GCAA Fastpitch Softball Fall Sign Ups

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by coach#8, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. coach#8

    coach#8 Active Member

    Fall sign ups for girls fastpitch softball are now available online at gcaasports.com. There will be a walk in sign up this Saturday (August 2nd) inside the GCAA complex from 9 to 12.

    To determine what age group to sign up for is simple. Whatever age your daughter is on January 1, 2009 is the age to go by. Ages 6-8 is 8U. Ages 9 and 10are 10U. Ages 11 and 12 are 12U. Ages 13-15 are 15U. Again, whatever age your child is on January 1, 2009 determines what she will play this Fall.

    If you have any questions please feel free to email them to gcaasoftball@hotmail.com.
  2. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    Wish there was Fastpitch for 18 y/o:cry:
  3. UWISH

    UWISH Well-Known Member

    I wish there was an adult softball league out here!
  4. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I am interested to hear others experience having their children on GCAA teams. I have heard stories of parents arguing and using foul language. Is that common or a rare occurance? Does the association have any rules governing the behavior of parents to deal with such issues if they happen?
  5. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member


    I'm wondering if you're referring to the U8 soccer game last spring? We were at that game, my husband was one of the coaches, and I didn't even know it happened until we heard about it through an email sent to everyone afterwards from GCAA board of directors.

    I'd say it's not a common occurence at all, we've been part of soccer for 3 years, and the boys are signed up for baseball for the first time starting this fall, and can't wait. GCAA has it's cons, like any organizations, but it's getting better. They were unorganized, but they're slowly getting their act together. Like I said, I only know about soccer though, but I haven't heard anything bad about baseball, we'll see how that goes...! It's a growing organization, and they need help for sure, that I can tell you. Every season they have more and more kids sign up, so sometimes it's hard to get on a team, but other than that, there aren't any major problems.
  6. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    In my experience it would be a rare occurance. I've had kids in GCAA for the past 4-5 yrs (soccer, basketball and baseball) and have not come across this. We've done soccer in the younger leagues, baseball from t-ball up to little league and basket ball in the younger leagues.
  7. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    My daughter played softball for one season with them. We drove from cary. Everyonew as great, coaches, parents and players. Even to someonet hat was basically an outsider. They were awesome
  8. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    My daughter has played for the GCAA for the past 4 years and in each year the quality of the program has declined. Her first year she played 12 games and the GCAA had at the minimu of 4 teams in each age group. The only thing we didn't like was the traveling to Kenly, etc... but we knew it had to be done to play more ball.

    Take a little of each year and this past spring we had 3 games cancelled and not made up and the another 2 games cancelled because the other team didn't have enough players. That is 5 games out of 12 not played and the GCAA didn't not offer any refunds. The communication between teh coaches and parents were non existant and we would sometimes go 2 weeks between games and in my personal past experiences the fall season is a lot worse.

    I hate to bash any program that is made of volunteers for the betterment of youth activities, but the GCAA is really lacking with the softball program right now. I chose to move my child to GAYSL in Garner because I hear really good things about their softball program.

    As far as parents, I haven't seen bad parent behavior during the games. Now, with that said, you will never eliminate some actions that you are asking about.
  9. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

  10. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    I have sent in applications to the board every year without ever getting a phone call in return. I have tried to step up and help. Apology accepted :)
  11. ShopGirl

    ShopGirl Well-Known Member

    In mmciver defense,

    The communication isn't there..At sign-ups I gave all my info and was never contacted for help or involvement. Also asked during the season, to only receive a mass email about how they didn't hear back from any parents & haven't any sponsors for the teams.

    I believe the problem stems from GCAA being wrapped up in the BIG money making sports. Such as baseball & soccer, which leaves only a few people passionate about the softball program.

    But I've heard from other parents that this sport was thriving just a few yrs ago. My opinion is..GCAA gets "good" people to run the sport for a couple years & then they leave, because they do not receive a good support system from the leaders in this organization.

    The people that are running this sport now are awesome!
    I hope that they will take this info given from a "Newbie" and give it to the board members as proof that this community does care about this sport & could thrive again. If only given the funds & support it needs.

    Spread the support evenly!!
    Then maybe softball could be just as sucessfull!

    P.S. The Tarheel Leauge rules, are they going to apply for fall ball as well?
    And if so, for how long? Coach pitching & no walks? We got to improve upon that, don't Our girls need to learn the rules of the game by the time they reach 10u?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  12. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    The softball committee does have some good people running it and they work very hard. I will agree that past baseball and soccer the attention given to the other sports, as a whole, are lacking. There is so much one or two people can do.

    I agree that the communication is lacking as a whole. I have sent e-mails only to never receive replies or get a reply a month later. I understand that this organization is run by volunteers. I will leave it at that.

