What do you know about Clayton High School?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by momtothree, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. momtothree

    momtothree Member

    My daughter, who has been homeschooled every year except 1, will be attending CHS in a couple of weeks. She can't wait, but I'm worried. I have heard some disturbing things about this school and would like to hear from those who have good news or bad news for me.


  2. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

  3. momtothree

    momtothree Member

  4. momtothree

    momtothree Member

    I read a lot of the posts and there was much violence mentioned, but no one seemed to want to mention which school(s). I don't understand. I think we need to be specific so others can know what to expect.
  5. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    With as many kids as there are at CHS, it is a good school. Problems do occur but administration deals with them quickly. I am impressed with Jerry Smith...he truly cares.
  6. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    I am a 1956 graduate of Clayton High School. I am also the founder and past president of our Clayton High School Alumni Association. (www.claytonalumni.com)
    Clayton High School is a excellent high school. Our graduates do very well at major universities. After looking at the applications for our scholarship applicants for the past 3 years I can tell you there are a lot of outstanding students at Clayton High School. Like all other high schools there will always be problem situations and problem students. But under the leadership if Principal Jerry Smith, Clayton High School is a well run high school. I am confident your daughter will love the school.
  7. momtothree

    momtothree Member

    I am so glad to hear that! That makes me feel so much better! Thank you!
  8. momtothree

    momtothree Member

    Thank you! I really needed to hear that! I am so worried about her.
  9. openminded

    openminded Well-Known Member

    My youngest was a newby at CHS last year and had a wonderful experience. Yes, there are daily issues that are dealt with as in every school across the country. We did hear about fights etc., but we also had a child at WJH and heard about the same things on a daily basis about that school. I really couldn't say if one seemed to be worse than the other, about equal. I will have to say that the teachers at CHS appeared to be more involved with the students on an individual basis, JUST OUR EXPERIENCE PEOPLE SO DON'T JUMP ON THIS, remember we had one at each school to compare. The school spirit is so much better when it comes to supporting the athletic teams and there's a bigger turn out for the all of the games. They just seemed to have more school fun overall. My youngest child has a lot of respect for Jerry Smith, very much like a grandfather image and very approachable. As with all teenagers there will be pressure, just stick to your guns on the important issues for your child and she'll do great. If you would like send me a private message, maybe the two young'uns can talk about school etc..
  10. aydansnana

    aydansnana Well-Known Member

    Both of my children graduated from CHS with Jerry Smith as principal - he is awesome. Nothing but a positive influence with students and I feel that Clayton is very fortunate to have him. Totally agree with PirateGirl
  11. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Why did you home school to begin with?? Nothing is wrong with that school.
  12. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    My son just graduated last year and my daughter is starting this year. I have to say that it is a pretty good school. Last year was their first year of the new freshmen building. My son was in Marching band all 4 years and my daughter is in it this year. I think it is a pretty good school.
  13. When does HighSchool start here in NC
  14. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    School starts Mon, Aug 27th!!
  15. :lol: Thanks!
    No kids here, but I'm a Yankee transplant, and school starts the second week of September for my nephews!
  16. momtothree

    momtothree Member

    We weren't happy with the school she was attending (Cooper Elementary) so we took her out. We've homeschooled her ever since. I had a son that graduated from CHS but it's been a few years.

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