Let me clean the mud. Chills needs a painter, you love to paint.. hence the connection, so when you finish move on to her job make some extra cash..
I don't mind Painting, it all the prep work that goes with it. Patching, tape, moving stuff out of the rooms, and clean up. Wife always gets mad at me as I make her do the clean up, and tape. hahahah I hope she does not read this.... :evil:
We painted a room red in our old house and it was a pain. We used gray Kiltz (sp??). I had a professional painter tell me once that when she painted a room red that instead of priming the wall with gray Kiltz or doing so many coats that she used a red stain to go over the walls first. Never thought about that, but she swore by it. I am one of the few people out there that actually enjoys painting. Now that I have 2 little ones it is very hard to find the time to do it and work my full time job, but nevertheless I do like to paint. It is such an inexpensive way to change the look of a room.
Good luck on your search. The people who painted my house before I bought it sucked. I told the builder a blind monkey could have done a better job. I liked to die when the builder told me that he had the best experience with them. If they were good to him, i hate to see the bad ones.. I would definetely ask for local references
And Great Painters may not be great a PREP & CLEAN UP.... Be sure to ask about that. Our professional painters were very good but were not great at clean up... we knew this. We had almost no floring in the house so that was ok. Be sure to ask where they plan to clean their paint brushes too - or you will have a mess in the grass/yard near the hose.... BUT we have nearly 2000 sg ft house (11 rooms) + all ceilings pained for a great prince. IMHO -- And ask which brand of paint they will be using - there is a big difference between what you can buy at HD or Lowes AND the Professional Paint store brands. You may want to visit a real PAINT store & ask a few questions about types of PAINT - there is a MUCH more out there than FLAT, Semi Gloss & Gloss.