Hi BRS, I do not, but you may get more notice on the new forum that webbie started. Carpooling. I know just making an assumption here but trying to be helpful 8)
I have one posted but for Goldsboro. Apparently I am the only one who commutes here. I am trying to swing a job back out at IBM and was just putting feelers out for now. Its going to be a month or so before I know if I will be back out there.
I ride in vanpool from Exit 312 to RTP, but we don't go to IBM Main. The last I heard there was about 30 people from Johnston County on the waiting list for a vanpool opening.
Thats what it was like when I worked at IBM before a long waiting list. I know they have a van behind the wilco at 4042 and a van up by the lowes foods on 70. I sent in my resume this morning to my old manager, When I get home I am going to send it off to the HR person. I am kind of looking to be back there by the end of July. But heck if i could get a contracting job over at Telcris that would be even better.
We just added several new riders in the last few months. The list keeps growing as the cost of gas goes up. There are enough people on the waiting list to make 2 more new vans if anyone wanted to start one up themselves through Triangle Transit.
If anyone signs up, PLEASE CONTACT ME! I have been on the waiting list for over a year now. No one at TTA ever contacts me back. Looking for a vanpool from Clayton/4042 to hwy 55/54 in RTP.
Did you contact any of the drivers listed on the vanpool site? http://triangletransit.org/vanpool/current/ It may be that your job location isn't on any current drop off routes. I know that we don't go to 55/54.
I used to work at IBM but I changed jobs because it looked like I was going to get laid off the second time, now I am still in RTP but at 540 and Davis. I usually see 1 van on I-40 in JoCo, but after that I never see anymore all the way down I-40 to I-540. I didn't think they offered a vanpool to go that far. If the hours are right I might be interested if anyone finds something out.
Yep! I got two call backs which I responded to but nothing after that. It was very weird. (both said they do drive near 55/54) I also contacted TTA twice and never got a response back from them either.
There are a couple that come from Johnston County, but they leave at different times and go to different businesses. There are 3 that I know of that go into RTP. Vanpool #1914 Clayton Research Tri. Park 7:00A-4:00P Sal Biancardi (919) 543-9690 Vanpool #1926 Clayton / Garner Research Tri. Park 7:00A-4:40P Michelle Mayfield (919) 461-1355 Vanpool #1935 Clayton Research Tri. Park 7:00A-4:00P Diglio Simoni (919) 485-5667 This is info directly from the TT-Vanpool page.