Baby's Closet (children's consignment @ 40/42) closed! Anyone know what's up?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by blessed2adopt2, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. my2girls

    my2girls Guest

    Hey Melynda

    I am soooo sorry to here that you are sad, you were one of my best customers and most pleasant, everyone loved it when you came by!!
    I hate that the kids will not beable to play. I also am sad that I will not beable to hold that precious little one, but, sometimes we have to do what is for the best. I hope you are all doing well!! How big is she now??
    Please keep my email, and maybe we can get the kids together sometime on the weekends. Until then, take care and thank you for your business!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2007
  2. Iluv2teach

    Iluv2teach Guest


    And you are a professional? You post a message on a random board without even talking to the owner first? -

    and she was there along with me working - Saturday night until 9:30pm, Sunday 12:30 pm - til 12:30 am and Monday - 10:30 am until 9:30 pm - trying to call everyone and make arrangements for their stuff and then telling everyone a check would be mailed to them. She has never cheated anyone - and you say what about the lease? I will tell you - she has been there for almost three years paying an outrageous lease amount to someone - that refuses to fix anything that goes wrong - air conditioning, leaks,..... to not only her but many, many many other tenants in the same building - who all have left and did not give anyone any notice. She only had another couple months to her lease - you people who complain - without knowing the whole story should be ashamed of yourselves. That phrase - "... until you have walked a mile in my shoes,....." need to take note.

    She is a very hard working, loving mother, friend, sister, aunt, daughter,..... that has never - NEVER willingly hurt another human being and it really upsets me that someone would try to "slander" her reputation. Maybe she should ask her lawyer about that. You owe her an apology.
  3. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I am sorry to see you go... I liked having a second hand store in the area... In fact I almost bought Bibs to Cribs. (right Ready?):lol: :lol:

    The one problem I had, that may help in the future (if you decide to venture down this road again) is someone's little girl that was there. I am not sure if she was yours or an employees, but she would always get possesive over the toys and take them away from my son when we were looking. If the mom asked her to stop she would fall down screeming, or hid in the clothes crying and the mom would say "Well she IS two you know..." It got to where he was scared to go in and look, so we stopped shopping there. Just FYI...

    Good luck with whatever you choose, you will be missed!!!
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Otherwise I have no opinion on the store - never shopped there.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2007
  5. Iluv2teach

    Iluv2teach Guest

    See - another person that believes everything he/she reads on a message board - especially someone that has not ever been into the store - or ever met the owner.

    everyone was called and no ones stuff was donated without permission. Period - end of subject. She has a garage full of items that people did not give permission to donate - she is either - 1 - waiting for a reply or 2 - waiting to try to re-contact. She even called information trying to find some of the people that have incorrect phone numbers listed. People - you need to get a life. Thank you to all those that have been understanding of the circumstances and that have at the very least called back and talked with her - you are very decent people and not 2-faced people.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2007
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I reread the thread, I missed the part about still having everything. I'll go back and edit my thread.
  7. uncfan

    uncfan Member


  8. uncfan

    uncfan Member


    Okay I talked to my husband to confirm MY FACTS. He actually did talk to you. You TOLD him YOURSELF that you would be open until 8pm to come get the clothes OR they were going to charity. He tried to explain that I was at work until AFTER 8pm but your response was NOT that you would hold them for us. That's why he got off his bed to go get them. You were not willing to work with him so don't try it. You held your ground and said come get them or they were donated.

    Second, I was concerned about my check. I asked the "Fill In" to write a note telling you I wanted my check and asked you to write it on Saturday (it was never written even though I asked). Nice try there.

    To another point - about 2 weeks I had your other "fill in" (I guess these ladies are not employees) to log a note in the computer stating that I never wanted my clothes to be given away. I had come in at the end of my 90 days and asked was I suppose to take them down that day or what. I was told that I could leave them up for another 30 days and she wrote a note to NEVER give my clothes away that I would come get them. I watched her type it in the computer. You knew my wishes. I was logged. You also had a handwritten request to write my check on Saturday. Neither or which was followed.

