Okay here we go. We have a 27' above ground pool. We patched the liner last year despite the pool place saying it probably wouldn't hold. It held all ast year. This year, it's just not going to make it and we have to replace the liner. The liner replacement cost isn't too bad especially if you order online. However, I called for an installation quote and it is $500!!! We really don't have it to replace the liner let alone an install cost. But, for a matter of my sanity during the summer, it needs to be done. So, has anyone ever replaced the liner themseleves on an above ground pool, and if so, how was it? Is it hard? How many people would I need to help? Let me know if any of you have done this before. water is leaking out at a steady level and kids are getting in all the swimming they can before there is no pool there. --LOL. Thanks in advance for any info you can give me. Stephanie--mom to 7 kiddos who really want to swim!!!
It is not bad, my hubby and I did it last year....I would save the 500 and get maybe two other hands and you will be fine.
Overlap liner is pretty easy. My husband and I were able to do it ourselves, no problem, and last time oldest child helped. Our dog decided to go for a dip and clawed ours so had to replace :neutral: Definitely not rocket science, I think the hardest part was taking off the top rail, and that was just time consuming and hot (it was scorching middle of summer, kind of like the temperature now) Cordless drill is a must.
We did everything for our pool, DIY. From leveling the ground, setting it up, the liner (which is beaded), everything!! Just make sure to have some water in the bottom, drag/slide your feet so you don't have chasms and whatnot in the "floor" of your pool - otherwise it could make for difficult cleaning. Mine is not perfect, but it is not terrible either.
And when it's so hot outside, getting in while it's filling up to smooth out the wrinkles is not such a bad job 8)
Yep, we did ours too from the ground up with help from my 2 sons and while it is not perfect smooth on the bottom it has been running strong and clear for 5 years and none of the kids have complained:lol::lol:
I actually think that is kinda cheap. My mom has a 65000 gallon pool and they quoted 1200.00 for the liner and 500.00 for the labor to replace the old one. I guess the best thing to do is check the yellow pages and work the people against each other. But her was an in ground pool. Maybe that is the difference?
Abdulina - how much was the liner for a 27' pool? We're looking into getting one - but haven't checked prices yet. Thanks!
If it helps I have been calling around trying to find the best price for our 24ft. pool and the cheapest of the stores about here is about $240 and that's for just a plain blue overlap and 24ft so I'm not sure how much more they would charge for the 27ft but it's something to start from. I did see some much cheaper online, but not sure what the quality would be.
I was going to say ask Bren (my mother) because she and my father did this, but, I see there are already many responses.
Thanks for all the advice on here. We did replace the liner ourselves!!! Yeah. Took it down ourselves and discovered 3 too many wasps nests under the coping. Quite the site. It was a beaded liner. My husband, neighbor, me, and 2 of the girls put it in. 2 of us were in the pool trying to straighten it out and 3 out. took awhile but it is done. Yes, there are a few wrinkles but really not as many as I'd thought there'd be w/ amatueurs doing it--LOL. So, saved ourselves $500. And guess what?!..... after about a month and a half the installer finally calls me and ask if we need it put in. Ahh, no. Thanks again everyone for giving me the courage to do this ourselves. Oh, Bandmom asked about liner costs...$500. We shopped around on-line as well and w/ shipping, costs were about a wash either way. Just in time for the hot week. Stephanie--mom to 7