That's what the rumor mill says. Apparently some greedy folks have ruined it for the rest of us. :boxing:
I'm happy with the doubling they are still doing. I got $61 worth of stuff for $28 last night. I am happy with that. Still hate they aren't doing triples anymore. HT is too far out of my way.
That stinks! I thought I had heard somewhere that this Lowes doubles up to $1, but I wasn't sure. So then I was wondering if it was just this one, or all of them, or if I was just wrong altogether? If so, that'd be great, cause I've got lots of $1 coupons I'll be using Friday... Also, while on the subject, this was brought up on here last MIL was told in Garner at LF that you will be able to use greenpoints for gas purchases. I don't know if that means you can use them to get cents off per gallon, or if it means you'll earn greenpoints from gas purchases, etc. But apparently they will be attached somehow...just thought I'd pass that along.
:? :? :? :? Great. Well, guess I'll have to make do with the doubling. You know, even when I stocked up, I didn't go all stupid. If I could use it & store it until needed before it went bad, etc, I got it. Otherwise I left it. Never went twice in a day, but have gone 2 days in a row. My thanks goes out to those who were in a frenzy and got greedy... Frogger
Alright SON....don't even get me started on that!!!! That does make my blood pressure rise!!!! :evil:
Up in New England, the big grocery stores that have gas pumps have tied them to their green point/sale cards. Most of them work like for every $100 you spend in the store, you get a coupon for 10 cents of the per gallon price at their pumps.