Speaking of Commercials

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clif001, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I didn't want to hijack the "Let's Start a Little Game" thread, but I had to post this.

    Over lunch I heard a commercial on the radio for Ruth's Chris' Steakhouse.

    Basically it was a guy taking his girl out to eat and he mentions (for whatever reason) that he was able to get both meals for $89.95. The girl doesn't believe him, then asks if he knows the owner, to which he replies that he saw it in a newspaper ad. She still doesn't believe him. Yada, yada.

    What I don't believe is how these people think that they can convince me that $89.95 for a dinner for two is a deal, whether it's Ruth's Chris' Steakhouse or anywhere else. Don't get me wrong, I have had my share of pricey dinners, but you cannot say that any one of them would, could, or should advertise that the chunk of money you spend there is a deal.
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Well I agree it isn't Golden Coral, but I think they are trying to fight the image that Ruth has of pushing $200 for a meal. If you are trying to celebrate that special occasion, Dinner at Ruth for $90 could very well be a deal.

    I imagine they are getting squeezed in this economy also and are willing to go after new customers.
  3. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I can understand that, but advertising $89.95 for the meal as a selling point doesn't sound like a smart idea, especially, as you point out, "in this economy". Advertise the taste, the food quality, the ambience, whatever, but the price is the last thing they should be advertising.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Apparently I've never had an occasion to spend that much on a meal. :jester: Been to the Angus Barn once, but someone else was buying. I have an aversion to spending that much on one meal, when you could feed a family of 4 for a week on that, heck two weeks if you follow Faye's advice! I guess I am just a cheapskate. LOL

    Besides, DH and I are pretty good cooks, rarely have I had something out that I couldn't replicate at home.

    Yeah, yeah, atmosphere schmatmosphere. 8)
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Well to me, that does sound like a deal and might even convince me to go (only been there twice in my life, but it was good) because just about anyone that knows of Chris Ruth already knows of the "ambience" and food quality. Only went once in my life on my dime and it cost me big time.
  6. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    well I am agreeing with Clif on this one. never been to Ruth Chris but have heard its good. 89.00 is not a deal in my family. Heard that commercial too and was waiting for the the big line like" and he really only paid 39.95" or something LOLOL. Maybe if I tried Ruth Chris i would think otherwise but at 89.95 buys groceries for more than one meal.
    I admit it im cheap
  7. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    I went to Ruth Chris a couple of years back and it was NOT worth it. I was doing a mystery shop there and would NOT go back. The service left a lot to be desired, the food was only mediocre, and as for "atmosphere", it was nothing special. We spent well over $100 for a basic meal, drinks and dessert.
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I have been to this restaurant several times on my quarter and several on my boss's. I have always enjoyed the atmosphere and food. Certainly some would not understand why they would be talking about the price instead of the atmosphere and food because to me the price in this Thread is darn good for this restaurant. But that is because I am a past customer and know what it has cost.

  9. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    I have to totally agree. I'm a decent cook and the reason we usually go out is not because of the food, it's because I'm too tired to cook or don't want to.
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I ain't flaming!! To each his own! As long as I ain't paying for it, you can eat where you want, LOL.:jester:

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