High Speed Internet Provider

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by sheblondy, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

    Who is everyone using? We are constantly having probs with RR. After we receive a few emails, we get an over-quota email. There is nothing saved, all is deleted, etc and still it only allows a few emails...........Any suggestions?
  2. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I've been using RoadRunner since it came to the Clayton area. I haven't had a single problem with it.

    There is a worm message that announces "over quota", perhaps that's what you are getting? Have you tried contacting twc support?

    Check here to see if this resembles the email you're getting
  3. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    I haven't had a problem with RR at all. But if you use the web mail feature on the RR home page it has a built in spam filter (if I am not mistaken) which will fill up quickly and eat up your alloted e-mail space.

  4. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

  5. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Have you contacted RR support? What did they say?
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Keep your RR and use the free AIM email - way too much storage space allowed to ever fill it:-D
  7. Just One Guy

    Just One Guy Well-Known Member

    And if you change providers, you don't have to change your email address!

    Gmail is good too. Stay away from Yahoo like the plague, it seems they like to sell their email lists to spammers.
  8. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I have RR internet service and love it, but I don't use RR e-mail. I have been using Gmail for about 3 years, and didn't want to have to give out a new e-mail address to everybody when I got TWC internet service, so I just continue to use Gmail. It's great, you never have to delete anything. I can find stuff people e-mailed to me years ago using google search.
  9. IncognitO

    IncognitO Well-Known Member

    we have succesfully used RR lite with vonage for about a year, the only time I noticed an issue was when watching video, the call seemed to get a little shaky, RR Lite doesn't always work well with video anyway :cry: but for $25 dollars a month savings, I live with slower video
  10. ws

    ws Well-Known Member

    we have earthlink, but the service and the bill come from RR, and i pay RR online. i have vonage but am looking at cancelling it, now that i have a cell phone that works at my house.
  11. Lester

    Lester Well-Known Member

    Has anyone been able to get the FIOS availability website to work? We've been in our home going on 5 years now, but Verizon says our street still doesn't exist.

    Also, has anyone heard about AT&T's plans for our area? I saw that they're now advertising television services, which (should) mean that they're also going fiber to the home. Anyone know?
  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i know what ya mean, RR lite would work fine for me but with DS in the house and all he has going on with 2 systems running i know it wouldn't work for us - he told me so:lol:
  13. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Many will disagree with me in here, but, RR is a security risk. Cable Internet Service is just like a giant "wired" network. Anyone downline from you can tap into the main line and review all traffic on that line. As much as I would love to get the cable service for better speeds I'm not going to play a dice game on security.

    I use Embarq (Sprint) DSL now and other than the modem problems when they upgraded the system I've had no real big problems.

    ISP speed is relative. If you started using the web with a 300 bps baud rate modem (like I did) the speed now is great at any rate.
  14. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Ken, I'm curious? How can you prevent a line tap from gathering data, unless your using 2 way encryption on "all" transmissions? It's a serious question. If I can secure a cable line, economically, I'll switch today. I need the transfer speed increase for the file sizes I now upload.
  15. Lester

    Lester Well-Known Member

    I think he is referring to cable modems being on a local hub (allowing someone to directly connect to their cable modem and run WireShark, etc to monitor other peoples transmissions, viewing habits, etc) vs. the DSL method which is direct line back to a switched central office (blocking such a scan).
  16. Lester

    Lester Well-Known Member

    Could be compromised? Probably... it is networked.
    Will be, by a nosy neighbor that just read an article about WireShark and decided to download it for free? Not very likely.

    I haven't tested in the last couple of years, but I do know that a direct connect to my cable modem returned traffic from my neighborhood. (Back when WireShark was called Ethereal.) Does it now? Don't know, and don't care enough to check. (I use SSL for the important stuff.) I prefer Road Runner over DSL, and will remain a customer until FIOS (or an equivilent) makes it to my corner of the world.

    (As an aside, is that fiber I see them laying along highway 50?)
  17. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Make sure you did not accidently set your profile with a quota. That's where the emails are stored on 2K and XP machines. Check to see if you have a service runing called Proquota.exe. If so just kill it. If you do have it then it sounds like your machine has a policy deployed on it. To verify that you can go to "Start" then "Run" and type MMC. Click "OK". This will bring up the management console. Click on "File" then "Add/Remove Snapin". The napin screen will appear. Click on "Add" then the :Add Stand alone snapin" dialog box will appear. Scroll down to "Resultant Set of Policy" and then click "Add" then "Close". Then say "ok". Now you will see the "Resultant Set of Policy" in the MMC console. Right click on the snapin. Select "Generate RSoP Data". Accept all of the default settings. When you have done this come back and let us know if you see any Yellow triangles with exclamation marks in them. If so Right click on each one and go to the properties of each and copy and paste the results if you can.
  18. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    yada yada yadad......or get a real operating system....hint it does not come from Redmond
  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Yeah but then you will preach like you know who!!:lol:
  20. ws

    ws Well-Known Member

    i have to disagree on this post. if i wanted to steal someones info over the internet i would not tap into the main line. to time consuming and bothersome, and a risk of getting caught. if i wanted to get into someones computer i would just drive around and look for people spraying out unsecured wireless from there house and get in that way. much easier and to an inexperienced interweb no0b, they would have no clue as to whats going on.

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