Abortion pill/emergency contraceptive

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LifeIsGood, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    Let them give them out at the schools in one bucket and condoms in the other. I think it is foolish for people to think that teenagers are not having sex. I tend to think that they are having sex on average younger and younger. I feel that it is also foolish to think that adoptions are real choices for a lot of these unwanted babies. Is it harsh to say but I myself am tired of tax dollars supporting those with familes that can't afford them or don't want them. More sex ed in school easier access to condoms and birth control and things like the morning after pill.
  2. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

    :shock: Yikes.
  3. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    YIkes what
  4. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

    Give them out in school by the bucket loads. :shock: Yikes.
  5. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    Why not have it as a option better than unwanted preg. or to fool ones self into thinking teenagers are not sexually active.
  6. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

    It's your opinion. I am not disrespecting that. If that is how you think it should work. I just wanted feedback.
  7. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    that'd be a pretty expensive bucket i think... as far as i know these pills cost $30 per.. so.. o_O
  8. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

    Wow, I didn't know they cost that much! My goodness.
  9. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    $30.00 .vs 18 plus years of welfare and oh then next maybe they will even end up in the prison system yeah even more money. When it all could have been sovled with a $1.00 condom and a $30.00 pill.
    Fair trade to me.
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    What's the opportunity cost for not having them available?

    Just because condoms, BCPs, Plan B's are available, that doesn't equate to teens and preteens engaging in sexual behaviors. And, not all of those behaviors will transmits disease or cause pregnancy.

    It's a combination of motive and opportunity.
  11. whodathunkitya'll

    whodathunkitya'll Active Member

    If the schools gave my kids a bucket full of condoms or these ridiculous pills, they'd have hell on their hands.
  12. msharris

    msharris Member

    I couldn't see the schools giving out the pills but the condoms yes.

    And so quite naturally schools can't make kids take something that they don't want.

    So now, if a school had condoms readily available and your child took a hand few or maybe even a bucket full...you would be upset with the school or your child?
  13. whodathunkitya'll

    whodathunkitya'll Active Member

    I'd be mad with my child, yes. And I would deal with them accordingly.

    But, I would still be upset with the school because they've got no business giving children contraceptives. They are there to teach children how to read and write, not how to prevent STDs and pregnancies.
  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Why not all of the above?
  15. msharris

    msharris Member

    I definitely see your view point on that. However, if the schools along with myself can continue to grill it in my child's head to practice safe sex then I don't see any problem with it at all.
  16. msharris

    msharris Member

    I'm sorry and I meant to ask you this - Why would you be mad with your child?
  17. motorider

    motorider Well-Known Member

    So....are YOU going to teach them how to prevent STDs and pregnancies?

    You know...these are topics that are not...shhhhhh....whispered about. They happen to be VERY REAL and an ISSUE in our society, let alone the world.

    oh sorry.....I've got to go bury my head in the sand. Hopefully these "nasty" things will go away by the time I pull my head out of my...ah, yeah...the sand!
  18. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    Heres an amusing anicdote from my highschool days. This girl i knew was having an exceptonally bad time of the month, and she was curled up in a chair, feeling horrible. This guy (primarily homeschooled, from christian upbringing, very sheltered) asks her whats wrong, and she says "Cramps". His responce with an entirely straight and serious face is "well then fart, girl" and he was unable to figure out what made this probably the funniest thing that semester.

    Sex ed should be mandatory, if for no other reason than to make sure that guys dont think that once every month girls have one really big fart they cant manage to get out. But more to the point, when it comes to having sex, what will this guy know? his parents hadnt even been able to introduce him to that smallest bit of information about the opposite sex and he was in 10/11th grade.
  19. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    OK, I just about peed my pants! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    twice in one day....I'm impressed...ditto for HG's post..

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