I understand where your coming from. The ticket I got was on Pope Airforce Base as a teenager, military police had nothing better to do that day. I for one try really hard not to do it but there are times that I'm sure my car still doesn't come to that COMPLETE STOP, but I'm very faithful about using my blinker when turning or switching lanes which is something that is vastly lacking in a large population of the drivers out there.
What do you mean generically? We were all talking about Cary. That was the subject. DMJmom was very specific in her first post that her husband got his ticket in Cary, and everyone (except you) were basing their comments on that. C'mon, dude, just admit that you screwed up. and we can continue on. Or, if you insist, we can start talking about the traffic laws in the Duchy of Grand Fenwick.
Did you not see this: Tell me, dude, do you honestly think DMJmom was talking about NYC? If I said I have seen lots of signs saying "No Right On Red", what in heaven's name would cause you to believe that I was talking about California, NYC or anywhere other than Cary? You are simply being ignorant, obnoxious and obtuse because you tried to call me on something and failed and now your pride isn't allowing you to back down. Here's your sign (which is actually located somewhere in Lincoln, Nebraska, but definitely belongs on you).
Nope, Ken. His usage of "obtuse" is corret: :jester: 8) Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This ob·tuse /əbˈtus, -ˈtyus/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uhb-toos, -tyoos] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1.not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull. 2.not sharp, acute, or pointed; blunt in form. 3.(of a leaf, petal, etc.) rounded at the extremity. 4.indistinctly felt or perceived, as pain or sound. [Origin: 1500–10; < L obtūsus dulled (ptp. of obtundere), equiv. to ob- ob- + tūd-, var. s. of tundere to beat + -tus ptp. suffix, with dt > s] —Related forms ob·tuse·ly, adverb ob·tuse·ness, noun —Synonyms 1. unfeeling, tactless, insensitive; blind, imperceptive, unobservant; gauche, boorish; slow, dim.
I sure as heck ain't keeping score! I've got at least one against me today, and it's still early!:lol:
I'm being difficult to understand? (as opposed to being obtuse, which is just plain being difficult) I did not miss a Cary acronym. There was no reference to one. Your comment in response to mine was "Unless of course you are in NYC", which has very little to do with the supposed acronym that CARY represents. Yankees are not simply confined to NYC, they are pretty much all over the northeastern section of our country. If you believe your comment made sence, you could have easily said, "Unless of course you are in Bangor Maine" and still made as much sense, which is to say none for anyone outside of your head.
OK, I just have to jump into this here.. And in New Hampshire at just about every intersection where there is a stop light there is a sign that says "No Left Turn on Red Light". Hmm, I wonder if that is for the sake of Bubba's relocating to the north? Heh Heh Heh... I just couldn't resist..