What do you look for?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by FrameMaMa, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Ok parents...what do you look for in a daycare center/after school care program?
    I am just curious as to what makes us choose the daycares that we do.
    I hear a lot of things about Kim's Kids, Building Blocks, Second Step, Interskate, among others, and I hear the good and the bad.
    I would just like to know what you guys think about your center.
  2. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I look at their track record. The offical track record with the state that is... first. Then I listen to what other people say. People who have been there seen that, says volumes. Then my gut feeling when I visit. Are they putting on a show or do they feel pretty relaxed with me and dont' care if they kids are acting like kids.

    I know when I visited my kid's center, I went at nap time and the owner said I'll show you through now so you can see the rooms but she wanted me to come back so that I can see things in action. Which made tons of sense to me. She wanted me to see the good the bad and the ugly. I seen teachers putting kids in timeout for clogging another kid over the head with a block, kids eating, kids playing outside, I seen the baby teacher juggling twins with bottles... And when I seen a place like that in motion the real show in action, my mind was set. I had be to many other centers and they just didnt' give me the "this is the place" feeling.

    The deciding factor is really the gut feeling with me as long as everything else is in order. Meaning... I picked a 3 star center over a 5 star center. The 5 star center didn't seem very "cozy" and the lady who was showing me around seemed very nervous for me to be there while the kids were eating lunch. :? The 5 star center closed down within a year after that... :wink:
  3. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, I don't have any kids in centers up in your area you're asking about... so I can't really comment on any of those. But good luck! :wink:
  4. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Thanks Koo,
    I am in the market for a new center for my son, I am not crazy about the one he is in.
    There is just no "warm fuzzies" there at all.
    But the kids whose parents are loaded get everything and get pampered.
    The other ones get ignored.
    I have seen this first hand, plus the owners don't talk to you, at all.
    It's hey when you drop them off, and bye when you pick them up.
    I try to talk to everyone I meet, especially if they are going to be caring for my child!
    I tried to get him in at his school, but there is a waiting list!
    The center he is in now is also getiing smaller and smaller in size.
    Lots of kids have left.
    Makes me wonder.....
  5. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Building Blocks on Winston. Period.
  6. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Meaning they are good?
    Where is Winston rd?
    Anyone in particular I should talk to when I check them out?
    although I will probably talk to just about everyone anyway.
    (I am just that type of person, I like to meet new people, you never know who you will meet)
  7. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I really do not even want to think about daycare. The thought of putting this baby in a center scares me crapless. I didn't have to with MM, she stayed with Nana.

    I am debating home daycares versus public daycares, but I've heard my share of horror stories from home daycares too.

    Ugh, I have a few months and yes I know there is a waiting list for most centers, but I just can't think about it right now.

    Maybe I'll win the lottery and won't have to go back to work?
  8. bnkrnr

    bnkrnr Member

    I vote for Building Blocks on Winston Rd too. I have both of my children there. They are wonderful! They are responsive and always willing to talk to you. I can drop in any time I like and when I have, they are always relaxed and happy to see you. Some of the teachers are better than others - but you will run into that anywhere.

    Most of their Lead teachers have been with them over 5years - and in many cases much longer than that.

    Since the owner offers full benefits, I think they do a pretty good job of keeping their teachers on board.

    If you go in, ask for Ami or Michelle.

    Good Luck!
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Ask for Amy. My DD went there for almost a year. She just left in June when Baby Sister was born.

    First I called around, then when I found out who had openings I went to http://ncchildcaresearch.dhhs.state.nc.us/search.asp to view their ratings/complaint history. You can then request those records or go to DHHS directly and see them. Then I dropped in. Don't call. Just DROP IN! Then I narrowed my list, and dropped in again. Made a decision on a few, came by for test plays and wound up at Building Blocks - which was out of my price range - but looking at the other centers, less $$ and more $$ - I was in love with Building Blocks and that is where she went.

    Winston Rd is off of White Oak going towards 70. Or, off of Guy Rd - it connects the two.

    Good Luck!
  10. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    We will be more likely to win the lottery when NC gets the pick 3 and pick 4, which are nightly and only for north carolina./

    I got to stay home with my baby for about 6 months before we had to put him in daycare, we put him in this home daycare, and this lady said she was all certified for tons of stuff, well, she did not know a lot of anything, we came to pick up my infant son, and he was wearing the same diaper I dropped him off in!!! :evil:
    Talk about a mama being really pissed off.
    I have never trusted home daycares after that.
    But times have also changed. Who knows.
  11. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    I'll give another vote for Building Blocks on winston rd. for all the above reason mentioned, plus when someone other than me or hubby pickup they are required to show id and if we forget to send a note or mention it, they call and ask if it is ok for them to leave with that person, that made all the difference to me. I like how relaxed they all are and I know all teachers there are currently going to school either to finish degrees or to stay current with the new laws..
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    One word for Home Daycare... SURVEILLANCE!!! An older sibling helps. :wink:
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Your experience with home daycare was awful Cleo, and that's what scares me. On the other hand, my own experience was great, but it was also family.

    Ugh....decisions decisions...........
  14. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    If anyone goes with an in-home go with a licensed one. Bottom line. There are good ones and there can be very bad ones. Again go with your gut feeling.
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Go with licensed in-home, and have Mini Me there as well B & A school if possible.

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