Potty Training...You guys are gonna kill me today...LOL

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rostrawberry, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member


    As you can see, as a mother I need help in alot of things.

    I am trying to get my almost 29 months old to go potty. She doesn't show any intrest at all. I have a potty chair and a Dora seat to go on top of a regular toilet.

    She has been telling me that she has gone in her diper since she was 13 months old so she understands the concept , etc but when I get ready to put her in the potty, she fights me.

    I even try a reward system, presents and surprises...she seems to get excited but when it is time to go do it...forgeta about it.

    I might as well wait for my 17 month old and try to teach them both at the same time...god help me.
  2. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Did I read that right? 2 1/2 year old? :shock:
    I'd just leave her on the toilet until she peed :lol:

    That's right... another reason I'm glad I don't have kids! :p
  3. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member


    I should have said 2 1/2 but she won't stay on the toilet. She will jump right off. :lol:

    Yup...I have 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 year old girls and they both wear same size dipers. Lucky me.

    I read books and etc and nothing seems to be working.
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    When she "goes" in her diaper....do you change her right away, or leave her in it awhile? Maybe if she was uncomfortable for a while she'd want to not have that feeling anymore?

    Not sure if this would work or not, depending on if it is a pee or poop... but make her change herself. Give her the clean diaper and tell her to do it herself. If you have 2 little ones, maybe she's doing it for the attention?

    My sitter potty trained my girl. She sat her on the potty about every 20-30 min after meals or drinks during the day, and she had to sit there for a short while. If she did something she got rewarded, if she did not...she was not scolded or anything....but eventually (like 2 wk period) she was trained and I never really had any problems with her. You just have to be consistant and insistant about making them at least try.
  5. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    The best advice that I can give you is what I did with my daughter. But then again, she really wasn't that hard to potty train.

    I got rid of the diapers, and bought her some really frilly girlly panties, and told her that she was a big girl, and big girls used the potty. Then I refused to put a diaper on her.

    It worked! :)
  6. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    My best advice is to take the diapers off. Take your daughter with you to the store to pick out brand new "big-girl" underwear. If she's part of the deciscion process, she may be more excited about wearing them.

    It will be a week of H3LL for you... but diapers today keep the children very dry and they don't often get uncomfortable after peeing in them. If they wet themselves a couple times, they will quickly not like the cold wet clothes. (Obvisously, continue to take the child to the potty frequently to try and avoid too many accidents.)

    If ditching the diaper is too drastic... put her underwear on before the diaper. The underwear will stay wet and cold and she might be willing to keep them dry once she see's her 3 new pair of panties are no longer available to wear.

    Of course, as you've already read in every book, try to make the process rewarding and not stressful for your daughter. NEVER scold her for having an accident. (which is very hard sometimes). Best of luck.
  7. SSM258

    SSM258 Well-Known Member

    With my daughter it was easy. I dont give my kids candy and they rarely get desserts or sweets.

    I told my daughter that if she went potty then she would get a mini peanut butter cup (her favorite candy at the time). My son has some touch issues and does not like candy much. With him I am trying lollipops. Seems to be working. He even will go poop if he knows he is getting candy.

    Know it is not the best thing to give them as a reward but it worked the first time. I only had about 2 weeks of a hyper child before I started slowing down on the candy.

    Good luck!
  8. shane gentry

    shane gentry Well-Known Member

    i have 4 boys, they just pee outside, they dont even know theres a toilet in the house.. hahahha j/k . each one of them were a little different. my youngest just got it several months ago. just one day bam ! he was using the potty and hasnt messed the bed at all that i can remember.
  9. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    Don't use diapers or pull-ups...the child has to feel the 'discomfort' of being wet and mushy. Rewards are good, but they need to be immediate (like the reese's cup) not "if you go, I'll buy you a toy next time we're at the store". Your little one is old enough to start sitting on the potty and will be interested if the older one is doing it...might as well try it.
    Lots of parents miss that early window of opportunity (if your child goes behind the couch, or hides anywhere when they're filling their diaper, it shows that they are aware that they have to 'go')...if you miss the 'window', you'll have a battle of wills on your hands. It takes parental effort to get a child potty-trained. Lots of parents use Dr Brazelton's comment that 'no child ever went to kindergarten in their diaper' as an excuse to be lazy.
    Lots of local preschools will tell you that your child has to be potty-trained to be in the 3 year old class because children should be potty-trained by that age (unless there is a developmental problem). If there's no problem, it just tells the teachers that the parents haven't put in any effort.
    Make a big deal about how she's a 'big girl'...that is a huge ego boost at this age! Good luck...I hope it goes quickly for you...
  10. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    you and me both!

