Girl Scouts

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by All Children First, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    Well, I have filled out the interest application online, followed it up with an email and phone call, but the Girl Scout council has never responded. Hopefully someone on here can help...My daughter really wants to join Girl Scouts. She is a third grader, and we live near Polenta. Does anyone know of a troop that is around here? I am definitely willing to be an assistant leader, but cannot take on full leadership for the next couple of years.
  2. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem last year. Filled out and emailed and such and no response except that they need more leaders for this area. I wish I could be a troop leader but just can't right now w/ my kids and all the upcoming surgeries and such. I think there has got to be some shortage. I have 3 girls that would love to join. Anyone else on here know what's happening w/ the Girl Scouts around here? Thanks.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  3. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Not sure about girl scouts, but I know with boy scouts ususally around the first of the school year ( I think September) they have a "recruitment" day at school. The kids that are already scouts wear their uniforms and the school should be giving out flyers with information about a troop in that area. Sorry, this is the best I can offer.
  4. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, Girl Scouts don't have a "round-up" like the Cub Scouts do. Through word of mouth I've been told that the number of girls in a troop is limited by the council, which makes it difficult to get into an established troop.

    The lack of any communication from the contact info on the council website is irritating. When I was a Girl Scout, my mother was the district leadership trainer, district cookie manager, and leader of two troops. She never failed to return a call (this was before email!).
  5. wsmom

    wsmom Active Member

    Actually, GS do have a "round up". It is usually held in Smithfield at Community Park in September.

    For those of you who didn't get a response, call Christen at 989-6030. She is the paid council staff for Johnston County.

    Many times, especially in the Cleveland area, there is a lack of leaders. Without enough leaders, not all girls can be placed.

    Now, if you don't mind bringing your daughters to Four Oaks, I have a troop that meets there. PM me for more details.
  6. wsmom

    wsmom Active Member

    Actually, the only limits would be the girl to adult ratio required by the national organization. So, that mean, the more adults helping with the troop, the more girls can participate. Locally, I've seen troops with as few as 5 girls and more than 30 girls. It all depends on parent/adult help.
  7. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm definitely willing to be an assistant leader! (I just can't start from scratch in forming my own troop at this time.)
  8. Karmol

    Karmol Well-Known Member

    I know of a girl who has recently started a troop, she lives in Broodmoar. I have emailed her about this thread. I am sure she would love an assistant! I will call her too!
  9. wsmom

    wsmom Active Member

    When you call the number I gave above, be sure and tell her that.....
  10. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member


    wsmom, If it weren't for the price of gas, I'd be more than willing to drive to Four Oaks to have Katie in Scouts. Is Christen new as the Johnston Co. person? During the school year, the person whose number I called that the council gave me never returned my call. The name doesn't seem familiar, so I think they gave me someone else to contact. I will definitely call her.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  11. wsmom

    wsmom Active Member

    I think she's been in around for a couple of years in that position. But I know for sure that she was this past school year. Maybe they gave you a Cleveland area recruiter, which would have been a volunteer...but still no excuse for not returning a call.

    I hope you are able to get Katie in a troop.

    If you have any problems with calls not being returned let me know.
  12. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    Used to be a girl scout leader...there are so many girls and not enough moms to lead, so filling out an interest form won't get you a response unless you say you'll be a leader. Your best bet is to ask around school, church, etc and find a troop that's already established and see if you can join. If you are even a little involved, most leaders will throw open their arms in welcome.
  13. Memorable quotes for addams family

    Girl Scout: Is this made from real lemons?

    Wednesday: Yes.

    Girl Scout: I only like all-natural foods and beverages, organically grown, with no preservatives. Are you sure they're real lemons?
    Pugsley: Yes.

    Girl Scout: Well, I'll tell you what. I'll buy a cup if you buy a box of my delicious Girl Scout cookies. Do we have a deal?

    Wednesday: Are they made from real Girl Scouts?

  14. Desdemona25

    Desdemona25 Well-Known Member

    I see I have some fun to look forward to...once I'm able to move that is.

    My daughter's currently in Scouts in our area. We have a similar problem in having too many girls and not enough leaders. When I ended up taking over my daughter's troop, we ended up having only THREE girls. Of the original 11 that were placed to the new troop, one had left because her father was no longer the leader, one dropped out at the beginning and said they had too much other stuff on their plate at the moment, another told me to NEVER call them again when I was calling about our next meeting, and the others never seemed to be interested to begin with. It was like pulling teeth to get some level of activity and commitment. There are only so many times you can call people about meeting times, activities and such.

    When I went looking for additional members to my 3 member troop, I had contacted our area's Membership Services Manager. She was a paid employee of our local council. She then provided me with a list of registered girls that didn't have a troop. I targeted the elementary school whose boundaries were right next to ours. After all was said and done, I ended up having a troop of 10 girls--3 came from the list, 2 were from a Juliette troop that was being led by the MSM and the rest were referrals from 1 or more of the current members. 3 were from our school, 6 were from the other elementary school and 1 was from a school in another district.

    For those that wish to be involved, be in regular contact with your MSM. Sometimes they may have a Juliette troop that meets once a month or so. Juliette troop members are registered girls that don't have an actual troop to call home. Usually if there is a troop that is looking for members, the MSM WILL know about it. Lord knows that mine heard from me enough when I was panicking about finding members.

    Technically, the new troop year doesn't begin until October 1st. I know that when we went to our recruiting sessions that we didn't hear from anyone until several weeks afterwards. Perhaps that is also part of the delay?

    Because we thought we were moving this summer, I ended up handing the troop over to 2 moms whose daughters are current members. They had expressed desire about having their own troop. If they had left, probably half the troop would have gone with them! So I told them they could have mine if they wanted. Since it's now worked out to where we're not moving this year, I still handed over leadership and offered my help whenever needed. I THINK I ended up being re-registered as an assistant leader. I'll be "Cookie Mom" for them but can't really be in a full-time leadership role--my daughter had some major jealousy issues about me paying attention to all of the other girls. :(

    Be in contact with your local MSM--you can usually find their name from the council website. I know that I'm part of a different council but can try to help and offer suggestions if needed. Good luck!
  15. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    yes that is what they keep saying but me and a friend signed up to be leadeers a couple of years ago, took the training and they never sent us any girls. kept promising to get us some but never did.
  16. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper Well-Known Member

    I just sent you a private message.
  17. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Happy Camper.
  18. wsmom

    wsmom Active Member

    Were you in this area when that happened? I'm just asking because I have always had that problem. It's sad, I'd love to have a big active troop (with active parents) and in the 5 years I've had the troop it hasn't happened.
  19. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    was in the McGee's Xrds area. And i was doing it just because i wanted to, my girls are grown. I was a GS in Jo Co for over 20 years and was disappointed when I got back into it.

    All during the leader training they kept saying there was a waiting list of girls waiting to be in a troop but we never saw anything from that.
  20. wsmom

    wsmom Active Member

    If you still want to help, I could use it...

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