A friend and I are thinking to open a Day care center in the Clayton or Knightdale area, but more and more we have this idea in mind, we should try to do a night care center, specialised for 2. and 3 shifts.... if we just knew if it would work out and if there will be enought demand, because we need to find a good location first to rent out.... any feedbacks, or ideas? Or what areas would be best? Thanks so much!
I used to work at First Citizens in Garner on 2nd. There was always a need for 2nd and 3rd shift sitters...
How many businesses in the area have second shifts or third shifts? Will there be enough business? I have gone to a number of factories that had off shifts and they were the first cut (typically they are paid more and management has less control).
Acctually I was thinking more about the hospital workers, specially in the Knightdale area where they will open the new Rex and Duke hospital and Wake med is not far eighter....there they need always 2. and 3. shifts....
There is one in Raleigh that I used a long time ago, and sometimes I see people looking for this type of care in the classifieds so I think there is a need.
As a former hospital Employee, I can say this is a big need. Also for weekend care, day and night. I worked weekends, and had a time keeping a sitter. I wish there had been a center available I could have depended on.