Showcase of Stars

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Loriana, Mar 14, 2008.

  1. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    Finding good information about this is not very easy. When are the performances, can you buy tickets at the door, if so, how much are they? Are the performances usually sold out, or can you get tickets at the door?
  2. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    It started last night, and it is sold out. You can put your name on a list when you get there, and if people have extra tickets they can sell them to you. Here's what I found as far as a schedule,evfilter=15554,ebdviewmode=list

    Last nights performances were

    Cleveland Middle
    Dixon Road Elem
    McGees Elem
    McGees Middle
    West View Elem
    Cleveland Elem
    W. Johnston High

    Of course being a professional procrastinator I sat in the lobby and watched it on the tv's :)
  3. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    The kids were GREAT last night. I know I'm going to get bashed for what I'm going to say next...what surprised me was how rude the audience was. Dr Parker was the MC and he had to talk about some stuff that probably even bored him, but lots of people in the audience yakked (normal conversational volume) all through the time he was talking.

    Then, when the kids came on stage, parents and other family would hoot and holler and yell... I know that the families see that as showing 'support' but it just came across as tacky and low class... when I talked to my daughter (who performed last night) she said she would be so embarrassed if we did that...

    I'm not saying that families shouldn't cheer and applaud their kids...they should be proud of them... it's just that there's no etiquette anymore...
  4. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    What is showcase of the stars? I saw it on the school calendar but no info came home about it. I assumed it was for older classes, my son is in 2nd.
  5. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    No bashing here, my son mentioned that to me when we were on the way home. It was quiet sitting on the floor in the lobby :lol:
  6. Clint

    Clint Well-Known Member


    I was there last night and felt the same way as you. I couldnt believe that people were taking so loudly during the show. It also bothered me to see so many people get up and leave after each song. JUST PLAIN RUDE. The entire show was only an hour long, why cant parents sit through it and support all of the kids.
  7. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    At my school it's for 4th and 5th graders. It's a choral presentation that supports the Johnston County Education Foundation.
  8. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    I don't know what Showcase of the Stars is (we didn't get any info on it), but I agree with you.

    Aren't the parents supposed to wait until the end to cheer and applaud, kind of like graduation? (Which, they don't follow the rules for that either, at least at the graduations that I've attended.) I'll probably get bashed for that. I like rules, they serve as guidelines, and there are times when they are good and there are times when they need to be bent a little. But when it comes to things like the Showcase or graduations, it's just common courtesy.
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    My kids were in the Showcase of Stars last night....and they rocked it!! Dixon Road was the best!! And while I didn't talk while Dr. Parker was boring us to tears (man cant help he has no personality) in between acts...I most certainly cheered as loud as I could when the curtain opened and when the curtain closed.


  10. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    Hope you got pictures!
  11. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    I've noticed this worsening also, as my child's school career has progressed. And we wonder why so many kids behave so rudely.

    At one event at my daughter's school in middle school, the director of music finally took the microphone and harshly chastized the parents for their behavior and threatened to close down the show if people did not stop being rude. She asked the parents to please remain seated until the end of the show, and to please remain respectfully silent during each child's performance...not just their child's performance. It helped...but it didn't stop it entirely, and believe it or not...some parents were indignant at being told to essentially shut up and grow up.

    More MCs and those in charge of these events, need to do that. They need to let parents know that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Otherwise, their kids will keep thinking that it IS acceptable.
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Does anyone watch "The New Adventures of Old Christine"? There was an episode that aired this week about that very behavoir, rude people talking on cell phones, talking loudly, etc. during a school performance. It was funny and sad at the same time. I'm not afraid to tell someone to HUSH up myself! There is a time and place for everything and everone else's kid deserves the same respect you want for your own.
  13. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    That show is funny! I didn't see this episode, but they have a lot of episodes that show very true behavior of some parents.
  14. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I can assure you the behavior last night was not anything compared to what Mag referred to in her post...however, there were people talking and I gave the ones behind me 'the STFU look' many times.....

    cheering your kids on, before and after (not during, mind you) a performance is absolutely acceptable...IMO.
  15. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    I think I used my context clues to figure out STFU look. That's funny!
  16. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Yeah, this past yr at West's graduation, it was terrible!!! I don't understand why people are so rude. Everyone else would like to hear their child's name being announced too! It was especially bad because the metal bleachers - parents allowed their kids (and some adults too) to walk up and down, clomp, clomp..... just awful! :evil: I've heard when they held grad's at the Civic Center they threatened to kick families out if they behaved badly....
  17. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  18. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member


    I was there and actualy thought it was fantastic.
    All the kids realy put their best in and it showed. The audience was typical for this kind of thing. They want their kids to be reconized first. Yes this is selfish of the others. But can be expected. I have a neice that was in the show. I was proud of her performance and felt that she was of course the best. That is just normal behaviour. But I was polite and showed My applause for all of the kids. They were Great. I enjoyed the Dr. who stood in while the acts were changing , And the points of proverbs were very funny.
    I had also seen the most atractive lady that I was sory I did not get to meet. She had dark hair with blonde streaks, dreseed in jeans , and had the most wonderful smile I had ever seen, She had no wedding ring on. That's what I noticed second . Other than her fantasticaly blue eyes. Yup I am single and looking. Gotta love that Pepsi
  19. Local Mom

    Local Mom Member

    My son was in todays event at 3. It was our first Showcase so I really didn't know what to expect. His school was #6 out of 8 so we watched 5 other groups perform before his & clapped at the end of each to show our appreciation. We even stayed for #7 but I had to miss #8 to go retrieve my son. Thankfully, this year there was still a good size crowd left for group 8. I'm told that last year, our school was #8 and last to perform and that there was hardly any audience left to cheer them on. All of the kids did a great job.

    Someone asked about pictures: There is an usher at each side and if you try to take a picture they will tell you its not allowed. I guess thats because its a fundraiser. Group pictures sell for $12.00 (8x10) and DVD's are $25.00 and can be purchased in the lobby before and after the show.

    I ordered a picture and wish that I could have afforded to buy a DVD as its my child's first performance but I'm afraid the price is too high for our budget. Wish they had made them a little more affordable. I purchased 4 tickets at $7.00 each plus a picture which made my contribution $40.00 already. As it is a fundraiser there are no discounts available for anything; i.e. seniors, kids, parents.

    I'm told the program runs through Sunday. If there are any tickets left, they can be purchased at the door. There are 3 different prices for tickets with $7.00 being the lowest. Seats are tiered and the auditorium is relatively small so all seats are good seats with good views of the stage though I wouldn't want to sit on the front two rows. Too close to stage and looks like you'd strain your neck looking up.
  20. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member


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