Favorite April Fool's Day Pranks

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmom, Mar 14, 2008.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

  2. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    But, would they really think they were a cupcake?
  3. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    I love April Fools day. About 10 years ago my friend and drove to my then boyfriends place of work. We filled his car full of balloons. Not just a few but from floor board to roof. On the rear view mirror had a sign that said April Fools and had a needle attached to it. He got me back and said that he got pulled over and got a ticket for littering b/c all the balloons were flying out the window on his way home. He didn't.
  4. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    Let's see. I switch drawers in dressers, turn pants and blouses inside out and rearrange furniture.

    One time the following happened to me at work: I arrived and went into my office only to find that I had no furniture. Some of the employees had used a forklift to move my furniture into a closet and locked it up. They did not realize that I had an early morning meeting with the Board of Directors but luckily the Board had a good sense of humor.

    I put fake scratches on a co-workers car and had the security guard call him to let him know that he noticed his car was scratched. The guy, being a car buff, ran outside to see and I thought I would pee in my pants. After the initial shock he started laughing.

    I just love April 1st!
  5. Local Mom

    Local Mom Member


    Last year we pulled several pranks on my kids and they loved them.
    I superglued a quarter to the back deck. They noticed it shining, bent down to pick it up but it wouldn't budge. That quarter stayed stuck there for weeks until a neighbor kid managed to pry it lose. He was spotted trying to remove it with his teeth!

    I lightly stitched several pairs of each child's underwear together in a long line so that when they went to pull a pair out of the drawer, they kept pulling and pulling like a magician. Funny!

    I also stuffed the toes of their shoes with balled up newspaper. Took them a minute to figure out why their feet wouldn't go all the way in. lol.

    I also placed a pitcher of koolaid in the fridge (unsweetened).

    Don't know what we'll do this year to top those.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2008
  6. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    :jester::jester::jester:I couldn't imagine the look on my kids face. I might have to try that one. (if you don't mind) LOL
  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I am sooo doing the glued quarter thing this year.....and the shoes. HAHAHAHAHA....

    thanks for the ideas!

  8. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    That would be hilarious! You could just safety pin them together to save time!! :mrgreen:
  9. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    my kids loved them my son will not eat meatloaf but ate the cupcakes. they love them :)
  10. Local Mom

    Local Mom Member


    Hey, I don't mind at all if you use those pranks. I actually found most of them on Family Fun's website last year. Guess I should go back and see what else they have that I can use this year!
  11. falcon

    falcon Well-Known Member

    filling your best friends car vents with baby powder and then turning the fan on high so when he starts it poof white cloud.
  12. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    I would be a little peed off if someone did that to me. :?
  13. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Put a rubber band around the kitchen sink sprayer and aim it out and up.

    Sneak around the house that nite and set the clocks 3 hours ahead.

    Put sugar in the salt shakers and vise versa. Coffee aint that good with 2 teaspoons of salt.

    Found this one on the web last year. Get a coffe cup, either ceramic or disposable. If you use a foam or paper cup, glue the lid on and open the sipping hole. Mix together equal parts white glue and brown Puff Paint, adding more paint until the mixture is dark. (it lightens in color as it dries). Pour about a tablespoon of the mixture onto waxed paper, set the tipped-over cup into it, and then pour another one to two tablespoons on and in front of the mug's lip or cup's sipping hole. Let dry (it could take up to a week), then just peel off the waxed paper. Lay it on a pile of your co-workers paper work.

    And my favorite all time gag. Find a scrap of cloth. Place a dollar on the floor and stay nearby. When the victim comes by and bends down to pick up the dollar, rip the cloth loudly. Most people will reach back to see if they ripped their pants. I found old jeans make the best noise.
  14. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    Get the big industrial size rolls of plastic wrap and seal the kids door while they are sleeping. When they open it in the morning they'll walk into it.

    Did this at a women's retreat. It was hilarious.

    Variation. Do the plastic wrap thing but leave some space at the top. Fill the space in between the door and plastic wrap with styrofoam peanuts. When they open the door they'll be flooded with peanuts.
  15. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    When I was working at C C. Someone soaked a chocolate doughnut in water, put a chunk in the toilet, put some on the floor and toilet paper with a little doughnut on it around the rim of the toilet. It looked messy as heck like someone went in there and couldnt make it and left it.

    She didnt mind cleaning it because it was a brown doughnut. The girls freaked out and it was funny as heck...

  16. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    We've done that with Almond Joy candy bars. Or maybe it was Three Musketeers. Anyway, it's pretty funny.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2008
  17. Clif

    Clif Guest

    My all time fave...

    Put a post-it on the bottom of your co-worker's mouse. It does no permanent damage, but keeps the mouse from working (until it's removed). It works on both ball and optical mice. Depending on how big the post-it is, you might have to trim it a bit so that you can't see it when the mouse is sitting on the desk.
  18. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I did this to the only toilet in the house one time after a night of hubby staying up really late drinking. Hubby ****ed all on himself and the floor. It was a mess to clean up but funny as hell to hear him fuss and try to stop and stay standing up! I just might to this to the kiddo to see his reaction when he wakes up in the morning... don't worry I'll video! :twisted:
  19. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I might just do this to all the mice in the office... and add a little note wishing them a happy April fools day! NICE!

    Thanks Clif! 8)
  20. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    We used to take the balls out of the mouse, before the optical mouse came along. We would also tape the button down on the phone, so it would ring, they would pick up to answer and it would keep ringing.

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