C3 Church

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sherrynewm, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    well thats b/c he has some of those movements downpat and he has been a busy dirty ole man this afternoon
  2. Philo

    Philo Well-Known Member

    You do understand that any responses to Ormly which do not agree with every single point he brings up lead him --- inevitably --- to accuse the person responding of being either stupid or unsaved.

    It's possible --- theoretically --- that we're neither stupid nor unsaved, and that we simply disagree with Ormly. That, he doesn not tolerate.

    You do understand what a troll is, right?
  3. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    You haven't learned enough to disagree. Thats why I'd rather pound sand than discuss anything with you are folk like you.
  4. Philo

    Philo Well-Known Member

    Proving My Point ...

    As I said, we're either stupid or unsaved. Why don't you go and pound that sand, OG?
  5. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Since it was probably lost in the crowd earlier, I'll ask again:

    What do you base this belief on???
  6. Philo

    Philo Well-Known Member

    Tell it to Ormly. The rest of us understand open mindedness. Clif, by the way, was right on with his comments.

    Now I'm checking out for today. It's been a pleasure, kdc1970, Angeleyes, kimmie, peppercorns, KellBell, Cleopatra, sus, Clif, God'schild, blessed, ready2cmyKing, turtlepits, and the rest. Wouldn't it be nice if we could actually have a civil discussion about C3 without someone trolling the forum?

    OG, I'll be waiting here. Whenever you're ready, bunk.

  7. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    It's all supposition. You cannot cite any evidence from the Bible that she was a prostitute.
  8. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    inthehunt, here is the problem I have had with Ormly for, what, over a year now? He goes round and round and all up and down without answering questions. I have had legitimate questions for him and have honestly been interested in his thoughts on them, and he has, seemingly, dismissed my questions to him by asking questions back to me, without ever answering MY questions. It's frustrating... like setting up a target with a great big bullseye only to have him shoot all the way around the bullseye without ever hitting the it. Today he FINALLY answered a question that I asked him a very long time ago. How hard would it have been for him to simply that he was Pentacostal when I first asked him? I'm Baptist. Wow, that sure was hard to say.

    Anyway, after reading some of the multitude of religion forums that he has posted on today, it has become painfully obvious that either he likes to argue with and annoy people, or he is really terrible at getting his thoughts across. :neutral:
  9. Clif

    Clif Guest

    The problem is in the fact that he's not Pentecostal, at least his statements are not those of a Pentecostal.
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    with all due respect.....For those of you who come on here and try and tell us to act civilized, or us to really read his posts, or to try and understand.....blah freakin blah.....how about YOU go back and read the hundreds of posts from the last 6 months(at least) and not just read the page that pops up when you click on the thread....try and keep up with the entire thread (and history) instead of coming in here and telling us, who've been here and read and posted on every stinkin C3 thread and dealt with this nonsense and Ormly, for months now....we'll all be right here waiting when you get done and THEN you can say whatever the heck you want.....but don't come on here and give us orders when you've read one page of a 60+ thread....This thread has barely anything at all to do with Church, church bashing much less C3.....and you would know that, if you were keeping up.
  11. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    wow this thread got great today! several comments

    to the 4042420 crowd....hollah!

    i mostly like that clif is so detail-oriented and anal as to take exception to everything down to the last letter. it certainly serves to ferret out the posers, and he usually stays away from nastiness. sometimes stays away from nastiness. tries. occasionally. ;)

    philo, you may be new here, but it is obvious to me from your apparent experience with trolls that you are not new to forums and people like ormly. he's been around here a long time in internet message board time. if there were people here who didn't know what a troll was, they do now for sure. anyway, i thought you might enjoy reading something posted just about 10 days ago in this very thread....

    the troll says one thing, denies that's what he meant when called on it, demands that you provide proof that what he said means what it meant since he says it no longer or never meant that, follows with vague allusions to past statments being misinterpreted and insists that other show him where he said what he said which he now claims he never said or didn't mean what you read into it in the first place (which of course nobody cares to invest the time in), then when challenged in a forward-moving manner uses a condescending tone to try to dismiss the dissident as irrelevant, all the while injecting inflammatory and pot-stirring comments to drag new people into his downward spiral of internet message board hell.

    philo, you're the flavor of the week on this one
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    yep yep....:p
  13. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    then go away freak!:hurray:
  14. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    Ormly is nothing but a nutcase that runs from site to site and stirs trouble.... he is all over the place causing trouble. he answers no questions, nothing!
    he is the devil and I am sic of him. Stop w/ the c3 bashing, go or dont go. it your choice. and Ormly wont even tell you what church he goes to but claims to be an expert and agrees w/ nothing. he is a jerkoff that needs to go stick his head in the sand and leave it there. he is not anything but an ole devil w/ nothing better to do but argue about religon. may you rot in hell!
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    LOL! So..............Kimmie, tell us how you really feel! :jester:
  16. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    at least she got her caps lock key fixed. looked like it was stuck for a while earlier...
  17. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    Have a bad day at work?:twisted:
  18. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    From all the exchanges on this thread it appears to me that O and Cliff really just can not help but try to prove each other wrong (based on their interpretation of the Bible). Not really anything wrong with that in my opinion. I feel like they are trying to do something positive and in doing so both have got heated as one would expect. I actually have learned a lot in the Bible from both of them in this thread. Made me open the Bible more than once to review verses. So I guess that is something positive. Now, I am a new Christian and do not have the kind of biblical knowledge that O and Cliff (and others) have so I wonder if some on here may be intimidated by their knowledge of the book? And that does not mean that they are right in their knowledge of it either.

    I just think accusing Ormly of masterbat... at the keyboard and keeping him away from children is a bit much.
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Damn, good thing I don't believe in a hell either! :cheers:
  20. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I thought that has been pretty much discredited, the prostitution part.

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