pink/red eye problem

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by macy, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. macy

    macy Well-Known Member

    Went to dr. friday.sinus and red eye. its sunday and has not got better. i read all i could on the web med and some of it seems to point to pink eye from a sinus problem i have and then other info will scare you. so just wondering if anyone (adult) have has this problem.. i thing i will see an eye dr tomorrow. (when you get older its somthing all the time (smile) and thanks. Grandma Macy
  2. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    I developed dry eye syndrome about a year and a half ago. I have used many lubricating drops and tried Restasis. THAT burned too much. I finally had plugs put in my tear ducts and my eyes are almost 90% back to what they were. I had battled sinus issues too, but the eye situation was totally unrelated. Mine were VERY red, but it was not pink-eye (which I have had before)
    HTH :)
  3. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    Pink eye is frequently from an infection - could be bacterial or viral. Did the doctor give you any medication? (Antibiotics will not work against a virus - only bacteria.) For dry, scratchy eyes, I use TheraTears Liquid Gel. Wonderful product! Does not sting. A little expensive, but I get several applications out of a single dropper. (Not supposed to do that, but I do anyway.)
  4. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    DH went thru that a few weeks ago. Thought he had pink eye or stye or something. Turned out it was an eye infection. He went to our eye doc and got some type of meds to get rid of it. It cleared up in 3 days. Doc is Dr Cook in Garner. (Garner Family Eye Clinic I think is the name of the place).
  5. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    I go to eye dr. every six months because of my painful red eyes, which has been going on for about 13 years now. Went to several doctors who all told me it was pink eye, eye infection; turns it is an eye disease called iritis (iris sticks to the lens and lets too much light in - very painful, eyes feel like sandpaper). It'll flare up and then go away for a few months and then will flare up again. My eye doctor doesn't think it is an environmental thing going on but I know that every time I come close to cigarette smoke, cleaning products, carpet cleaning products, it starts the flare up.
  6. macy

    macy Well-Known Member

    I went to eye dr. today and he said my eye was the redest eye he has seen in a while(smile) he gave me viral eye drops to help smooth it..he said to stop the antibiotic drops becasue that was probably making it worse. anyway i have never had such a weird problem with my eyes before. thanks to you for information. its nice to have another person say what they went thur. i worry a lot when i have a medical problem that i have not had before. thanks again. Grandma Macy

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