A Warning to Dachshund Owners

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by biguncfan, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    After reading the thread about the poor doggie's toenail problems, I felt like I need to let Dachshund owners in on something.

    About three and a half years ago our full size Dachshund had a disc to slip in his back. Well we took him to Cleveland School Animal Hospital where they told us to keep him in a kennel overnight and limit his movement. They said if there was no improvement the next morning to take him to the Veterinary Specialty Hospital in Cary. Well the next morning there was no change so we took him. They told us not only did his disc slip but it shattered after slipping. So here's the point to my story. They talked us into the back surgery where they go in and take out the disc and clean up the mess. Then it was 1800 dollars. Well we were told one thing to expect after the surgery and got another. He regained about 10% use of his hind legs. He could not walk, go up steps, couldn't jump, couldn't control bathroom issues etc. Well he developed an infection right at a year later so we had to make that decision all pet owners dread.

    I just wanted to tell you guys if by some chance you're Dachshund's back "goes out" just beware of the surgery and of what to expect their capabilities to be afterward. Thanks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2008
  2. Sorry to hear that about your dog.

    Well about 19 years ago the terrier mix I had, she had slipped a disk. They gave her some medication and put her on accupuncture treatment. Well after about 6 treatments as out patient services she was as good as new. She never had to spend one night in the vets office. When I would take her out I would pick her up carry her down the stair and let her do her stuff then pick her up again walk down the sidewalk a bit more and put her down and let her do her stuff. I would keep repeating that till she was done.
  3. Sassygurl81

    Sassygurl81 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the heads up. My dauchshund is 8 months old today and I am trying to be careful about her jumping off furniture. Its hard with a puppy!! We don't have any stairs so that won't be a problem.
    Sorry to hear about your dog though! :cry:

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Although some breeds are more prone to this type of health issue, almost every dog can be hindered by back issues. I've had my share of bird dogs, spaniels/retrievers/setters and had the back issue with three. Those of mine that dloved to jump for the frisbee, ball etc. increased their risk of damaging the back, as well as just plain being over weight for any dog. I learned this lesson the hard way, not to let any of my dogs jump around for exercise or play. Although its almost impossible to stop all the jumping they do, we've cut out quite a bit by the way we exercise them now.
    Sorry to hear about your dog and thanks for the information.
  5. CANDI3

    CANDI3 Member

    My dachshund was 3 when he had a slipped disc. He couldn't walk before we put him through the surgery and he was still paralyzed after the surgery. He had no control of his bowels and bladder and 3 days after surgery he developed a bad infection in his kidneys and we also had to make the decision to put him down. I also went to the Specialty Hospital in Cary, but ended up at NC State Vet school for the surgery. I cannot condone either facility because we were treated well, however I have done my research and found these dogs are prone to back issues. I now have a dachshund that is 6 years old and I am very careful how he gets on and off things. He has a step stool for most things! Sorry to hear about your dog, but you did the right thing to make people aware of this problem with this breed. I wish I would have known the first time around...

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