
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DeniseL, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. joydance

    joydance Guest


    I did not find DanceArt to be very "perfessional", as you put it, at all. In hindsight, I believe that Dawn acted very professionally given the situation as I understand it. We were not "recruited"..but had to talk to some other moms who were also trying to find Ms. Dawn because our girls enjoyed her. As simple as that.
  2. jcmom

    jcmom Guest

    I am glad you are happy with Dawn. My advise to you to do what's best for your child and for mine, I choose to promote a positive self image. I am not one of those mothers that drops my child off. I watched every class and witnessed how she treated each child. The petite, blonde children get more attention. I just got tired of the lies from Dawn when confronted with things said and actions I saw go on in class. She couldn't even keep her own story straight.
  3. John Cocktoasten

    John Cocktoasten Well-Known Member

    There are two sides to every story and I'm sure both sides can take some blame in the matter, but a lot of what jcmom says is true. Kids on the dance team were "recruited" by Dawn. I had no problem with her desire to open her own studio, but to try to undermine what Amber has built at DanceArt while she was under contract with DanceArt was low and very unprofessional.

    My daughter was upset for weeks when she found out Dawn was leaving. She cried herself to sleep several times over those few weeks. Fortunately, I (and my daughter) couldn't be happier with her new teacher. I see her being taught fundamentals and positions that weren't emphasized previously. It's not all fun and games anymore, but she sees now the effort it takes to become the best dancer she can be. She's grown a lot in just one summer with Ms. Cherri. I look forward to seeing her improve further over the next year and in coming years.
  4. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Agree with Danzone.... but it is not really White Oak, just not far from there though! :) Love Ms Dawn, and she is fabulous with children!8)
  5. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Again 2 sides to every story.... Not to sure about the underminding part though. :)

    And JCMOM - are you sure about this story that she was FIRED because of that? You are positive that was the reason and that she was "fired" for those type of things and not that there may be more to this story and that she was "fired"? I surely hope that Amber did not tell you this because some things can be handled as Slander/lible as I read this.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  6. jcmom

    jcmom Guest

    Yeah because they are still sweet and innocent and don't see the lies and manipulation. Just watch out for your child is my best advise to you. But I know we are much happier now with Dawn no longer teaching. And we are learning about dance and not Barbie and boyfriends.
  7. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    To each their own.... I never leave my child while dancing. Did not do it at Dance Art nor DanZeZone. Also being silly and asking "do you have a boyfriend" is not life altering and people ask that question to kids often to make them smile! I just suggest that you should not say the reason she was "fired" though unless you are SURE and even more so I hope that Amber did not tell you this. I find that very unprofessional if you were told this information. Everyone has their own issues in life and I had 2 bad experiences that were totally uncalled for the school you go to now, so I left. I am truly glad you have not ran into any negative issues though. :beathorse:
  8. kmmsmile

    kmmsmile Member

    Ms. Dawn is one of the fairest people I have ever met. She loves the kids and they love her. I am thrilled with Ms. Dawn and I recommend her to everyone. She makes a difference in kid's lives. I don't know what happend with her and Danceart, but I'm glad she got out of there. Unlike some people, I won't stoop to that level of talking bad, but the lord blessed us by putting her in my kids lives.
  9. jcmom

    jcmom Guest

    Amber never spoke to me concerning her business or staff. I heard other mothers talking and we knew a lot had complained to Amber about Dawn. My child was actually upset and thought she was ugly because Dawn told her that "pretty girls have boyfriends" That is different from asking the question do you have a boyfriend. Funny you speak of bringing legal action. Her new website is half stolen from Danceart.... the quotes, party packages and stuff.
  10. joydance

    joydance Guest

    Obviously, there are some personal issues here. Have a Great Dance Year !
  11. cannedjam