    Third, I've been in the business world for 10+ years and have run one so I know all about it. That's how I knew that when all Melissa and Doug puzzles, all jewelry and all purses and all other vendor stuff was either miraculously sold or removed that there was something up. I also noted that no toys were on the top shelf (was just there the last 2 wks and they were there) and could tell you all the stuff removed. In fact I asked your "fill in" where's this and where's that. I specifically showed her what was missing. She said it was gone. Not that it was sold b/c there's no way you sold all that. Now I didn't assume the worst "that you were closing" I guessed the heck out of it. I was right and told the girl it looks like you are closing. That's why I asked. The business person in my told me you were closing b/c there's no way a store looks that empty. Face it you were closing and trying to save face now.

    I called it and you can't admit it. It has nothing to do with Jesus so I'm not buying it. If there is smoke there is a fire. If it's looks like you are closing you are closing. Facts are facts. Thanks for saying that I assumed the worst. It's actually a compliment seeing how it looked like you were closing and you did.

    The rest of the stuff I'm not answering b/c it doesn't pertain to me. I only care about how you treated ME a customer and a consignor.
  9. uncfan

    uncfan Member

    Response to professional

    Okay let's just stick to my facts. Yes I'm professional otherwise I wouldn't have made it in the business world. Second, I never said anything about a lease or anything else. What are you talking about? I'm only addressing my 2 experiences. My visit before she closed and how the closing went for my family. To the other stuff I know nothing about and don't plan to address.

    As for contacting her I didn't have an email nor phone number to call and discuss this (the store phone was disconnected). That's why I was so glad this thread was started. I'm frustrated with no way to get answers.

    As for apology I don't owe her one. My experience on Friday and my husband's on Monday happened by the owner and her employee. They are what they are. You can't change that. She and her employee said what they did. The store was already half empty. It just was. I saw smoke and thought hmmm fire. Kudos to me. No apology. Should I get a check in the mail then I'll let the WHOLE board know I got a check. I'll sing it from the rafters. Yippeeee.
  10. uncfan

    uncfan Member

    Cleopatra was right

    Hate to tell you but Cleopatra was right. It was last minute and shady. My husband tried but had no choice but to get off the sickbed. It was just that way. My number was right. I was home and Sat and Sun and could have gone to the store but NO PHONE CALL. I repeat NO PHONE CALL until Monday late and told come now or lose them. No options no offers of help. Maybe the owner was tired by then but that's the way the call went.
  11. my2girls

    my2girls Guest

    In response to all of your NEGATIVE replys

    Where is your business now????? What happened to it???? Wonder why you are not in business now????? You did not own my business or me so you can't tell me how I should have done things. It is what it is, the store is closed now and noone is going to reopen it just for you, just to make you happy! Do you really live your life wondering why people didn't kiss your rear after treating my employees the way you did from day one??? Sorry, I don't kiss rear, so guess you need to get over it. The business is closed, you got your items(HELLO, THEY WERE NOT DONATED)
    What's done is done!!! Has your cup always been half empty?? Obviously no one could ever do anything to please you, I feel sorry for anyone that has to live with you on a daily basis. Kudos to them, because I would not!!!! Get a real life!!!!
    I Have one now that I don't have to deal with people like you.
    Goodbye and good writtence!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2007
  12. Iluv2teach

    Iluv2teach Guest

    You were not told to lose them - and how many items are you talking about? well either your husband or you tell stories - I was in the store when she called and when he came in - he was concerned - which I understand -but the end of June is not here yet - you will get a check - everyone will. Quit judging without knowing all the facts. You just know your side of the story and have not even talked with the owner. As far as the fill in clerks this is the main reason she had to close. I am very sorry for you having to only had 2 hours notice - but she called everyone Sat. and Sun. and left messages - and you were one of the ones recalled and recalled and recalled - (the whole world does not go by your schedule) so that you would not be left out in the dark. Be thankful she did call back. Maybe there were some misunderstandings - on BOTH - sides - she is the owner of the store - she decides what decisions to make for the business - and out of 200 customers there were only a couple that did not understand - or sympathetic, compassionate,..... took the time to find out the whys before bashing her,...... When you consign - you agree to give 60% of the value of your items to the store - to cover the cost of selling your items. You agreed to that - and yes the clothes should have been picked up after 90 days - and you tried - I understand that - but please don't hate the owner for incompetent people that don't do their job. You did make money from her store - but you don't want to tell about that part. Please have a little patience - your check will get there -
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    That's not very Jesus-like. Hehehehehe, I loved the reference to Jesus in your first post!! And, I'll tell you what possibly made me overlook all the facts was your tone...

