missing everyone's direct point on here. Did something happen? Hopefully not related to Pitbull!!
why do so many people have a second screen name to say things that wouldn't be palatable coming from their real "voice" ?
hmmmm maybe I shouldn't have let me kids go to school today without brushing their hair or teeth and wearing those holey shirts since today is picture day.
Because they are cowards. One SN here. Random Thought - I put almost 54.00 in my gas tank this morning!!