Yep, I was listening. I can't believe people would actually even consider it. This world is going to hell in a handbasket!!
Apparently they've found someone who is going to let Mike and his girlfriend borrow their baby for a weekend, so he can get first hand experience, in exchange for a PS3. They've drawn up a contract and everything. I hope this is a hoax, otherwise I'm rather sick to my stomach thinking about it.
Does he have a new girlfriend? Didn't the other chick take off after they moved in together, got the puppy, and started playing house?
borrow a baby? could technically be "babysitting" for the weekend BUT I sure as hell know who my kid is going to be with and to be quite honest the older one has never stayed over night with anyone that isn't family so... those people are freaking nuts and to do it for a PS3, I think those parents need to be tested for drugs. Crazy people! :lol: And why in the heck does he need first hand experience? Last I listened to the showgram (earlier this year) he had broken up with his girlfriend (or she dumped him - I don't remember which) and he was pawning a ring. Now in this short amount of time there is NO WAY he could have some woman hoaxed into marring him again. And even still...I can't wrap my head around why some parent would let their kid go with some total stranger for a weekend as a TEST SUBJECT. :lol:
People, listen to me!! LOL They announced that it was a joke. They wanted to see to what extent folks would go for a PS3. They never intended to go thru with it!
Holly cow. Ok offering as a joke was bad, but people wanting to take them up on it was horrible. They should be ashamed of themselves! My jaw is still on the ground.