A Mule Days Newbie needs help

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmomtothree, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. ncmomtothree

    ncmomtothree Well-Known Member

    For all you mule days vets out there:

    We have never been to Mule Days. Have some family coming in for the weekend with boys so figure this is something they might enjoy. What are some tips for dealing with traffic/parking etc for Saturday? Are there events we do not need to miss? And how is the Rodeo?

    We will have 3 boys ages 8, 9 and 11 as well as 2 girls age 5. Thanks so much for the help!
  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    If you want to see the parade from a good spot, plan to be there an hour early.

    The carnival is just your standard small town carnival, save your money for the State Fair next month.

    Never been to the rodeo, can't help you there.

    You should be okay with the kids during the day, but Mule Days at night, is NOT a child friendly place.

    Have fun and stay safe!
  3. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I second the "dont go at night".... I have brought my horses there and let's say it is not the four legged animals that act like A&&'s at night. With a little alcohol, pretend cowboys get stupid.

    The rodeo was a bit pricey, somewhere around $10 each... they used to have free activities like the Donkey pull (when they pull huge amounts of weights on a pallet) my kids liked that. There are lots of vendors selling cowboy hats and belts etc... mini marshmallow shooters were my boys favorite last year.:roll: I am still finding them in the carpet in the playroom.

    There are supposed to be a lot of changes this year to make it safer, we saw some pedestrians almost get stopped on by a very large horse last year. So be careful and have fun!!
  4. m2475

    m2475 Well-Known Member

    The parade is a good thing to go to. Do not take the kids at night. It is not a place young kids need to be!!!
  5. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Question. Can you camp at Mule Days. Is there a camp ground.

    How would I find this out?

    Thanks yall.:lol:

    Never mind, I found it.

    Here is a website. http://www.bensonmuledays.com/index.html

    85 dollars to camp. 200 if you want electric and all. OMG. Is there anywhere else to camp close by that anyone knows of?
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2007
  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I really don't mean to stereotype here, but I don't think I'd camp out myself in Benson during Mule Days...at least not on the road that runs parallel to I-95. There seems to be some rough-looking chracters that make their way to Mule Days. Again, there might be some better areas, but I've noticed a lot of the nicer trucks and trailers parked at the Motels. Then factor in that Benson is just another small town 361 days of the year and that their police force is sized accordingly. I assume that the Johnston Co. Sheriffs Department helps out but still not enough to make me feel comfortable sleeping in a pasture with who knows what.
  7. ncmomtothree

    ncmomtothree Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the tips guys. We will try and make the parade and see what goes from there. Everyone enjoy Mule Days!
  8. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I think every one for got one very important piece of advice! I been to many times and my advice is: Watch where you step! Particularly after the parade or on the way to the carnival area. :lol: :lol:

    Here's something I stumbled across that may be a little helpful.
    ...After reading it, it may scare a few away! ;)
    (published in 2006)

    Saddle up for Mule Days, but mind your manners

    Mandy Locke, Staff Writer
    BENSON - Cowboys from as far away as the Mississippi River are rolling into this crossroads town of 3,200 today to celebrate the 57th annual Mule Days.

    The four-day festival pays tribute to Benson's bustling mule trade at its height around World War II. This weekend, more than 80,000 people and hundreds of four-legged creatures are expected to crush into the town's center for rodeos, street dances, mule pulls and a parade. If you are thinking of making the trip, bear this advice in mind:

    MIND YOUR MANNERS. The local constables hand out tickets like souvenirs. No cursing on the highway, urinating in people's yards and walking through the streets with a long-neck Budweiser. Police say the best rule is to avoid drawing attention to yourself.

    DRESS THE PART. When in Benson for Mule Days, it's best to dress like a cowboy. Wranglers and bolo ties are a must. Benson barber Richard Bridges suggests watching Hank Williams Jr.'s music video of "That's How We Do It In Dixie" for some fashion advice.

    MULES CAN'T PLAY AFTER DARK. Don't even try bringing your beast out for a ride come nightfall. Cowboy Chris Lutterloah pressed his luck last year and landed in jail after letting loose some choice words at his mule, Jack, after police ordered him back to his campsite. It took him two trips to court to get out of trouble.

    BOOTS ARE A MUST. You never know when you will step in some. And there is a good chance you could get stepped on by a creature that outweighs you by eight times.

    BRUSH UP ON YOUR TWO-STEP. Mule Days offers plenty of foot-tapping, hip-swaying music. Bring a partner or find one there.

    DON'T GET IN A RUSH. Mule Days brings a kind of gridlock like you have never seen. Mules outpace golf carts only to be passed by pickups. Lisa McLendon, owner of Mule City Grill, says you'll get from here to there quicker on foot. Rules are relaxed on golf carts this year, but they still must be inspected and permitted by police. Swing by their office before 5 p.m. Friday for an inspection.
  9. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    I think I will pass :(
  10. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    So who went? How was it?

    My Daddy was there on the Americal Legion float. He soooo loves that Legion stuff. Did anyone see the Silver Rooster?
  11. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Mule Days was funthis year but i didn't go in the evening. I enjoyed the parade as always. Kiddo was marching out in front of West Johnston AJROTC. - she is the Battallion Commander now for all Army AJROTC school in Johnston County. (She has done very well - - brag - brag brag).
    I thought the guy who rode on top of the truck - with the horse and whip - was different? did anyone else think that?
    The chicken man in a nut as always...
    Had fun - hope everfyone did...
    Haven't heard anything about any bad things happening this weekend so I guess all is well....
  12. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Your best bet is to secure a spot the year before. And those spots are crazy expensive, which none of them are really cheap. Every time we have stayed it has been by the projects in the big open field. There are signs that stay up year around that say "campsites" w/ a number.

    All the good spots go quick.
  13. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    I saw your daughter. she was looking good. i know you are proud. and the guy on the hourse on top of the truck is there every year. the first few times i saw it i thought it was weird but i'm used to it now. anyway, we had a blast. i never miss Mule Days. lol
  14. Kiddo_08

    Kiddo_08 Member

    STOP THAT .... lol :lol:
  15. Breezy18

    Breezy18 Well-Known Member

    Helping Hand Mission Band

    I think this band was very 'lively' as it is every year.

    My concern is that this does not belong in a 'family' parade. Not sure why it is not suggested by parade officials to 'tone down' their suggestive moves and behavior.

    The parade was the same old same old. My little boy enjoys it every year. He loved the JROTC and the school bands!!

    What does everyone else think of the 'dancing' band - Helping Hand mission
  16. southerngal39

    southerngal39 Well-Known Member

    We went. And Were there at NIGHT. We missed the parade just caught the end of it. Love the arts and crafts. We went to the carnival and then we had to leave for a bit because I got went to meet my dad which I haven't seen in 23 yrs and then we were back for the 730 rodeo and the street dance Saturday night.

    And folks for all of you that were warning about nights at mule days they have really tightened down on the rawdiness and it was actually very nice.
    Of course you still have the guys and gals on the big trucks riding but then hey this is the only time you can cruise Benson and get away with it lol.

    I LOVE MULE DAYS TOO and try not to miss it.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2007
  17. falcon

    falcon Well-Known Member

    But there was a time when crusin was the only thing to do.

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