HOA Pool Enforcement

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by fairytopia, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I agree, ask for an audit and make waves. Big ones. I also like the popper idea, and camping out with spotlights and bullhorns comes to mind also. Of course, as a teen, I would have probably laughed while running, and peed my pants. The poolhopping is thrill seeking, the vandalism as retribution is a whole 'nother story. Do you have a neighborhood watch?
  2. Georgiared

    Georgiared Well-Known Member

    Are you kidding?? Concerned?? If its anything like my neighborhood, the parents obvious don't care. Their kids run the neighborhood all hours of the day and night no supervision. My child even advises me that a couple of them are the ones selling dope and alcohol to each other. Their parents have no clue. I read on one of the girls myspace's (i have all access to my childs account) bragging about getting drunk. She is in middle school..
    Your right too.. Most likely too if they did get hurt at the pool, dollar signs would be in their eyes...
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but that popper thing would scare the poop out of them the first time and that might just be enough for a few to stop. I agree that the vandalism is completely different than the pool stuff. No doubt in my mind I'd call the police on them in heart beat on that. We had a rash of items stolen in our neighborhood but I really was unconcerned about our house because I am "the wicked witch". Some who were invited to parties or whatever at our house at one time or another and were disrespectful are no longer allowed on our property, even to pick up a friend. They must park down the street and the friend can walk down after the party. I figure if you disrespect my daughter or me once you will do it again, unless you apologize. I do forgive. All boys are well aware that hats/caps are not to be warn in our house and, yes, it is okay to put your feet up on the coffee table but no it is not okay not to open a door for a female.

    Yes, we do have a neighborhood watch but they can only do so much. I was a volunteer for many years but at that time I do believe the kids respected adults. We had a Clayton police officer come out and explain to a group of kids why they should not open a door even if a parent is in the house, which my daughter did at the time. The police do ride through and they do sit in certain spots but when it comes down to it, the parents at some point need to open their eyes.

  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    I was just thinking about this Thread again and remembering way back when to my teenage years. I remember a friend of mine and I getting eggs on Halloween and throwing them at cars thinking it was funny. When I arrived home my dad had already received a phone call telling him that someone saw me. He took an ad out in the local newspaper asking anyone who had a car hit by eggs on such and such a street on Halloween to please call so and so. He received several calls and I was washing cars, apologizing and understanding how paint can come off of a car when an egg sits on it for a period of time.

    One adult to another handling it and a teenager learning a valuable lesson. No, I never gave up the other person but my dad did not ask as his responsibility was me plus I think he knew I would not give it up.

  5. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Nope not kidding, but I wasn't talking about the parents. Clearly they don't care and that's a whole other issue. I meant the HOA should be more concerned. Of course, I have no idea who these winners would sue if something happened so it may not be the HOA at all. But I can just see some alcohol related accident and then all the parents screaming lawsuit.
  6. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    This so needs to be done and I so need to be there to see it!
  7. fairytopia

    fairytopia Active Member

    The police were called this weekend,again, the kids were up at the pool at all hours of the night. It is totally a "parental" problem in our neighborhood. The kids will be kids unless they reigned in by their parents. Which is NOT happening.
    The police know most of the kids in the neighborhood by name. The parents are getting really upset that people keep calling the police on their kids. So our new idea is maybe to try to find police officer that will come and enjoy the pool while he is off duty, but give him the okay to "police" the pool while he is there. Maybe the officer can help, we just have to find one willing to help us out. So if anyone knows of one that would help us let please email me....

    We just need some good ideas. I would not trust any of these kids, to sneak up on them at night a the pool, you never know what they might have on them! Good idea, and it would be fun, but with these kids, you just never know!!
  8. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    Wow sounds like something my dad would've done. You gotta love parents who actually take the time to teach their kids that what they do has consequences. And that they are responsible for those consequences. I think it's just that good parenting actually takes effort and most parents would rather shrug their shoulders and say 'well, that's just kids...'.

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