    Polenta: In an effort not to start an argument with you nor continue a dialogue with you I will just say that instead of trying to start arguments and then continue to not believe what I post on here you would be better off getting:

    1. Better informed
    2. Going to anger management counseling sessions
    3. Or even getting a life

    Good day and apology accepted.
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Oh, not the ole get a life and anger management counseling post. I think that is covered in "Message Board Tactics 101, What not to post"
  14. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    I may be but I had to try something different. I could not continue to play one game every other week and only get 1/2 of what I paid for. I will tell you this, I was very satisfied with the GCAA 3 years ago. I do not know what has happened but it is not for the better.

    I can now see why you were so quick to defend, you were a part of the GCAA :)
  15. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    I can sure tell who's friends with whom around here :)
  16. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    No need to name call old man...You might have a heart attack :) I will say that it might have been good when you were there but now it isn't up to par....Just the softball....But if you want good press then you need to maintain a good product.
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And I was trying so hard to hide it.
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    That would be "Message Board Tactics, 201. How not to let random strangers on the net spoil your day" Do you need a 4042 hug?
  19. mmciver

    mmciver Well-Known Member

    I don't blame you, better than the alternative :)

    Have a good one
  20. coach#8

    coach#8 Active Member

    First, let me say I did not post the sign up information in order to start a negative discussion. I posted the information so that parents of young girls in the area will know when to sign up for softball.

    Since there have been questions brought up about the program I will address them. I am in no way directing my comments TOthe negative poster. I am simply explaining things so that people will not be discouraged from participating in softball or any other GCAA sport.

    1. Fastpitch softball in our area is doing well, no matter what anyone says. In the Spring we had 2 8U teams and 2 10U teams. One of the 10U teams won a preseason tourmanment and one of the 8U teams was the regular season champion. Out of the 2 All-Star teams that represented our league in the State Tournament Cleveland girls accounted for 14 of those players. So again, I say, Cleveland Softball is doing well.

    2. I'm sure we all remember we had several weeks in the past few months that we had rain every other day or so. Some games got rained out near the end of the season. Once the season ended, the very next week All-Stars started. There was an attempt to reschedule games but there wasn't much time with All Stars and holidays going on also. As for opposing teams not having enough players i'm sure we all know there is nothing we can do about that.

    3. I honestly don't know how GCAA softball was 3 years ago because I wasn't involved then. I know the man that ran it before me and he worked like a dog to make softball a success. Now i'm doing the same. Maybe it's better now, maybe it's worse, I can't be the judge of that. What I do know is that girls everywhere, not just here, deserve just as much attention as boys (baseball). Giving our area girls the best they can possibly get is my main objective. Our girls have fun and they learn how to play softball and as long as i'm around it will be that way.


    If you gave me your information at signups and I did not follow up with you it was my fault and I apologize. I promise you this, if you email me your info again, you WILL be contacted :) With the amount of work involved we need help, 2 people cannot do it alone.

    Tarheel League:

    We moved to the Tarheel League for several reasons. When we met with parents last Fall they had a few complaints. Among them were traveling too far to play, getting home late, and the fact that our teams were getting beat badly game after game. Moving to the Tarheel league enabled us to play teams closer to us, get the girls back home a lot earlier and play teams more at our level. We were basically playing against mostly travel ball teams and we are 99% rec league.
    The other big reason I wanted to move to Tarheel is because of the pitching rules in 8U and 10U. Babe Ruth 8U uses a pitching machine, we are coach pitch which is more realistic. The 10U rule about no walking is good because players are forced to swing the bat and not sit and walk. Because most girls at that age don't pitch well you would have a "walk fest" and not a lot of hitting and fielding.

    As far as the "Big $$$" sports are concerned I disagree. Soccer has more people involved because they have more people interested in soccer. It's not a matter of where the GCAA puts it's focus it's a matter of getting good people to help us that want to lift the program up and not tear it down. I have no need for anyone who would rather harm than hurt! You sound like you have a level head and are passionate about what's going on and I would love to have your assistance.

    On a more positive note, we had a season ending cookout for all the teams in which we passed out trophies and ate very well. Thanks to "Mom and M's" in Rolesville for their donation.
    We designed a new logo for Cleveland Softball that's our very own.
    We purchased a better quality of uniform that all the girls loved.
    Dwight Arnold of "The Dawg House" and "We Catchem" graciously donated the funds for us to purchase a new batting cage net.
    I anticipate more good things in the Fall as well.

    Again, I am not here to argue, i'm here to make sure that misconceptions don't get spread about GCAA Softball and the word gets out that we want as many girls and young ladies of all ages and skill levels to come join us and play softball.

    If anyone is interested in volunteering, donating, or sponsoring or if you have any questions please contact me at gcaasoftball@hotmail.com. I will also be inside the GCAA complex this Saturday morning from 9-12. Thank you all for your continuing support for GCAA Softball.

    GCAA Softball

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