Haven't read through all the threads so don't know if this has already been mentioned but i came in a little late this am and the cop was at the intersection of Shiloh and CSR directing traffic, CSR was closed right there at Shiloh heading towards DR Wells. Anyone know what was going on?
There was a traffic report earlier this morning that mentioned an accident in that area. Maybe that's it.
My DD was on her way to school around 9:10 and she got stopped in traffic. She couldn't see what happened because of so many cars. She ended up turning beside Cleveland Elementary, going by Cleveland Middle, and turning right on Shiloh to get back to Cleveland School Road. I heard on the radio there was an accident with injuries.
That's about right, it was around 9am when i came through, i could see some lights flashing down the road but too far to really see what it was. Hope it was not serious but it must have been pretty big for them to close the whole road off.
DH said that he heard on the radio that there was a head on collision on Cleveland School Road at Joy drive (which I believe is between Cornwallis & Shiloh).
wreck it was head on collision at 8:35 with occupants pinned, they were air lifted out to the hospital please say a prayer for the family and victims
I saw a wrecker with a car on the back of it about 10 am on Old Drugstore that looked awful...I assumed it was another wreck on Old Drugstore because he was pulled over but I guess this was it, I prayed for them then because of the condition of the car I knew it was bad.
Any names released yet, so maybe we can help the families? Gosh, this is awful, since school started the amount of traffic on the roads now is incredible. Will pray for the families.
Oh wow. I must have just gone through that intersection. Literally. I'll be praying for those that were hurt and their families.
It is horrible on Raleigh Road about 6:40 in the morning too. I can't hardly get out of my S/D. Getting onto Cleveland School Road from Raleigh Road at that time is another pain in the butt.
Wow, Twowaz- I saw the same car on the wrecker on Old Drug Store and thought the same thing. The site of it gave me chills! It looked terrible!
From what I heard , one car went over the center line and collided with another car. One of the cars, the occupants were trapped inside and the jaws of life had to be brought in to rip the roof of it. I believe it was one woman with a little girl and the other car was a man with his two sons. Accident happened right after you pass Little Stepping Stones daycare going towards CE