Just Curious...Any ECU Grads around?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cristianna, Apr 12, 2008.

  1. cristianna

    cristianna Well-Known Member

    My husband and I both graduated from ECU and were just wondering how many ECU grads are in the area? Football season ticket deadline is just around the corner and got me thinking about how many local pirates are here!
    Go PIRATES!!!
  2. Ecugyrl

    Ecugyrl Well-Known Member

    Right here.....graduated from there twice and I want to get my PHD from there. I love ECU Pirates!!!!

    Did you just recently graduate from there? What were your majors?
  3. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I graduated with my BS in 1998 and my MAEd in 2006. Go pirates! I am looking forward to going for the doctorate as soon as I have the money to do so! Talk about $$$!
  4. cristianna

    cristianna Well-Known Member

    Hey Girl!

    We both graduated in 2000. I took the long path and should have graduated much earlier, but oh well! I got my BA in Communication with a PR concentration and BA minor. My husband received his BS in Construction Management.

    My dad graduated from there too! I'm originally from Greenville, so it about killed my dad when I went to Carolina first! I got homesick and came back to Greenville.

    My husband was actually my neighbor. We met and got to really know each other during Hurricane Floyd.

    We've got 2 beautiful daughters and moved here about a year ago!

    How about you?
  5. dephygravitee

    dephygravitee Well-Known Member

    I got my teaching licensure at ECU and will continue my Pirating career when I continue my graduate school this fall....
  6. Ecugyrl

    Ecugyrl Well-Known Member

    I got my BS in Criminal Justice in 2001 and MS in Criminal Justice in 2005-I lived on campus the first year and then I lived in Pirates Cove. I miss it so much down there, I really did enjoy my college years. As soon as I pay off some college loans, I plan to go back to get my PHD....but that will be a while.
  7. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Try the Wal-Mart;)
  8. shellbell516

    shellbell516 Active Member

    I graduated in 1996 from ECU with an Environmental Health degree.

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