Wake County Issue but...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by wolfcub, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    so not sure about the difference in Child Care Centers and Public school, but in centers the state regulates this to the point of no peanut products or egg products. Also they are required to have a glass of milk in front of them unless they have a drs note stating they are allergic, lactose intolerant or weight issue. On the menu it say assortment of milk, what does this include.
  2. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    The assortment used to be skim, chocolate, whole. Now it is reduced fat (2%), skim, chocolate (2%), or strawberry (2%).
  3. NadiaP

    NadiaP Well-Known Member

    As a school cafe manager, a simple Dr.s note saying that a child is lactose intolerant requires me to make sure he/she receives juice with lunch.
  4. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    With this big organic/soy/vegan fad, you would think the school system could buy in bulk and still satisfy ALL needs...:neutral:
  5. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    :idea: Not a bad idea!

    I mean we do have a rush of moms wanting to NOT vaccinate.
  6. Lookout55

    Lookout55 Well-Known Member

    LOL!! That was SO wrong:mrgreen:
  7. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    OK... I know I may make some mad but I am not trying to - PROMISE! With that being said here I go.

    Both my 5 1/2 year old and my 3 month old have milk allergies. My baby is on Nutramigen formula as was my daughter. However, I have always brought something along for my daughter if milk was the only choice and with her starting kindergarten this year I plan on packing her lunch to ensure she has the correct diet. I do not feel that it is the states responsibilty or her school (sending her to private) responsibilty to give her soy milk when 99% of the school can drink regular milk. It is my responsibilty to do so. They do have water and generally have juice to choose from but sending a soy milk in a thermos is not really a problem to me when there are so many other problems in this world and there are LOTS of people with allergies. Wheat, egg whites, and so on... it would not be fair to them if we changed just the milk and did not change all the menu items. I have to live it every day and it is just a part of their life.. just like others who are allergic to peanuts and so on.
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And THEN they'll want a special room, so their kid can get it straight from the tap, you know - so as not to cause Nipple Confusion... at the age of 5.
  9. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    yep if they start catering to all kids with allergies it will become a bring your own lunch. People have all kinds of allergies, veggies, fruits, milk, flour, etc..
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    But then how will the school cafeterias make money? IMO, that is their agenda. Why else are they supplying fast food to middle schoolers & high schoolers?
  11. wolfcub

    wolfcub Well-Known Member

    This is what we have asked but they are balking at this option. They have said he can drink water or a juice but only have one choice of juice (grape) which is disgusting according to my son. I am not so upset thatthey are not willing to give him soy milk rather thier unwillingness to remove the milk fromt he proce and we will supply our own.
  12. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Nipple Confusion! [​IMG]
  13. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I will say that Johnston County schools are very accomodating to these things. My friend who has a Celiac child, her school told her they would make her a gluten free lunch every day. She has chosen not to, but they are required if she wanted it, and they offered it. That's a big thing, considering it's one child in the entire school. Of course, there may be more, and we just don't know it. Also, during Lent, I saw a child getting a grilled cheese sandwich, which isn't a part of the school menu, on any day. I asked how he got it, and he said that during Lent, he could ask for a meal without meat and they provided it. I think that is phenomenal. I would have never thought to even ask.
    I do agree that they could take the price of milk off of the lunch, but offering juice as a substitute is pretty fair. There is more juice than grape at school though. On the other hand, I feel like if my child had a specific allergy, I would feel safer just packing there lunch anyway. That way there isn't any question. I don't know that I would put up too much fuss on this one, and I'm sure the milk is a very minimal cost on the lunch.
  14. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Yep...just spit my drink! :lol:
  15. FireDaizey

    FireDaizey Member

    I too am vegetarian as are my 2 middle school boys. Beware of some of the foods though, the pizza has beef flavoring. I work at one of the schools and have the op. to read all ingridients.
    My boys usually take bean burittos to school with them.
  16. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    My daughter was allergic to soy milk too... so the state should not have to but her something special. I just think it is a part of life and we should not expect someone else always having to "fix" our problems. Bringing one thermos a day is not a bad thing to me??? I am just greatful my daughter can drink, breathe, eat, walk, talk... if the biggest problem is the state not providing soy milk then that is great to me! I def. can understand, since I am there too... but it is not a bad problem and just be glad for what they do have then not having soy milk.:?
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Am I the only one who is a juice nazi? I would not want my kid to have juice everyday for lunch, I would go with the water. Juice is nothing but sugar, yeah - natural fructose - but still sugar. I water it down at my house. <evil>
  18. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    No, you're not the only one. And I'm even worse, I don't even keep juice in my house! My daughter drinks water and milk and my pediatrician says "good for you." You're right, it is full of sugar. As long as they are getting their vitamins from eating properly (i.e. plenty of fruits and vegetables) then I don't see where they need the sugar-laden juices. I'm not fanatical and I don't expect her to never drink it. I just figure she will get enough of that kind of stuff at other people's houses, parties, etc. that I don't need to have it at home or as a part of her everyday life. Our snacks are usually apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries, melon, etc. so she is getting plenty of vitamins. Mean ole mommy here! :mrgreen:
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yes!! My kids think it is a TREAT!! Ya know what I like for convenience and a real treat is the new Minute Maid pouches, The Fruitfalls products. They are water with a dash of fruit juice. Not fruit flavored water, just water with real juice added. So, it's like mommy's watered down juice in a cool package. But mostly, I keep reusable sports bottles in the fridge with water in them for the girls and my son.

  20. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for the info. I had not heard of those, but they look great! Have you seen them in any local stores? I don't go down the juice aisle, so I don't know what's there!

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