How many dogs do you have?

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by ready2cmyKing, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I have 4. An elderly couple had, oh, only about 800 or so. :shock:

    TUCSON, Ariz. — About 800 small dogs found in filthy conditions at a rural Avra Valley home, from Chihuahuas to terriers and Pomeranians, were seized from an elderly couple, authorities said Wednesday.,2933,337341,00.html

  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    See I knew hubby had nothing to complain about with my menagerie!!:lol:

    (YIKES, poor babies!)
  3. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Back yard breeders at their best....
  4. raccemup

    raccemup Well-Known Member

    That is very sad... you're right. BYBs are the worst! These people were selling these dogs for money and didn't even have the decency to take care of them. :(

    I have 3 dogs (2 big, 1 little) which I think is a bit much. I am struggling about whether or not to keep my rescue puppy. I totally love him but I'm having a hard time imagining life with 4 dogs. There just isn't enough room in our bed!!! The cat took the last 12 sq inches of space that was left. lol
  5. Pitbull_Lover

    Pitbull_Lover Member

    3 dogs here....

    I have 3 dogs myself. I have 3 Pitbulls, I love them sooo much!!!
  6. MisunderstoodMind

    MisunderstoodMind Well-Known Member

    3. One of which seems to be in permanent foster and 4 puppies.
  7. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    My 2 is ALL I can handle (plus the bunny rabbit)!
  8. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    I am going to stick with my 3, although my MIL seems to think I am on my way to hoarding like the elderly couple! It is fun to have a pack, though.
  9. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    2 very sweet darlings!
    1 lab mix who doesn't know that he is huge and has a tail like a whip that will clear things off of my coffee table and 1 rat terrier that doesn't realize that she is a dog and not a human. Actually she is the princess in the house.
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    None yet, but thinking seriously about it!! 8)
  11. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    None for us yet either at this point in time but are seriously thinking as well of a little mutt dog and keeping our eyes open.
  12. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Good grief woman, so if I find a dog and cat today? :lol:

    Ahh... time to get ready for work!
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    DH and I are debating on the size of the dog. I don't want an ankle biter, but I don't want a horse either. My sister was teasing me last night about taking her 170 lb French thanks!! :lol:
  14. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    Somebody in the 4042 classifieds had feist/bulldog mixes; I bet they would be really cool dogs.
  15. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    To those looking to possible get a dog, how about fostering first and try it out? The SPCA is looking for new foster homes and is having several foster sessions in the next few weeks so people can learn more...
  16. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Although that's a good idea, I have had dogs before and know what I am getting into. I'd get so attached and have a hard time letting them go to a new home. A friend of the family has got a new litter of mutts I am leaning towards. Plus, I want DH fully on board for this. Bless his heart, he didn't get much say in the two cats we have. I have them to think about too, don't want them traumatized either. Have to think it out carefully, not a decision I want to regret 6 months down the road. 8)
  17. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Yes, we are keeping our eyes and ears open for both kitties and dogs.... my boys are getting older so it won't be so hard. I'm a sucker for little ones that need a home anyway and since we are only down to one kitty never know what we may find 8) we're not actively looking persay...but if one just happened to fall in our lap......

    lkj, I really don't want to do the fostering thing with raising the animal, getting attached and then having to give it away:? To hard on my boys....I mean me....
  18. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    I have a 220# english Mastiff and he is the sweetest thing. Great walker too. Walks 3 feet and has to rest:lol: Easiest dog I have ever had.
    We also have a English Pointer thats a wussy dog. BOught him to hunt. He hates the cold(has a dog sweater)scared of other critters and if my little hunting dog hears a will be miles before you can catch up to him. But he is a cuddler.

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