Benefit Reminder

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by BigBob, May 9, 2007.

  1. BigBob

    BigBob Well-Known Member

    We're holding a benefit for my son, Scott, this Saturday at Two-Wheel Cafe and Little Brown Jug (both on Market Street in Smithfield). I'd like to invite all of you to attend.

    Scott is 29 y/o and has the most adorable 2 y/o son, Cole (not that Papa Bob is biased!). He's suffering from a type of Brain Cancer that is incurable, but they hope it is manageable.

    Anyway, we lots of activities lined up with a free shuttle operating between the two locations all day. At Two-Wheel: the first of 3 bands starts at about 12:30, carnival-style games (sorry, but with the people we expect, it may not be a place for young children), BBQ plates, and 2 raffle drawings (45" TV, and a desktop PC). At Little Brown Jug: Charity auction begins at 2:00 (TV's dining room, bedroom, and living room furniture, washer/dryer, antique sewing machine, various ceramics, etc.), 1 raffle drawing (14' fishing boat), karaoke, the Bud truck carrying a couple of kegs, and hotdog plates.

    Raffle tickets will be available that day, until about 2:00, and they are $5.00 each. I hope some of you can make it! It should be a great day.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    Due to impending royal visit by MIL on Sunday, my Saturday, according to C6, is pretty planned out with a major Honey DO list...How can we donate in lieu of being able to enjoy the festivities?

  3. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I found info!
    Some DA, (me) was looking for it in the "Neighborhood"

    i will be there. i want to win the boat. i never had a boat. I really really wany to win the boat. my boat . me.

    anyway who else is going!!!!
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i wonder if you have to be present for the drawing? i would like to go for awhile but can't stay all day - got too much going on Saturday.
  5. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Like planting verbena? :lol:
  6. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I would go, but I'll have both girls, and something tells me that it just won't be appropriate to bring them to.

    I'll buy a raffle ticket though...
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Yep:lol: And taking baby boy to the airport after he treats me to lunch cause he will be in Chicago on Mother's Day:-D
  8. BigBob

    BigBob Well-Known Member

    Sorry guys, once again WORK prevented me from staying close to the board yesterday to answer questions.

    Donations are accepted if you'd like to make one. Since we're so close to the day of the event, here are a couple of options: 1)drop off at either Two-Wheel or at Little Brown Jug, 2)drive thru any time Saturday, we will have collections spots, or 3)you can mail them to me (I'll keep an eye out for a private message to send you an address).

    Raffle tickets will be available at the event - at each location, but try and get there early because the first drawing is at around 2:30PM.

    Hope to see you Saturday!
  9. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    ok my raffle...i have to buy tickets where? by 2:30????

    Kareoke is at Little brown jug...what time....
  10. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    ^^^ditto. My Saturday is slammed full, but I'm trying to find a way to get away for an hour or so.
  11. BigBob

    BigBob Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, you don't have to be present to win the raffles. The first raffle will have 2 drawings, 1 for the 45" TV and the second for compaq desktop PC. That one is at Two-Wheel. The second is for the 14' fishing boat, and it will be held at Little Brown Jug.

    The schedule for activities is:

    12:00: Bar is open at both locations!
    12:30: Live music begins at Two-Wheel.
    2:00: Auction begins at Little Brown Jug (TVs, furniture, surplus building supplies, washer/dryer, antique sewing machine, ceramic items, etc.)
    2:30: First raffle drawing at Two-Wheel
    4:00: Second raffle drawing at Two-Wheel
    5:00: Raffle drawing at Little Brown Jug
    6:00: Karaoke starts at Little Brown Jug, on the deck
    7:30 (or so): Karaoke contest at Little Brown Jug (votes are 50 cents, vote early and often!)
    Food will be available at both locations all day
    Carnival style games, including a dunk tank, will operate at Two-Wheel all afternoon.
    The Budweiser truck + kegs will be at Little Brown Jug all afternoon.
    Miller Lite girls will be at Two-Wheel (and we think they'll be getting into the dunk tank)
    A free shuttle will operate between each location all day, until about 9:00pm.

    The karaoke will continue into the night at Little Brown Jug (until I can't go anymore!).
  12. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    you bunch of overly responsible party one even want to come out and play anymore.....

    I"ll be there BOb..
  13. Clif

    Clif Guest

    As will we (we hope).

    Don't worry, Pepper, I'll give you a ride in my new boat, when I win it. ;)
  14. BigBob

    BigBob Well-Known Member

    Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers. We raised over $5500.00 Saturday at the benefit!!

    Unfortunately, Scott suffered a grand mal siezure just before the we were to begin the karaoke contest. The ambulance rushed him to Johnston Memorial where he was stabilized. He went home that night about 12:30, and will visit with his neurologist at Duke today. This is his first siezure since February and it sure scared us. But I spoke with him yesterday and he wanted me to tell everyone "THANKS!" for the most fun he's had since this ordeal with cancer began in February.

    God bless you for supporting us!

  15. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Glad it went well Bob! Sorry I ended up not being able to make it, there was a change in plans and I had my kiddos with me this weekend. Will keep Scott in my thoughts and prayers. Take care!
  16. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Glad to hear Scott's better after Saturday night. :)

    Also glad to hear that the benefit was relatively successful.

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