Update: my neighbor is harrassing me

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by CheerBearNc, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. CheerBearNc

    CheerBearNc Guest

    At what point does harrassment become illegal? This woman is sending everyone and her mother out here to TRY and fine us for one thing or another. However- we are not in violation of anything she has accused us of. I talked with a sherriff who said, have you tried asking her what she wanted, Well, I tried and let me tell you- that did not end as pleasantly as I liked. It started off nicely and ended with her TELLING me what I NEED to do. She yelled at us the other day that she will be calling some other people to get things done that the last people couldn't. I dunno... Also the other day she was watching me and my sister in law, ( which is nothing too unusual) and she was leaving and she saw that we were getting in the car to leave as well. She slowly drove by her house watching and then drove off. A few minurtes later we left to go to the store. I kid you not- she was driving down a 55 mile an hour road and saw us coming up behind her and slammed on her brakes so she was going 25 miles an hour. What for? We could have rear ended her. We went around her- luckily noone was in the other lane on that 2 lane road. Thank you for letting my vent and any advice would be much appreciated.
  2. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    Dear Lord! Do you and TurtlePits happen to leave near each other? She just had a thread on here earlier this week about a crazy neighbor too! My suggestion would be to take out a restraining order on this person.....
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!!!! And I mean everything!!!
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    with Video
  5. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    All our crazy neighbors are FAMILY!!!
    Gotta LOVE them, they came with the package like we did & I'm sure they all say we are the crazy ones!

    Of course, in my FAMILY you have to WORK HARD to be crazy, it's the norm!
  6. TheAntHillMob

    TheAntHillMob Active Member

    Would you mind telling us what she "WANTS YOU TO DO"
  7. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    The women probably needs meds, and just think she used to be a teacher. Lord help the children.
  8. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Cheerbear, refresh my memory if you don't mind. This is the neighbor who had a fit over your burn barrel, right? If so, what is her problem with you now? :?
  9. CheerBearNc

    CheerBearNc Guest

    her problem now is that the barrell is not off MY property. She wants it moved. Shs has only been here 2 months.
  10. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Sounds like she needs to get a life. ;)
  11. Aglassnut

    Aglassnut Well-Known Member

    Geez, sounds like you got a real wacko for a neighbor. If she's harassing you, you need to document everything and video is a plus. If you have a small digital camera like the one my wife and I have, they have a video mode, use it. That way, you can take out a restraining order and have proof of the harassment. If you don't, keep a record of dates, times, conversations, etc. Do what you can to protect yourself and maybe someone will drop a house on her, like in the movie.

  12. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Can you elaborate on the burn barrel? Why is it still on your property? Do you use it to burn things? Have you burned things in the past? Does the smoke leave your property?
  13. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    I can answer this for her, 1) yes where would it go: 2) Not any more since first complaint: 3) Yes yard debris: 4) yes to the great heavens.
    I am her mom and I answered this way because this women is nuts. My daughter stopped burinng when the lady first complained. But does she stop no, she calls and reports that my daughter and her husband are looking at her mean. The NC Planning board says they are closing the case because nothing illegal is being done at my daughters house. Now the woman says she will call the Environmental board. Then she slams her breaks on when she sees my daughter car behind her. Thank God the grandchildren weren't in the car. How do you fight a NUT. I live by a rule that is, (if you mess with my kids you take me on.)
  14. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Well if she stopped burning I don't see any problem. I think the neighbor should leave her alone. I would never smoke up my neighbor's property though without asking fist. Burning was okay when we used to live a mile from our nearest neighbor, but not anymore. If this lady is just upset about having to look at the barrel, I'd say she's acting ridiculous.
  15. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    We used to have some neighbors who kept an immaculate yard and they would burn their yard waste in their ditches from time to time. I must say, it wasn't very pleasant to have a neighborhood full of smoke, but we never complained about it because it was just an occasional thing. Your neighbor got her way when you stopped the burning. Some people are never satisfied. :roll:
  16. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    I have to say that no one should have to have their house smell like smoke and it seeps in through every crack. If I were going to burn, I would pick a day when the wind was blowing away from my neighbor and I would ask my neighbor for permission beforehand. Common courtesy solves a lot of problems. Sounds like CheerBear has mended her ways, so I think the neighbor should be forgiving.
  17. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I think playing the "Devils Advocate " role is lame.
  18. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    You can think what you want, but usually people don't just freak out for no reason at all. And Cheerbear was curiously vague in her description of the situation.
    :?: :? :?: What does she want you to do? Why not tell us?

    I could be wrong. Cheerbear could be the best neighbor in the world being harassed by an insane lunatic for no reason.
  19. jdk

    jdk Well-Known Member

    a few things you need to do is document everything starting from your first encounter list statements, dates, times and who has come to your home and if you have received a fine ( this will all help in the end result)

    if they are tresspassing or of the sort it is your word against the "neighbors"
    recently on a program (sorry don't remeber the name but it a cops version caught on tape) they had a neighborhood flasher

    anytime this woman went to take out her trash, get her mail this guy walked out with his robe open and was all skin underneath
    she documented, went to the police, filed reports and in the end it was her word and many other neighbors against his
    she set him up and he had to be caught on tape in order to further be prosecuted

    if they call you tape your conversations some answering machines offer this feature

    good luck
  20. jdk

    jdk Well-Known Member

    human resource terms to put into action in real life

    don't allow yourself any level of abuse
    communicate to protect yourself ( to authorities )
    keep a critical events log
    document converstions and/ or actions taken
    make a plan of action for further improvement

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