  11. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Both of my girls sees me use the toilet since they always follow me and I have to keep the door open so I can see what they are doing but they are usually right there and I tell them what I am doing and how to use the toilet paper, etc. I said "this is what bigg people do" and Gabriela and Isabella, you are getting big also.

    I may have to try to cut clean with her by putting undies on her and see what happens. Some of what you all told me...I tried. Thanks.

    I will keep you all updated ...hopefully it won't be H'LL for me.
  12. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Our child took a bit longer to potty train than my wife and I when we were that age. However, we never pushed too hard; only encouraging to move out of diapers and into the disposable training pants and then on to cotton underwear.
    The day will come and 2 1/2 years isn't that old. Pediatricians will almost uniformly discourage too much pressure nowadays because it can often make it even harder or cause them to revert back to needing their diaper. Bad experiences along with a fear of the unknown can cause a delay. We went rather easily from diapers to using a standard potty and hardly ever have any accidents at night or otherwise. No bed wetting either.
  13. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Amen, girl!
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I agree with this one. It sounds like she just isn't ready. Try again in a few months, low pressure.
  15. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    I have a 5 1/2 year old that isn't consistent with the poopy part, yet. I joke that my 2 1/2 year old will done training before the older one. Welcome to parenthood. I swear some days I'll never see the end of diapers. It's a myth. :p
  16. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    When she is ready ... she'll do it. My oldest had interest since she was 18 mo. or so but had no interest in wearing panties or going regularly on the potty. One afternoon a few weeks after her third birthday she declared she was no longer wearing diapers and was dry day and night from that day forward.

    Ask your daughter throughout the day if she wants to try the potty and leave it at that. It will save you and her a lot of frustration.
  17. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    My .02 worth...

    We went COLD TURKEY from diapers to big boy undies when DS was 2.5 y/o. I pressed upon him that "Bob the Builder", "Scooby" or whoever the character undies of the day were; DID NOT want pee-pee on them. Plus we spent a great deal of time outside (it was spring), wearing only a t shirt & real undies. DS got to "water the plants" until he got the hang of it. It took about 3-4 days, but he was already dry at night & had the poop part down.

    I do not miss those MAN LOAD diapers. No sir!

    Knock on wood here.... we have had only 3 nighttime wet bed issues in 2++ years! Yippppiiieeee!!!!
  18. Beezor

    Beezor Well-Known Member

    And not to make you feel worse, once you get the pee pee in the potty down pat, THEN you have to deal with the poop. That was another whole issue for us. She would hold that for days. Then it hurts, then they don't want to go, etc, etc. I though once you had one down, you were good to go. Little did I know...LOL
    BTW, 2 1/2 isn't that old to not be potty trained. Don't stress yourself or her about it yet. It really will happen when she is ready. Good luck!!!
  19. ECUBound

    ECUBound Guest

    As a teacher at a daycare with 1s-2s and a mother of a 3 year old i can tell you what is best that I have seen w/ many children. 4get the pull ups and go straight to underwear. After a few weeks of dirty laundry ( LOTS OF IT) they will get the hang of it. I also know that making a child sit on the potty for 10 min every 45 min will also help. Just dont give up. The more you work with it the better. Make it a family effort. I know w. my daughter she sat on her little potty while I sat on the big potty. We would make it a game. Who could potty the fastest. BeLiEvE mE...it does work. Also dont get discouraged if they have accidents. everyone does it sometimes. I know that my little girl pulls her legs tooo far apart and sometimes pees over the toilet and into her pants. she dont give up....it will eventually happen.
  20. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    When the lil one is taking a nap..I will try sitting on the toilet when my 2 1/2 uses the potty. We haven't tried that yet. Maybe make a game while we are both sitting on the toilet. LOL oh my.

    I do have some underwear on hand to give it a try.

    Thanks you guys...You 'll have been great and supportive.


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