I see all of you guys like wings but back to the topic at hand I have still tried to contact the owner of Mckinley's, Eric and it seems funny they tell me he will be there at certain times but I have yet to talk to him. I guess I'll just let it go because apology or not after what happened to me and all of the other things I have read with you guys I wouldn't step foot back in that place if my life depended on it. That guy needs to learn some buisness and managemet skills. I wish there was futher action I could take. In my opinion what he did was no different than descrimination. Last time I heard the customer comes first.
If they can march up to you and inquire as to the whereabouts of a tip, I would think (if this apology is something you absolutely need) you could just march down there and inquire about it!
We were there last night, and your incident came up. According to them, you were there the previous week with a table full of people that left an extremely pitiful tip on a very large tab. The waitress remembered you when you came in, and mentioned it to bartender when she saw that was where you and your friend were heading. When you didn't tip on the first round of drinks that you ordered, the bartender made mention to Eric. Eric told her to ignore you and your friend. I know...blah blah blah... "we were going to tip when we were done"... do you know how often they hear that on people who pay by the drink and they don't see a dime, conveniently. Eric told her to ignore you both, and she did for as long as she could. That was when Eric approached you and asked if you needed drinks, and then proceeded with his tips on tipping. His view is this and this is what he tells his staff, if you don't tip, they don't have to serve you. Everyones in it to make money, those girls and guys don't work for nothing. If you think they do, then Eric would like to know where you work, and if you work for nothing? You won't get an apology. If you had an issue the previous week and were not satisfied with the food or service, you should have asked to speak to a manager at that time. Not just left a crappy tip on the table.. (I want to say they said it was like a $160 tab, and a $5 tip). Eric even said he asked your table on the way out that night if there was had been a problem when the tip you left was mentioned, and y'all said NO.. you had a good time. There are 2 sides to every story, this is their side. (posted with the blessing of McKinleys)
Playing Devil's Advocate here.... She said she hadn't been there in quite some time. Could it be a case of mistaken identity?
I'm with ya there, even if it wasn't, there is still no reason to be rude. And in this case, the manager seems to be condoning rudeness. I guess since it's his business, that's his right. But I probably will never go back there. Two wrongs don't make a right.
I wondered the same thing... mistaken identity??? But even if it was...and even if she is not telling the truth, from what Tassy said, the manager is condoning rudeness. That is his right, but it's also the customers right to go elsewhere.
Actually, I think it was rude from what Tassy posted, not necessarily the OP. The waitress said she was with a group that tipped poorly from the previous week. How does she know that this particular lady isn't the one who left the $5?? Not that $5 is anywhere near enough for a tab that large. I've waited tables, and it truly it the pits sometimes, but that is part & parcel of the job. There are two sides to every story for sure, just seems poorly handled in my opinion from both sides. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar and all that.
Well, obvioulsy we know what happens when we ASSUME! It doesn't much matter either way, obviously the owner/manager is happy with the way his business is run. It's a free country and there are other places to go. 8)
"Everyone" on this forum didn't believe the OP, two sides to every story Ken. Watch those generalizations! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for sharing what the establishment had to say about the situation Tassy. Yep! There are two sides to every story. Or, as my FIL used to say, there are three sides to every story...your side, their side, and then there is the right side :lol:
That's the thing I have not been there in months so he needs to makes sure he had the right person before he treated me the way he did.
I agree! You don't deal with a customer that way unless you are absolutely POSITIVE you have the right person and that you KNOW for a fact what happened...not just ASSUME. It would have ticked me off too. From what Tassy said about the establishment's take on it, they have made their mind up and don't seem to care about losing a customer. Not willing to consider the fact that THEY COULD be wrong in this situation. Not good customer service.:roll:
I am not here to bad mouth anyone like I said before I've only been to Mckinley's aprox 4 times in the past 4 years. Until that night I have been very pleased with my service music and the social crowd. Again like I stated before I am a wife and mother of three I do not get out alot with just the girls. I will be the first to agree that if you get service at all you should leave something. I only ordered one drink the first time and I'm not going to tip after the first drink if I have intentions on continuing drinking but I will at the end of the night. They have not seem me enough to know me. If he thought i had stiffed them the weekend before then he should have asked me, and would have told him, you just don't assume things. After several attemps to call him to get his reasoning behind this, I heard about this web sight and felt like this would help resolve the issue for me. I am not here to offend anyone just tell the facts.
Ken, Looks like she's posting with her real name, trolls don't normally do that. Guess it could be a made up name, but after some other stories I've heard about the place and not just on here, I guess I AM inclined to believe her. Right, wrong or indiffernet.