Has anyone had double vision?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Looney Tunes, Dec 24, 2006.

  1. Looney Tunes

    Looney Tunes Well-Known Member

    Ok, my DH has been having double vision the past couple of days. We called our Doc and he said unless his blood pressure is high, he doesn't need to go to the ER. We have an appt for Tuesday with him. BUT...I am a worry wart and can not find anything on the internet that would cause this except a stroke, or something from birth.

    I know this is a long shot to ask on Christmas Eve but I thought I would try. Thanks and please no jokes....
  2. ILoveRedHeads

    ILoveRedHeads Well-Known Member

  3. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    The symptoms of stroke depend on what part of the brain is damaged. In some cases, a person may not even be aware that he or she has had a stroke.

    Usually, a SUDDEN development of one or more of the following indicates a stroke:

    Weakness or paralysis of an arm, leg, side of the face, or any part of the body
    Numbness, tingling, decreased sensation
    Vision changes
    Slurred speech, inability to speak or understand speech, difficulty reading or writing
    Swallowing difficulties or drooling
    Loss of memory
    Vertigo (spinning sensation)
    Loss of balance or coordination
    Personality changes
    Mood changes (depression, apathy)
    Drowsiness, lethargy, or loss of consciousness
    Uncontrollable eye movements or eyelid drooping
    If one or more of these symptoms is present for less than 24 hours, it may be a transient ischemic attack (TIA). A TIA is a temporary loss of brain function and a warning sign for a possible future stroke.
  4. Looney Tunes

    Looney Tunes Well-Known Member

    Thank you, he has no other symptoms of any kind. I have been watching him very closely. No other signs of a stroke. His doctor spoke to him on the phone too.
  5. ksmahgrts

    ksmahgrts Well-Known Member

    any trauma? chance of facial fracture? any history of migraines or other headaches? he take any meds or start any new meds?

    double vision is a tricky symptom. could be nothing - could be something very serious. in any case it's not something i'd ignore or delay getting checked out. and certainly not something where i'd wait around for a secondary symptom to appear.

    if it were me and it didn't resolve almost immediately, i'd be headed to the ER. you just don't mess around with neuro symptoms.

    good luck
  6. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    A brain tumor maybe?
  7. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    How many glasses of eggnog has he had?

    He have any fantasies bout the doublemint twins? :lol:

    Seriously, once every few years, I get some sort of migraine that only affects the eyes, no actual pain in the head, it just usually starts out as a bright "spot" then grows to double vision, then goes away within an hour or so. If the doc says wait, I'd just wait. Once the hubby says "lets go." then I'd go to the ER.
  8. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I work with someone who just had eyesight problems, and his were attributed to his blood sugar count being way, way, way too high. He was never and still hasn't been diagnosed as a diabetic, even though its in his family history. Something, and they dont know what, as far as I know, made his blood sugar level spike unbelievably high.
  9. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    Blood sugar levels can do it. My wife has had a problems with her vision lately and the eye dr. sent her to Chapel Hill for tests due to some possibility of MS causing the problem. Her optic nerves were very swollen and was causing her vision to be blurred in her left eye. They then scheduled her an emergency MRI and it turns out that she has Optic Nueritis (sp). It will get better, it will just take time. Her high blood sugar is a possible cause of it.

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