Where there is smoke there is fire. I have put it out inthe open. But to be honest just about everyone has a fake name on here. Whether I make up some user name or use anonymous999999 I am still teh same person. I can go in and register and put some handle in asmy user name and post this same stuff. Will that make it more credible? Nope, it is still the same information. I learned a long time ago when you cannot deny the allegations then people attack other means not related to the subject matter. Come out and deny it or say it is true. That is all I am asking. The public hasa right to know what is going on inside of the GCAA.
Hey Anon why don't you join the GCAA if you are so interested in what they are doing. All you really want to do is stir the pot. The public has always been invited to there meetings. I guess if you showed up you would not have anything to hide behind. That is typical though, rant and rave but don't contribute. If you are not willing to get involved with them then just shut up. Put your energy and words into actions and help them out instead of complain about them.
I have tried but the communication gap is really bad. They do not respond to e-mails. I spend a lot of my time volunteering so that is not an issue. I am not trying to stir the pot. I have given them a chance to deny this and you see that all they want to do is pick on my user name and not talk about the issues. By the way, I am getting involved. I am letting the public know what is going on. If you don't believe me, go ask anyone if their president resigned today. You might find out that I know what I am talking about. By the looks of your previous posts and this post I can see where you may be a board member. Let me ask you this. Confirm or deny what I have posted instead of attacking other things. You see, no one will confirm or deny.
Since they are taking government funds I am sure the NC auditor can look into it however be careful as some label him and his staff as incompetent and stupid.
So you think it's an example of competence to undertake an audit without first knowing something about the law that applies to the agency you are auditing? And then to make an inaccurate announcement that that agency is not in compliance with the law? And don't give me that sour grapes argument. Check it out and you will find out that is exactly what happened. I know, you keep saying it was an initial audit - well, initial or not, he should know what the law is before he makes accusations. I don't doubt the auditor is quite capable of auditing financial records. And I don't doubt he could learn the law and become competent at auditing non-financial records as well. Too bad he did not choose to do that.
E-mail and public forums like this are not a way to discuss issues of this nature for the simple fact it is one sided and all parties do not have a chance to fully express what has or has not happened. Any time you write a response it can be taken in different ways and can be very misleading. The best way to get your full feel for what is going on is to come to the Board Meetings, listen and ask questions. Then you can decide for yourself instead of going on hear say of others. Once it passes from one person to another and put out to the public like this, then it becomes gossip and the true facts are lost. That is not letting the public know, that is causing havoc and tainting the reputation of the GCAA. They are a board made up of many volunteers. Throwing them all under the bus is not cool. Maybe you should go and talk to the person you have a issue with at one of there meetings. Plain and simple if your eager to know and want the facts of any of your questions come to a meeting, stand up and be a Man or Woman and ask. It is that simple.
Here is your view of the auditor Perhaps you should review the mission of the auditor's office See the part about public program performance that is what makes it his issue. This auditor likes to go after nonprofits such as GCAA if they are violating the public trust, but some people accuse him of playing partisan politics. Good place for anon99999 to start to bring further public scrutiny of a perceived wrong.
Again, challenging me to do something without confirming or denying. I believe that the county commissioners would be interested in what has been going on, especially in light of a recent bond issue.
That envolves state agencies. The GCAA is a Non Profit organization and has not received any goverment funding from the State or County.
Give them a call. They are fully aware of what is going on. That threat does not work. Please call and tell them Holdem Champ said hello.
They did not take any grant money? Thought they were the largest recipient of money from the recent bond.
I believe I accurately stated the facts. Can you show me where I did not? First they have to learn what those laws are. And they are certainly capable of doing that. I think it would be perfectly appropriate for the state auditor to conduct an audit of the GCAA (if they have taken government funds) or any other non-profit using state funds. I don't believe I ever said anything to the contrary. I don't even say it was inappropriate for the state auditor to audit the BOE. I simply state that before conducting such an audit, he has a responsibility to know the applicable law. Some research beforehand would have been appropriate.
Which is why it has been suggested that the public attend the CGAA Board meetings. If they had, they would have known this.
OK, this thing is starting to get funny. Mixing words to fit what you want to hear. The GCAA is a receipient, maybe not now but in the future, of tax paying citizens money. I believe that the main source of their problems is fixed now that the president resigned. I just find it irresponsible accouting is going on when you have members saying that they are having to pay bills with the fall money. This is just one tax paying citizen that is holding GCAA accountable. When you accepted the new fields at the new elementary school you put yourself on a tax paid field. There are members on the board that are good people and probably didn't know about half of this. That is what happens when you have over 20 hands in one pot. I truly feel sorry for them for having to go through this. But what really gets to me is that not one person will stand up to the tax paying public and state that we messed up. Instead, you attack user names and try to play the word game. Everyone is held accountable to someone and just because they try to hold you accountable doesn't mean that you have to attack them. You say, come to the meetings that they are open to the public. This is public also. Why can I not get an answer?
Because all parties are not truley represented. There are 26 views from the board on this. Each has there on. Replying on a chat room does not serve justice. Does the County use this site to debate there business or do people go to the open meetings they hold at the courthouse. That is why they are open to the public; so the public can ask questions and make there thoughts known.
Again, you are really proving my point. You keep dodging the question. You answer everything but what I am asking.
Because the entire board is not here in this public forum to address any issues brought up in this forum so therefore it is not the proper way to deal with it. The board meetings are open to the public. You show up, you tell everyone there who you are (name, parent of a player? concerned citizen? and so on) and then you state your concerns. They are either then addressed by the board at that time or tabled for a later date depending on the issue at hand. Same way the County Commissioners would work. Its not that hard to understand.