One of the hardest calls I have had to make!! Called the vet today to set up an appointment for my "baby girl" to "go to sleep". We have an appointment on the 29th at 4:30. I have felt sick every since I made that appointment and keep trying to remind myself that it is for the best, but it sure is hard to convince ones self that. I know it is time. We have to wait until the 29th so we can make sure we can pay for everything, including the cremation. I feel like I have signed a death warrant for her....This is so head tells me one thing and my heart tells me another.
I recently had to make that same decision with my old girl that I pulled from a shelter in Jan. Even though I only had her for 5 months, and even though she was very old (16ish) and not in good physical shape, it was so hard for me to make that decision. BUT, I had to remind myself that it was better FOR HER to simply go to sleep. It was better FOR HER to not suffer in death. So in the end I did what was best FOR HER even though it broke my heart. Just try to remember that you're doing the best thing FOR HER.
I have chills reading this. It's still VERY fresh in my memory when we put Shelby to sleep. I swear that was the hardest decision I've EVER had to make. I KNOW she's playing with Hunter (our lab who got hit by a car in Wilmington, DH"s first dog) and she's looking out for me everyday! If you are going to have her cremated, check out the "Shelby" thread. I have her ashes in a necklace I bought on line and wear it everyday. I KNOW she's with me, protecting me (which she always did) and that makes me feel good. The pain does NOT get any easier having to put her down, but I know she's better off. She doesn't have cancer anymore NOR a heart problem and her joints don't bother her. FF, my heart goes out to you and your family. :grouphug: If you need to talk, feel free to call me!!! I feel your pain. Sandy
I had to make that call a couple of years ago. When the vet started talking about thousands iin vet bills and maybe a 70% improvement, it was time. I cried my eyes out. She now has a nice little spot in the backyard under a shady tree. My thoughts are with you. Mike
ForeverFaithful , Im so sorry to hear this . My heart goes out to you and yours . God bless you sweetie :grouphug: I found this website useful when we lost our winston ! :cry:
I wish you peace during this process. We did it June 30, she was 14. Hardest thing I have done. Cried like a baby. She was my breakfast partner for 14 years. Makes me sad still.
Thanks..... My son is the one that asked me if we were going to do the cremation. I have a place in the back yard where my 1st poodle is buried (brought her from KS). We are going to put Belle there and I told Kyle that I would get a marker like I did for Candy. I did find a small urn (actually holds ashes of a 3 lb dog) and I thought I would get it for Kyle so he can have a small bit of her with him. That is going to really be the hardest phone call. I do keep telling myself that I am doing the best for Belle, but dang, I feel so guilty about this. I had someone at work tell me that I just needed to take her out and put a bullet in her head and then no cost. Talk about getting upset!!! I was so hurt and so angry and upset. I wish I knew what she is thinking. Sometimes I catch her just staring at me, and I just wonder what is going through her mind. I wonder if she knows she is dying, (the cancer tumor is getting bigger), I wonder if the other 2 knows what is going on with Belle. Do they know she is dying? Does she sense my guilt? I just can't get these thoughts out of my head. No one can seem to believe that I am doing this right there at the start of Labor Day weekend, but I thought that at least that would give us 3 days to compose ourselves before work and school. My poodle was put down due to a broken back and that was a hard decision to make, (had her before Kyle was born and she went down in 2000), but for some reason this one seems harder and I don't know why. I had Candy for 12 years and Belle is about 11/12, so it is about the same amount of time. I just need to quit crying!!! Not doing me any good, not doing my daughter any good, and not doing the dogs any good.
You might need to cry. Sometimes you feel better if you just let it out. It is hard now, but it will get easier. Think of the pain she feels--she will finally be at peace.
FF, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. It's been a little over a year since I had to do the same thing. You are doing the right thing. Belle knows you love her and would never do anything to hurt her. This will be for the best...for Belle. Brenda
FF, this is one of the most difficult, selfless things you will ever do. We had to make the decision for our Elvis Oct. 11th, 07. Poor guy had battled cancer as well (Cancer Sucks, btw). Stay strong.
I am so, so sorry for what you are going through. We went through the same thing with our golden retriever two and half years ago. He had bone cancer that had spread and there was nothing we could do. Letting him go was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but letting him go on suffering in pain would have been much worse. You are doing what is best for your baby by releasing her from her suffering. Please don't feel guilty about it. My heart goes out to you and I will be praying for you. :cry: :grouphug:
FF, so very sorry for what you're going through. The only thing I can offer you is what someone said to me after I put my little Lillie down about 6 years ago (she was a 13 yr. old Miniature Schnauzer who had been basically bred to death) She was only with us for just over 8 months and 3 months was recovering from surgeries. She had 5 wonderful months and was the happiest little old girl until she suffered a massive stroke - afterward, she had difficulties breathing and didn't always recognize us and became fearful of humans and the dogs she lived with for hours or days at a time. She had so many meds to take and would fight taking them with every ounce of her being. It broke my heart, plain and simple. I cried my eyes out after she received her injection and it was all over. I started to question whether I may have acted too soon. Basically, I was miserable and feeling guilty. A vet I worked with at the SPCA saw how distraught I was and said, "When you make the decision to put an animal down, and you do so out of love and compassion because you see their quality of life has diminished and you know in your heart there will be no miracle long-term turnaround, you've made the right choice. Any choice you make based on love - IS the right choice." I'll never forget those words, or that sweet little dog. Hope this is of some help to you. (( Hugs )) Vickie Lillie LOVED getting baths - they eased her arthritis pain and so she had them weekly.
I'm so sorry, FF ... as that day approaches, it's going to get harder and harder. Everyone is right - just remember you are doing it FOR HER. She will love you forever and eternally for helping her cross the Rainbow Bridge as comfortably as possible. She will be O.K with your decision, I promise. We'll all be thinking of you and your family (2 and 4-leggers!) thru-out the month!! *hugs*
Awww.....thanks. All your posts brought tears to my eyes. What really makes this all bad, and I didn't think about it when we made the decision, but that Friday is the end of the first week of school. I know my daughter is going to have a rough week that week. I am praying that she will just go to sleep on her own. I think we can handle that better than the other.
To have loved and then said farewell, is better than to have never loved at all. For all of the times that you have stooped and touched my head, fed me my favorite treat and returned the love that I so unconditionally gave to you. For the care that you gave to me so unselfishly. For all of these things I am grateful and thankful. I ask that you not grieve for the loss, but rejoice in the fact that we lived, loved and touched each others lives. My life was fuller because you were there, not as a master/owner, but as my FRIEND. Today I am as I was in my youth. The grass is always green, butterflies flit among the flowers and the Sun shines gently down upon all of God's creatures. I can run, jump, play and do all of the things that I did in my youth. There is no sickness, no aching joints and no regrets and no aging. We await the arrival of our lifelong companions and know that togetherness is forever. You live in our hearts as we do in yours. Companions such as you are so rare and unique. Don't hold the love that you have within yourself. Give it to another like me and then I will live forever. For love never really dies, and you are loved and missed as surely as we are.