Up and Away Daycare Moved

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by CakePrincess, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know where did they relocated to? I drove by the other day and notice that there is a new daycare program with a different name and owner.
  2. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    You can still contact her via the business number for Up and Away - 771-1166
  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    They didn't move, she closed. :cry: She is not at this time reopening, but maybe sometime in the future she will, I hope. I'll post if I hear of her ever reopening (I stay in touch with her).
  4. my2monkeys

    my2monkeys Member

    Jen from Up and Away did close. The person who opened the new daycare told all the parents at Preschool graduation that she was buying Up and Away only to decide not to buy it.

    From what I have heard thru the grapevine the new lady did not think the amount she would be paying was worth the "junk" in the building and the clients that Up and Away had. I know Jen was only asking around 10,000 because I ask how much she was selling it for.

    I drove by and looked in yesterday and it does not look like she has any thing in the building. I did see a register sitting right by the door. I dont ever remember Up and Away having a register. I guess that is why I loved it so much. I always felt comfortable going there and it was like going to a friends house and just hanging out.

    I wish the new business well but I dont see us going. I was there for Preschool graduation and was not impressed. Besides I was a customer of UP and Away so I guess I must be "junk".
  5. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Wow! I would imagine $10,000 was a great price at least it sounds good. I have never been there as far as a drop off goes but we have been there for plenty of B-day parties, hopefully the new owner will get it together and make this more attractive for the former clients of Up and Away like yourself. "Junk" was not a nice word so hopefully he/she wasn't talking about her clients!!
  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I drove by today and saw the new sign up, they do have a website and I came home and checked it out. Wow, prices are steep...$9.50 for an infant (under 2 yo). I pay $10-$12 for a babysitter to come to my home for all 3 of my kids, and that was when 2 of my kids were under 2. I know you sometimes pay for convenience, like when you can't find a sitter last minute and have no other option, but that still seems very steep. Their party package seems very steep as well, $150, and you get absolutely nothing, except 2 hours inside there. You even provide your own arts and crafts stuff! I have a feeling they won't be around very long.

    And yes, I'm biased, I used Up & Away the last year or so, but still...
  7. my2monkeys

    my2monkeys Member

    What is the website address? I really did not see any toys in there yesterday to speak of. I cant imagine from looking in that she is already taking clients. The walls are stark white and she has very few toys in there.
  8. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    The website is www.activeplaync.com. Not sure when they're opening, can't remember if it said or not. Maybe when the preschool part opens, which isn't until 8/25.
  9. my2monkeys

    my2monkeys Member

    OMG! Did you look at their Preschool prices. $135 dollars for 5 days a week from 8:30-12 and you bring a lunch. They are getting snack as the arrive. They just ate breakfast.

    At $540 a month you could put your child in regular daycare. Stepping stones is across the street and I sure they have longer hours for around the same price.

    I would hope that $135 is a weekly rate for all day and not just for 3 1/2 hours a day as they have it listed in the preschool section.

    Then one party package is $250 for 2 hours. Yea you get balloons, streamers, invitations and 2 pizza's. But everything else is the same that Up and Away offered for $125 . I guess I am like DMJmom, I was use to Up and Away.

    I just cant get over the prices! WOW!
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Actually, monkey, I think their prices were for 3 days a week. I just glanced, but think it was MWF...could be wrong. Anyway...
  11. my2monkeys

    my2monkeys Member

    DMJmom, you are right! The preschool price is $84 a week for MWF 8:30-12. That still seems really high. $336 a month for 3 days a week and you pack lunch! Maybe I was spoiled with $150 a month for 3 days at Up and Away. Anyway off to find another preschool for my son this fall.
  12. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Wow. I didn't use Up & Away for preschool. My almost 3 yo will be going 3 days a week in the fall to the same place my other 2 went, and I think it's $140/month for 9-1, we provide lunch. I love it there. Unfortunately, they book early, in spring, so there's probably a wait. They're in Garner, not at 40/42. Good luck finding a place!

    As far as this new place goes, I also think they might have a hard time with their hours, only opening at 8:30 in the morning? I would drop mine off before dropping off my other one at school, and there would already be kids there, so I know some would be there pretty early...I can't remember how late they're staying open, 6 maybe, which was the same as up & away. I always got mine around 3 or 4, so not sure how late others would pick up.
  13. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    Some of the things that went on at up and away would shock you.
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I went once. It was enough for me.
  15. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Anyone want to share? I'd like to know, please!
  16. my2monkeys

    my2monkeys Member

    Me too.
  17. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    As an ex director of a preschool I was shocked what I saw there and would never have left my child there. There were too many kids, not enough staff, kids running around with their pants off trying to get someone to help them go potty etc.... I went twice and the second time I brought a friend who used to teach preschool where I worked. She was mortified and asked me if we could please leave after only 15 minutes.

    They kept apologizing when we left and said it was just really busy since it was a Friday.... (then turn people away and say you are full for the moment.)

    I hope the new person did not 'do anyone wrong' but I would love a better alternative than what was there.

    (sorry if I offended anyone who loved it, but you asked.)
  18. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    um, this new place is touting themselves as a preschool. Do they have a license? They cannot operate a preschool in that type of facility without a license...anyone know?

  19. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I have no idea. On their website they say they have 8 years "experience" and 35 years experience as moms...not sure what kind of experience they've had for 8 years...I just read through the website quickly though, so not sure. I got the feeling this was a new venture for them though, I don't think they're moving this from an old facility. :confused:
  20. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Anything that is 4 hours or less a day does not have to be regulated by the state, therefor is NOT inspected or required to follow any state guidelines as far as child/teacher ratio, etc...

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