Interskate, Kids Clubhouse or Morgans?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I am looking for honest opinions about these 3 places for summer camp. It's just going to be one week, something for my oldest 2 boys to do, they're 6 & 9.

    I am not crazy about Kids Clubhouse with all their trips they take, does anyone know how this works, can the kids stay at the gym while they go, or does everyone have to go? I really don't like the idea of strangers taking my kids to the lake, or a pool really. But that's where my oldest wants to go. I like the sounds of the Fun Camp at Interskate (different from the Adventure Camp, when they go on a lot of trips as well), and Morgans sounds fun for the kids too. They don't list what they do each week though, but on their daily schedule it says field trip from 1-3, anyone know where they go?

    Anyway, I'd appreciate all input! Thanks!
  2. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Well I haven't used any of them so I can't give you any info on them but did want to give you my input... :jester::jester::lol::lol:
  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    You're helpful! :mrgreen:
  4. seabee

    seabee Guest

    well you asked for all input... so I obliged... :lol::lol::lol: I'm sure you will find out all you need soon. :cheers:
  5. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    My two kids 5 & 7 go to kids clubhouse. This will be my oldest ones 3rd year and my DS second year there. I trust my kids with Mr. Mark and his staff. There are three young ladies that are certified lifeguards that go with them. The kids must pass a swim test to be able to go in the deep end. Both of my kids can't swim just yet and they both are watched carefully. They are told to stay in the swallow areas and the camp counselors are always in the water with them. Both at the pool and the lake.

    I don't mind them traveling around either. All the drivers are certified as well. It's a great place with great staff. My kids don't want to come home and wake up first thing in the morning ready to go.
  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I appreciate that...anyone else? Come on, I know you all want to share!!!
  7. flutebandmom

    flutebandmom Member

    I used Kid's Clubhouse for one summer in the past and it was a great place. Mr. Mark is a youth pastor who truly care about all the kids. I never felt uncomfortable with my son going on all the field trips and swimming.
  8. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  9. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Has anyone ever taken their kids to Interskate? How about Morgans? I'm going to let my 3 yo go to Morgans for a week, just 1/2 day to get him out of the house, I think he'll love it...he's got lots of energy to burn and it's close to home. But the other two don't like the sounds of that, they think it's for girls...:?
  10. Jalen

    Jalen Well-Known Member

    Morgan's Gymnasium

    I knew an employee of Morgans last year. Their daily fieldtrip were to various places. One day to the pool, one day to the movies, one day to a educational farm. I can't remember where the other 2 days were. I hope this helps.
  11. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    I've heard great things about kid's clubhouse as daughter had her birthday party there and was so very excited about the thought of going there for maybe just one week this summer, but when I picked up a brochure, they explicitly say they can't take any kids with pre-existing medical daughter has diabetes, so that killed that little happy hope...I know that there are A LOT of kids with asthma and plenty with diabetes as well...where do these parents take their kids, if anywhere??? Does anyone know??? :confused:
  12. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    I am an employee of Kids Clubhouse and wanted to clarify. The brochure means we do not take children that require medication during the day as we do not have medical staff to administer it.
  13. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    My son went to Kids Clubhouse for a couple of summers & LOVED it.
  14. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    Let her go to the summer camp at Building Blocks on Winston Rd, they have an awesome program. All teachers are first aid and CPR certified. The teachers that go with the kids to the pool have to get the lifeguard certification as well. You will fill out a medical slip for any meds that may be needed for your daughter. When I worked their I had a little boy in my room with peanut alleriges and we had to keep an epi pen with us at all times, just in case. But they are great!!!!
  15. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info!
  16. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    I understand that---it just would open up a whole new level of liability for the site---and people are so, so sue happy these's just sad for the responsible and reasonable people that the crazies ruin it...that's all...I still think Kid's Clubhouse is a great place, I'm just sad that we can't come there....:cry:
  17. ladypopo

    ladypopo Active Member

    My 7 year old goes to morgans for summer camp this year and went last year too. The workers there are very sweet. They have different themed weeks and when you go on Monday you get the schedule for the week. They go swimming on Monday and Fridays. You have to pass a swimming test to go to the deeper end and if you cant do that you wear a floaty. They usually take trips two other days and stay at morgans one whole day. Also they are broken up into age groups so you dont have little ones with big ones. I would recommend them to anyone. I have been very pleased! I have not done Kids Clubhouse however we did do one year of Interskate. It was lots of activites for the money but did not seem very organized. Also the kids are all mixed together. From little (5yrs) to big (maybe 12yrs) which I did not care for. Just my opinion..
  18. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    My oldest and I stopped at Morgans and peeked in the windows, I've never been there before. He said he might be interested in going there. Man, this swimming without me thing really makes me nervous though...Interskate seems to be the only one who offers a camp without that though. I'd really like Morgans since it's closer to my house. I wouldn't mind at Interskate mixing the kids up because my younger one would more willingly go if he was with his older brother, but I can see where that could be a problem though.
  19. tigerlily

    tigerlily Well-Known Member

    just an observation from me a mom

    i drove home from work on 40. and passed two 1970's buses with windows only half down doin 45 mph. almost smacked into one cause of course i drive little over speed limit, all the kids looked hot as hell. felt sorry for them.thank god for camp grandma.oh it said kids clubhouse on the side.
  20. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    are you serious???? kids ride and have ridden since they were 4, in unairconditioned buses with the YMCA and church to many years worth of events. And I am happy to report in all those 8 years, there was not one fatality!!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009

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