Beware!!! I got robbed at ***-****!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LaDeeGC, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. gaby's mom

    gaby's mom Well-Known Member

    what about your checkbook? Was that in your purse? (Sorry if someone asked this already but I haven't read through the entire thread) I used to work investigation for a financial institution in Florida. Most people don't think about the checks or reporting the left o their bank. It is very easy to completley rip off your entire bank account because they now have your driver's license. If you had a bank debit card in your purse with their logo on it, I recommend you call your bank and have them close your account. These types of people can very easy print counterfeit checks and cash perform a split deposit from your bank account, using your license and someone who looks like you. They will typically use the last lane of the drive-thru so the teller can't see them very well and then just cash the check against your account. In the meantime you have no idea your account has been affected until something bounces or the bank's fraud department contacts you because the checks have come back counterfeit or account closed because they stole someone else's checks first. (usually thinking it's you)
  2. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I really worry about you! LOL
  3. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    :oops: I know - I thought I edited that. Need my glasses on I guess.:)
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    :cheers: That's three of us.
  5. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Mommysaidno - did you tell the store? They might have him on video or something. Might help them in case he comes back acting all weird like that again. Which FL was it?
  6. LaDeeGC

    LaDeeGC Member

    Up date

    Thanks to all of you for the kind words. That night was very scary.

    To answer a few questions, one strap on my purse, no check book, definetly aware of my own personal space ! I had my hood up on my jacket and two arguing children, the largest one with a I pod in his ears (never again will he do that-good lesson learned!) We did scan the parking lot and even talked to a few people.

    The Fuquay police called me the day after and said they just got the guy and my purse. He got them both at the Burger King right across the parking lot. What was he doing there with my purse the next day??? I have no idea. The police man said they were charging him with pocession of stolen property because they didn't have a witness to him stealing it which would be larson.

    The DM from ***-**** called soon after that and said they reveiwed the video and they got him taking it from me on tape! The officer is off duty until Monday. I need him to see the video. I've got a lot of questions-I wonder if I talked to this guy? I wonder if he remembers my address? I still don't know how he got it. My purse was intact :confused: Thank God for that it makes things a little less scary! The only thing missing was my cash. The DM said he works over other locations and he wouldn't be surprised if it happen there but FV store was unusual. The DM offered to help us any way he could even gave us his cell number. Maybe I should ask him to give my boys cash for the gift cards they received for Christmas! I don't want to shop there anymore.
  7. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry this happened to you but you can't blame a business for a having a thief in the parking lot, can you? I mean, it isn't like WalMart didn't do everything they could to help you out with the theft. I wouldn't boycott the store just because of this incident, it isn't their fault a criminal was in the parking lot. :neutral:
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Right. Besides, ther are plenty of other reasons to boycott Walmart.
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  10. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Actually, no, I didn't tell the store. If I see him there again I will. It was the Food Lion at 40/42.

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