    cannedjam Guest

    Ya'll sound like a bunch of ignorant people. Back in my day people were positive and not so mean. I wouldn't go to danceart just because I might run into jcmom. She seems scary. Things were better in the 40s-50s.
  12. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    Good Grief!! :roll: I have a three year old who loves music and loves to dance. I was thinking of enrolling her in a dance class this year, but if this kind of drama is the norm, no thanks! I just want her to have some fun and learn some basic dance. If we do decide to enroll her, I can say that you all have succeeded in turning me away from two local studios!
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It sure is a bit catty in this thread. Makes me glad I don't have a little girl interested in dance. Good grief!:?
  14. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    Its not like this, I think this is a few parents trying to make it sound like more than it really is.. Now for my 2 cents, I actually took dance with Amber when we where growing up and I know her passion for it and her desire to teach is something she has always had. If I had a girl she would take dance with Amber. Several of my friends also take there kids to Dance Art and love it, but you have many choices and can go totally different that was is being talked about here..

    Have fun and enjoy!
  15. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    I was not trying to be catty at all. I apologize if it was taken that way, and I am not all about the drama. My child dances for the "fun of it" however, I was just annoyed that JCMOM was being silly talking about why someone was fired and the whole boyfriend comments were a bit dramatic to me. I hate when women (and men) gossip over things and I felt her talking about the being fired stuff and "all the moms were talking about it" was annoying to be honest. LOL I wanted her to see that people just joke about about having boyfriends and that I had a great experience with Ms Dawn, and a few other teachers there too. I re-read my comments and they seemed fine to me but I assure everyone I was not trying to be a "drama mom" LOL. I have been on this board a LONG time and posted many times with out sounding that way. However, I did not talk about my negative experience in detail at the other school b/c that is not me, and I was just giving my reccomendation to the mom who asked about schools.... So I hope I am not the one others meant when talking about the "drama" because that is not me at all. I just can not stand catty women, or the moms who whisper and create drama when children need to the be center of attention and they are at a place to learn, not for moms to start drama... (or men/dads) LOL 8):cheers:8)
  16. jcmom

    jcmom Guest

    I would like to apologize if my responses crossed the line. I just wanted to say our experiences with Dawn were not positive. Since her departure, there has been no drama and my child has improved greatly in her dance skills over the summer. Class is all about dance and nothing else. My child is happy and more cofident in her dance and that's what I pay for.
  17. exit319

    exit319 Member

    Mother Seeking Dance/ Gymnastics for daughter

    I attend Dance Art Studio off of cleveland school road, and it is wonderful! A new teacher just recently started teaching and she is amazing. I believe there is an acrobatics class for your daughters age, im not sure of the day and time though. The website is and the number is
    (919) 550-6556. On the website, you can view the instructors dancing and choreaography. There biographies are also on the website. Hope I helped! Have a great day.:)
  18. exit319

    exit319 Member

    This is CRAZY !

    I just recently joined this website and started reading all this madness! As a dancer myself, i would like to just inform you that this is NOT how the atmosphere at dance studios are. Now i do attend DanceArt Studio, but this craziness does not occur. Now i can't speak for the other studio that they are referencing to, but i would think that this "drama" does not happen anymore. I hope that just because these two mothers had a cat fight on the web, you do not judge these two studios. Both of them have things to offer to young dancers, and older dancers. I hope your daughter does not miss out anything by not getting to experience one or both of these studios. Amber the owner of DanceArt loves children and dancers, by going to the studio or even to the website you can quickly tell her motivation for opening her own studio. Despite everything that has happend in the last year, I believe that Dawn also has many things to offer to her dance students as well. I have taught with Dawn and taken class form her. I honestly believe she is NOT a horrible person. The split between the two was not a pleasant one by all means, but i would like to think that the main objective is still to teach young children to love dance. I hope i have helped a little, i know i can't take away what these mothers have said, but hopefully from a dancers and a teacher assistants point of view i can influence you just a little. Have a great day, and please remember, everyone deserves a second chance. God Bless!

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