Baby's Closet (children's consignment @ 40/42) closed! Anyone know what's up?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by blessed2adopt2, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Once Upon a Child

    Foget about Consignment shops...

    If you have children, you should go to "Once upon a child'. Great place to shop and you can make a bundle up front if you bring your outgrown childrens clothes to them. It has to be in good condition.

    They take all kinds of toys, maternity clothes, strollers, cribs, toddler beds...too many to list.

    The stores that I know of, are located in Goldsboro, Greenville, and in Raleigh.

    Once again, reasonable prices you can't beat.
  2. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member


    I went back to read my post...I sound like a radio announcer :)
  3. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    just and update, but call once upon a child first before you go. I went a few weeks ago with a lot of gymboree stuff (I'm talking a basket full) and they only bought a few items. They told me they really weren't taking much of anything at that I wish I had called first :)

    I guess it's just a hit or miss thing. Sometimes I've done exceptionally well there, and other times...well not so good.

  4. Iluv2teach

    Iluv2teach Guest

    cleopatra - I looked your profile up and I completely agree with your description of yourself. Then I looked up other posts you have made comments in - and you do the same there - trolling.
    You said you have never been to the store - or have not read the posts correctly - you have completely read the little bits and made your own conclusions. How old are you? sounds like a teeny-bopper.
  5. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    True, you should call first.

    The new store just opened in Greenville about a week ago and my parents live in the area and they told me about it. They are pretty much taking everything at the moment (things that are in good condition).

    It was sad to see my clothes go but the money that I made off of it went right into my daughters' savings.


  6. OMG... does anyone have their facts straight?

    I just have to say that the majority of the posts here are completely off base. It seems that very few people have bothered to get all the facts before slamming Tracey for closing HER store. Yes, I said HER store... not yours. I understand the concern over lost merchandise and lost money, but she is doing everything she can to address those concerns and see that her former customers get what is due them. I was in the store the weekend of the closing and heard her call numerous people... many of which never returned her call, or had old phone numbers and no new information. I also know that she has a garage full of things that people haven't yet picked up and that clothing and items where not just given away without permission. Those that chose to donate to charity should be commended... the items will go to those that really need them (I'm pretty sure it was children of our military troops that the things would be going to overseas).
    As for those of you that haven't received checks and claim that she is "stealing" from you, she told everyone that she was going to write the checks at the end of the month... it's NOT the end of the month quite yet. Be patient... you'll get them.
    I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and relax a bit. Unless you've been in Tracey's shoes and were trying to do everything that she's doing, you can't really speak about her position. I know she's STILL doing everything in her power to bring everything to a positive conclusion for all concerned.
  7. Breezy18

    Breezy18 Well-Known Member

    :) Good Luck Tracey!!

    I have been both a consignor and a customer of Baby's Closet. Tracey has always been very professional and was very nice to deal with. I did not feel like just another consignor, but a friend. I am sorry that people are upset with the way the store was closed. Sounds to me she is still trying to please (that is her nature!) and some just cannot be pleased.

    I wish you the best of luck Tracey in your future ventures. Try not to read this board any longer. You have placed your contact information out there for the consignors to contact you. That is all that is needed. Do not feed the people that are just making negative comments and trying to make you miserable. You are a good person and don't let anyone tell you different!!!
  8. uncfan

    uncfan Member

    Okay - I was NEVER called on Sat or Sun. I've check the phone records and my caller id. No phone call and I'd LOVE to hear how you came to that conclusion. You stated I was one of the ones she recalled how do you know? There no messages, no voicemails, no caller id and no incoming calls logged (we can see that online and checked). SO NEVER CALLED.

    Second - I never said/wrote/implied that I hated anyone. I've NEVER tried to make it personal. Just responding as my experience and how I as a consignor was treated during the closing. That's it.

    Third - many posts (not just yours) indicate that I am being impatient b/c my check was coming and "it's not the end of June yet". Well yesterday was and no check. BUT I'll say for the record that it might have been mailed yesterday so it should be here at least by July 7th. At which time I will post a YIPPEEEE comment like I promised.
  9. uncfan

    uncfan Member

    Thanks Cleopatra

    I just want to say thanks. It seems I'm at fault here and yet I can't find the facts to support that.
  10. uncfan

    uncfan Member

    Confusing me w/ someone else maybe?

    I think you might have me confused with someone else b/c I didn't get a check last month. I wasn't owed anything (I checked). Since you don't know who I am please don't upset someone else thinking they are me.
  11. my2girls

    my2girls Guest

    what is your name than????

    Let's have your name than we can compare apples to oranges.
  12. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I feel like this thread belongs on the grade school board. All adults please leave the room... :lol:
  13. my2girls

    my2girls Guest

    Yeah I agree

    I thought I had left that peddy mess years ago, it's still chasing me!
  14. Iluv2teach

    Iluv2teach Guest

  15. luvmypoodle

    luvmypoodle Guest

    please call me

    Tracy,please call me,I sent you an email last night.You have my numbers.Thanks,Amy
  16. uncfan

    uncfan Member

    Got my money!!

    I promised that I'd write if I got my check. Just got my check in the mail. Thanks
  17. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    I got mine too! :-D
  18. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    No check

    I have two friends that are still waiting on the checks that were promised.
  19. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    Have they contacted her through the email address she gave on a previous post here? I have been in contact with her through email and apparantly she was having some kind of software issues. She said it was straightened out last week and I got my check on Saturday. She is probably working on getting the checks out since fixing the problem. Hopefully they will get theirs this week. She has been very good about answering emails, so I would suggest they try that if they haven't already.
  20. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member


    This sounds all too familiar. You run a business and don't do what they want you to and the 40/42 mafia blasts you on an open forum to get their jollies. Just pray that if you open one up next to the new WalMart that you don't have the protest group in front of your place of business...........

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