    THIS -

    Uh-Huh. So it was THEIR fault you had a fill in. OK. WOW. She is supposed to chase YOU down to get her money/stuff? Glad I never shopped there. I don't kiss rear either, especially when I am the customer.
  14. my2girls

    my2girls Guest

    Is your cup half empty too???

    Looks like you and UNCFan need to hang out sometime, you both are very much alike in your thinking. There again you did not own the business or me so therefore you were not allowed to make the final decisions, bad for you, good for me. All consignors knew that checks were only wriiten on Saturdays when I was there, it's been like that for several months now. She just received a check last month by knowing this fact, the check was left for her to pick up the following week and that would have been the case this time if the store had not been closed. I did not write any checks on Saturday because I was focusing on calling all of the consignors and get everything packed up, maybe I should have called the both of you to come and help out, seeing that you both know it all. What was I thinking? Maybe you should open your own store now and be partners, I would love to see how that works out!!!
    Until you know all of the facts than maybel you need to rethink your comments. Neither of you will ever know all of the facts and that is how it's going to be. Sorry you weren't in the loop. Wonder why???
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yes, and it has backwash in it.

    "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

    -- Mahatma Gandhi
  16. women together

    I have not been a fan of message boards in the past because people seem to hide behind hateful comments over the internet, yet put on a different face in person. First, I would like to say that I helped out at Baby's Closet and yes I am the one with the little girl who thought that all the toys in the store were hers. Helping out at the store has been one of the best things that has happened to me this year. You see, months after I began helping out, my mother died. Her passing turned our whole family upside down. Yes, even my little girl. The owner of Baby's Closet reached out to me in a way I wasn't used to. She worried about me all the time. She called me all the time and checked on me a number of times when she knew I was on a road trip and shouldn't be alone. She stuck it out with me to the end. She didn't know me that well at that time , but stuck it out anyway. She became like a sister. My point is that women should stick it out together. We are all mothers trying to do right by our kids. We are all looking for ways to save money for our families. Bottom line is.....Our friend, the owner of Baby's Closet had to close. Her family, her friends and job needed more of her and she had to cut something out and it was the store. We all loved the store and hate to see it go, so tempers are up. She closed the store in a way that worked for her and her life. Yes it was fast, but as a friend, customer, helper and women to boot......I support her decision. We are women and it's a tough world, we should support each other, love each other.
    Secondly, I also felt hurt by the comment about my daughter. As you already read, our lives were turned upside down and we all became affected. Posting that message after the fact, could only cause pain. In fact most the these posts are to cause pain. I'm hurt people are attacking my friend, my self and my daughter. Please, as a women, lets stop this and do what Jesus would do. Good luck to all.
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Nobody attacked your daughter, they said they would be more apt to shop there is she weren't so possesive of the toys. And I thought the place closed down because of the building repairs needed. Do I need to go back and reread again?

    ETA - When you post your business on the internet, you open yourself up to other's opinions. Even if they are not all sunshine and rainbows.
  18. Cleopatra, Jesus may love you , but I think you're a butt hole.
    By the way, your name is fitting.
    ETA- when you post on the internet, you open yourself up. How does it feel?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2007
  19. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Well, maybe more "sunshine and rainbows" needs to be used around here. There are more "thunderstorms' for opinions than can be counted on this board and everyone knows it.

    As far as business owners and consignors, there obviously was some miscommunication. If a consignor is worried about money, they have a responsibility to follow up as well. It is obvious to me, never having the opportunity to shop there, that this lady and her business was as legit as it could be. Had there been mistakes? I'm sure there were. But name one person on earth today that hasn't made any????? Even in their own business persay???

    The owner is trying as HARD as she can to be fair here. Grow up and be mature enough to help her out to get things settled as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    As far as the little girl goes, I hope she and her family are doing much better since the passing of the mother/grandmother. And she's a LITTLE GIRL. Give her a break. Kids are kids.......
  20. my2girls

    my2girls Guest

    To all of the kind people on this thread!

    It is true I have made mistakes in the past with my life, my business and my decisions, but, last I checked I am human and mistakes happen. I am sure I will make many more in my future on this earth.
    Everyone makes them, regardless of who you are!!
    Thanks for recognizing that! I have learned alot of lessons in the past 3 years and the biggest one is that "I can't please everyone all the time" believe me, I sure tried!!!! Thanks to everyone for your loyal business and the many friendships that I have gained along the way!! God Bless!!!!!

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