Chili's - White Oak - Bad Sanitation Grade

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by gcoats3, Oct 15, 2006.

  1. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    We went to Chili's in White Oak tonight. Not many customers. When we went inside we noticed their sanitation grade is 84.5 (B). They probably received 2 points for attending the course. Not good. We left. I have no idea what the inspector found.
  2. Clint

    Clint Well-Known Member

  3. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Clint. Our decision to leave was a good one based on this report.
  4. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    I thought the address for the White Oak Chili's was Timber Dr., not Carillon Drive.
  5. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    Just did mapquest. Didn't recognize the street, but it is the White Oak. Haven't eaten there in well over a year....won't be going any time in the near or not-so-near future either!
  6. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Chilis in White Oak, Garner had their reinspection. Shows a A but it really is a B again. They get 2 points for Education Credit. They should deduct another 2 points if these restaurants have attended classes on cleaniness and get less than a 90 on the inspection. If they can't get better than a 89 when they called the inspector requesting the reinspection they should be shut down for the public's protection. And now their sign in the reception area indicates a A (91) which includes the +2 points for education. I left again and will not return. Last 3 inspections based in cleaniness:
    11/9/06 - 89
    10/12/06 - 82.5
    7/25/06 - 88
  7. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't care if it was a whooping 100 - their service sux.

    Been there three times...three times too many.
  8. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I whole-heartedly agree! Zoo..the babies LOVED seeing you today! By the way, the new bunny's name is Garon (Elvis' twin was Jessie Garon and we didn't like the name Jessie). We thought he was a girl at first...thats what we were told by the people getting rid of him, so he was Priscilla for about a week...until he tried to have "relations" w/ McKenize during the 2 seconds we put them together!!! :oops:
  9. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    Been months since I was there, but that was my favorite place in the area to eat. Where else can you get Sam Adams on draft and endless nachos.
  10. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    From reading the reports, it appears that this restaurant is just plain nasty. They have real cleanliness problems. Constant, repeated.

    Why on earth, after all the citations, doesn't this place clean up properly?
  11. Fips

    Fips Guest

    Here's one for you!

    Wife and I ate there a few months ago. When the waitress brought my food I began to dip some fries into a side of what I thought was blue cheese (as ordered). Upon looking into the small dish, I noticed a piickle in it and it was ranch dressing. Come to find out, they were recycling their condiments and I let the waitress and manager have it! I made a big deal out of it (rightfully so) in front of everyone. Manager was some drop put smuck and didn't even try to do the right thing."

    Never have and never will eat there again!
  12. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    I don't put any faith in the county sanitation ratings. I've been into some pretty nasty places with a 99 on the wall and some real clean places with an 80 on the wall. Some of the items on their list for reductions in rating are absolutely idiotic. I will admit that the items on the list in this post are serious. But 9 times out of 10 a low rating in a restaurant is caused by an idiotic reason. Anything that involves the human element in establishing the rating is open to corruption, error and personal choices. I think all 3 are integral parts of the sanitation ratings.
  13. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    "But 9 times out of 10 a low rating in a restaurant is caused by an idiotic reason. "

    i seriously doubt that. it takes several problems for a restaurant to receive a B grade. restaurants know the system. most receive 2 points for attending the education class. if they know what gets points deducted and still receive a B grade then in my opinion it is very poor management. and most of these restaurants have a history of sanitation problems. so our family will continue to not dine at any restaurant that has a 91 grade and below posted because in reality they only scored 89 (B) in sanitation. we don't consider the 2 points when we decide whether or not to stay and eat in a restaurant.
  14. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    This is why we don't eat out!! You really don't know what you're eating. Now, don't come back and say "most kitchens in homes would not pass inspection." WELL, I can promise you mine would!! If you're in doubt about yours, then eat in these nasty restaurants around here. JMHO
  15. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    where is the website for johnston county? I cant seem to find it anywhere. I reviewed the link above for wake county, it was cool.
  16. rrgreennc

    rrgreennc Well-Known Member

    Sanitation ratings for most North Carolina counties are available from the NC Department of Environmental health, while a few (like Wake) use their own web sites.

    I recommend this link on the WRAL web site for all restaurant grades:
  17. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

  18. EV323

    EV323 Member

    I know first hand what the inspection entails as I have worked in restaurants during th "inspection". The way the inspection is worded always sounds worse than it is(unless of course there is vermin involved!)
    Lately the inspectors seem to deduct way more points than they have been in years past.(I don't know, maybe bonuses at the end of the year?)
    Some deductions have been: Salt and Pepper in plastic containers not labeled(2 points)-which by the way is the same decduction had they seen a pregnant rat!
    Employee had soda on counter(ooo)
    Beer keg on floor(it is a metal keg!)
    Dumpster door open(in a dumpster 100 yards away
    And many more along the same lines.
    Some restaurants do not have the extra 2 points, because it could be expired and they have not gone back to the 40 hour class and paid their money to attend it.

    I have personally attended some auctions on restaurants that have received a good rating and seen the kitchen and it was disgusting!
    One, I knew I had eaten at.
    The general public seem to put alot of faith in the grades, but if the place is clean, the bathrooms clean and the foood is good, that is enough for me.
    People think the rating is cleanliness and lately it really does not seem to be. If they notice, most restaurants that are busy, usually will get a lower mark than those that aren't.
    It also depends on the person inspecting, their mood etc.
  19. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    The dumster door being open always cracked me up. Especially if the dumpster is out in the open. Unless you keep a lock on the door, someone is going to use it for their household trash.
  20. lindenul

    lindenul Well-Known Member

    I still wont eat at any place that shows a B or lower.

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