Churches - Where to go?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by crazymom2girls, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. litebritegrl

    litebritegrl Member

    Thread drift does happen...

    However I will chime in just for the heck of it. Yes, background checks are to insure your child's safety and prevent pedophiles from changing your kids diaper! I asked a friend who is a staff member on the W-2 requirement for membership and that is completely false. They do NOT require that for membership, which would be absurd. You get a contribution statement at the end of the year if you'd like to include it in your taxes. And as other people have mentioned, your tithe is between you and God. Tithing is both practical and biblical. Although I'm sure some churches out there that have lost sight of the true concept just want your money, but I believe tithing should be a cheerful act of worship as C3 encourages. I'm sure leadership is encouraged to do so b/c it sets an example to others and honors God. Just as giving your time and talents should be. :) Blessings to everyone in the 4042 area!
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    GREAT! Glad to hear that was a false rumor. 8)
  3. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Allegedly.... :jester:
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Too bad we can't go more than 6 months at a time without throwing stones at the folks at C3. :x
  5. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I thought that all church nurseries/Sunday Schools required a background check as they are technically daycares and have to abide by the same rules put forth by DHHS? And if not, they should.

    As far as C3 goes, it sure is interesting that the rumor does continue to come up. Also interesting is that this is the only negative thing I hear - which makes it difficult to find an agenda for rumor spreading.

    With that said, let's drift the thread some more... IF a church did have this practice of asking for financial records - what would be the purpose? Would it be big-brother type of thing to help the members fully understand and particiapte in tithing? I *do* see where this could happen esp in a mega church with alot of new Christians. Or would it be absolute business-practice and greed. Just wondering.
  6. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Religious based childcare settings have a slightly different set of rules than your standard childcare settings which aren't as strict. They are exempt from certain things all of which I can't name off the top of my head. Things could have changed though, it's been a while since I brushed up on my child care laws.
  7. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    tithing can and should be preached about and have classes to help people better understand it but should have nothing to do with your w2's. a church that asks for them is just in it for the money imo.
  8. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    We get the little envelopes that have our name on it that we can send our money in every week and they do keep track of donations, but we never use them so there is no way of them telling what i give, but there is no penalty either. They don't ask for our financial records or anything. That would not be cool. I don't need to be guilted into what I have to give based on what a church decides is the percentage I can afford based on income.
  9. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Just curious - do you give cash? you don't want a record for tax purposes?
  10. JC1000

    JC1000 Member

    Urban Legend

    Drives me crazy that I keep hearing falsehoods/rumors about C3. I have been attending for 3 years and know many that have been attending for 5+. There is no request for financial data or any pressure to give or tithe for that matter. People say they have sources - I would love for someone to validate. This is a life giving church, not a money hungry, pressuring church. Their only goal is to bring people to Christ. I am not insinuating that C3 is better than any other church at all.

    Is a collection basket passed around? Yes.

    Does the church encourage those to Tithe as the bible does? Yes.

    Are you not welcome if you don't tithe? This is absurd. A majority don't Tithe just like most churches.

    I will say that 100% of those that I have been exposed to that do tithe are typically in a relatively stable financial situation and they do not live beyond their means and have more than they need. Is this is a coincendence? I think not.

    God offers His Grace to all of us, however, when I get to heaven one day, I don't want to have to explain to Him why "things" were more important than investing in "people".
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I am curious as to why it keeps coming up. Folks that I have heard this from to my knowledge do not know each other, and the conversations took place years apart. :confused:

    Is it the fact that it is such a large group of people, so you would hear rumors more often than not from people who are generally disgruntled, unhappy, or jealous of others' successes? I'm just thinking outloud here.

    If this is the case, those people should know that you don't have to be financially stable to give to the church or be part of the church. Time and effort are just as important as $$ and a few cents when all you have is a few cents will earn you more spiritually. Putting their trust in God and managing their finances the way the bible describes would turn their lives around.

  12. monaco177

    monaco177 Guest

    My family and I attend C3. We have found the church to be a very good church. Being brought up a catholic and attending a catholic church all my life until moving here 2 years ago, I have found that the Christian church is very different than the traditional catholic church I was accustomed to. Through the years myself and my wife have become more and more wary of the catholic church and the way it is run. The priest sex abuse scandal and the way it was swept under the rug was one reason why we decided to seek out another church to attend. The relaxed atmosphere at C3 is a refreshing change from the mainstream Catholic church. I like the come as you are attitude of the church as well as the no pressure in the teachings as opposed to the strict teachings of the Catholic church. The practice of Tithing is what one makes of it. I personally Tithe when I can and even sometimes when money is tight I'll still offer my tithe. The church has never asked me for any financial records, and in fact has sent me a tax record (or a statement) of the amount of tithes and offerings we have given the church in a calander year. The people at C3 have been extermely giving to myself and my family following our house fire last year. So all in all I am happy with C3. I believe that this church gets a lot of bad knocks against it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2009
  13. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Interesting how those stories develop and spread. I heard a discussion on NPR yesterday about how most of what we thought we learned right after Columbine was wrong, and how reporters who thought they were verifying the story were actually helping to spread rumors. Kids that didn't really know the kids involved were interviewed and asked leading questions, guessed at the answers, other kids heard those stories and gave the same answers to other interviewers, etc., until it seems everybody "knew" things that were just not so. I guess a similar process can happen with almost any story.
  14. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    I'm very happy being Catholic. I don't think the sex abuse case was dealt with in the right way and was horrible, but it has greatly changed the requirements for adults that will be interacting with adults in terms of background checks, there always has to be two adults present in a class with students, etc. As for "strict" teachings I don't feel like there are, but folks who grew up pre-Vatican II had a different experience and I have only ever known the post-Vatican II Catholic Church. MANY changes were made that some folks aren't aware of and only know the horror stories that people tell from pre-Vatican II. Anyway, I'm happy that you found a church that you like. If you're relationship with God is stronger there I will not pass judgement on that at all. I just want to make sure that more than one experience of the Catholic Church is presented so there is more of a balanced perspective.
  15. monaco177

    monaco177 Guest

    And I totally agree with you on this issue VG. I was not badmouthing the Catholic Church at all in my post, just merely stating my opinion on where I felt the state of the church was when I left it. Like I said, there are many positive aspects of all religons and that there are many rewards in giving your life to God. So it really dosen't matter which faith you follow but to always follow God and live the word of God.
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    The only thing this thread was missing was ws asking for a gd turn lane. :lol:
    And Ormly... but he wasn't really missed. ;)
  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    SSSSSSHH!!! You are going to conjure him up!!
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Hey, I miss ws!

    Oh is my face red, you meant the other one... :lol:
  19. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    gosh, could we pray that he doesn't? 8)

  20. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest


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