
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clif, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    We know who YOU are, too. :roll:
  2. MrsME

    MrsME Member

    I am not going to get into this with you but I have never met anyone on this board and I particularly don't want to meet someone like you.
  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And you are posting on this thread because... ?
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Hey Raven! 8)
  5. Raven

    Raven Well-Known Member

    Hey good morning Cleo :lol:
  6. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    BenDover, Tit4Tat, CIA, FBI, UNC, SECU......Who cares......Can't we all just get along?????
  7. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    No. we must fight, because these are forums. You fight on forums. Its just what you do... don't ask questions just go fight someone.
  8. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    thats the spirit =D
  9. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    I consider myself a Queen Lurker because that's all I do is read... I rarely post. Does my butting into a conversation make me a troll? (Even though I've been here a while, I'm still not sure of the difference between a Lurker and Troll.) But I digress....

    I don't believe I know any of you and I think only a few people on here know me. So I definitely don't have a dog in this fight or any alterior motive- just wanted you all to know how entertaining all of you are. :lol: Sometimes you really do crack me up! I know it's not nice to laugh at other people's expense, but some of the comebacks are hysterical!

    Cleo- your avatar suits you. (Please don't take offense to that... it's just that your sarcasm and quick wit so much reminds me of her! Too funny!)

    Thanks for the funnies. :)
  10. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    No, its not a lie. You sent me a PM with your name and your wife's name and wanted to know how far my house was from Willow Spring. Want me to show you the PM? Of course I'm sure you printed out a copy of it. :roll:
  11. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    I have a great idea, why don't everyone just move on and drop this. I mean for real, it is old. Let it go.

    Just wanted to say hello. Hope everyone is well. I am going to bed, it has been a looooong day.
    Good night!!!

    Thank God tomorrow is Friday!
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    You should come out of lurkdom and post more often, especially if you are going to compliment me! I wish more people had your attitude, it is JUST a message board - purely entertainment! I have met some real nice people and even made a friend or two, then other times I wonder... "Did so and so just drive by my house?". :lol:
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member


    You caught me! LOL

    Seriously though, I've been trying to get past there all week, I am going to make a valliant effort to come by after work, okay? :)
  14. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I keep meaning to, but always going somewhere. :?
  15. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    These girls are gonna graduate HS by the time you get over here! :lol:
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Today is fine. Unfortunately, nobody got into any trouble lately so I'll be clipping myself!
  18. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I know, I know. I'll have to remember to park on the street so I don't almost run over your dog 50 times again. :lol: :lol: Crazy dog!
  19. Clif

    Clif Guest

    No, simply butting into a conversation does not make you a troll. I'm not sure 60 posts since you've signed on makes you a true lurker either.

    But the difference between a lurker and a troll is as follows:

    Lurker - Simply reads the forums and makes few, if any posts. Most newbies will be lurkers until they develop the overies to actually post their opinion on something.

    Troll - Mission in life is to start fights. The expert trolls will start a fight and then back off and lurk and watch all the other users fight with each other.
  20. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    Wow! I've posted 60 times?!! I didn't realize that. :oops:

    So now that I've been ousted as Queen L by Clif... at least I understand I'm not a troll either. Thanks for clearing that up.

    Since my posting disqualifies me as Queen L, can I at least be a Princess? :lol:

    Isn't that what this discussion is about, pretending to be something/someone you're not? Oops. Maybe deep down I'm a troll wannabe, that comment might start another fight.

    Backing away slowly, so I don't get hit by a flying punch.

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