I'm offended by this new Screen Name

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by SpunkyPunky, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    The training wheels.
  2. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky Well-Known Member

    Now that hurt.
    First you call me Punky Brewster, and then you tell me to watch TBN.
    What is the world coming to?
    Whay are people so cruel?
    Stop, please stop!
  3. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest



  4. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Before they get banned or before they come back? (However,I do think there are some people with dignity that would not come back.)
  5. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky Well-Known Member

    No, you didn't just post that picture with that saying.
    That is really hitting below the belt.
    You are good, you can really dish it out.
    I'm just mortified now.
    Are you happy now?
  6. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    You're a terrible actress. :chillpill:
  7. WillSpanker

    WillSpanker Well-Known Member

    biguncfan ,,I like it:mrgreen:
  8. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    May I suggest googling "avatar shrinker" to make it fit on here. It works great.
  9. WillSpanker

    WillSpanker Well-Known Member

  10. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky Well-Known Member

    Never claimed to be an actress, but you should see me line dance!
  11. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Boot Scoot Boogying or what do they do nowadays? People still do that?
  12. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky Well-Known Member

    Cotton eye Joe, the Achy Breaky etc and lots of new ones.

    You should see the girls and I do the

    Honky Tonk BaDonkaDonk
  13. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

  14. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky Well-Known Member

    We do have video of some of our performances.

    I will see if one of the girls can figure out how to post it.
  15. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I took lessons with my then girlfriend, now wife to try and impress her. I hated it. To each his or her own. More power to ya.
  16. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I really like your avatar... wish I had found it!

  17. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I don't mind sharing in situation like this. Feel free to spread the word.:mrgreen:
  18. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    ...lol...I just noticed it!! he, he, he..
  19. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I found me a new one too!

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member


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