Satellite TV through Embarq

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by giapn73, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. giapn73

    giapn73 Well-Known Member


    I have always had cable TV and am thinking about switching to satellite through Embarq. I was wondering if anyone has it and if so, does it go out a lot with all the wind? Financially it is the better deal but I want to make sure before I switch.

    Thanks for all of your help,

  2. Jalen

    Jalen Well-Known Member

    Dish Network wit Embarq

    I have that exact service. I does go out when there is a big storm, but not for long and I've never had it go out just because of the wind.
  3. Aglassnut

    Aglassnut Well-Known Member

    I'm with Jalen, I've had it for over a year and the only problem we've really had was with the dvr and one phone call fixed that. We had to get the 200 channel package to get the channels we wanted.

  4. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    I have that package and never have problems.
  5. snowdio

    snowdio Well-Known Member

    You'll be disappointed with DSL if you are use to Cable Broadband such as Road Runner. They don't come close to TWC Roadrunner
  6. Aglassnut

    Aglassnut Well-Known Member

    We went from dial up to dsl, but going from cable high speed to dsl would be disappointing.

  7. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    There are various speeds available via DSL. I have the highest speed available and noticed little drop off from cable.

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