Interskate, Kids Clubhouse or Morgans?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. bystander

    bystander Well-Known Member

    My daugther went to Morgan's last year and the year before. She really enjoyed it a lot. Before going there, she had been to another summer camp ( not any of those previously mentioned here ) but she didn't enjoy it very much. She said that they tried to cram too much into a day and she felt overwhelmed. For example, they would go to the park for a couple of hours and then go somewhere else and end up at the pool in the afternoon. Sometimes, it seems like they went places just so they could say they'd been. that was particularly true on one field trip to the zoo - they spent all their time driving back and forth and didn't have time to do/see anything when they were there.
    My daugther felt like Morgan's was not like that at all. They only tried to do one thing a day which seemed much less hectic. They had a day when they went to the Smithfield library and got to check out books, they went swimming 2 days a week, went one special place ( field trip ) one day and Friday was free day when they stayed at the facility, played games and had ice cream. It seems like Morgan's has such a nice facility, the kids have fun just staying put. Everyday, they had time for reading ( the library books they'd picked out and kept there ) and time to play around in the gym. Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience for her. Hope this helps & good luck !
  2. seabee

    seabee Guest

    I agree with you... if it was fine when I was a kid its fine now... dang house wasn't even A/C for the longest time. Kids are adaptable if given the chance to learn that..
  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Really... how did we ever survive?
  4. tigerlily

    tigerlily Well-Known Member


    did you all walk up hill six miles both ways to school too! my point is for the parents considering which camp to send their kids too, i would want the best care for my kids, i dont drive my car around when its 90 without the ac crankin, ibet yall dont either.
  5. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I would if I did not have AC. And have. Drove to Va Beach and back as a matter of fact. But I only walked uphill 6 miles one way, the other way was downhill. Hellooooo... ;) :lol:

    When I was a kid, our school busses did not have AC. I don't think my son's does either.
  6. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    Two of those kids were mine. They have never once complained about being too hot on the buses. Which why would they, kids could care less about the heat. They were coming back from the lake which everyone loves going to the lake. My kids never get to ride the bus to school so when they get to it's like something great to them.

    Driving 45 is about the max for buses. As for the windows they can put them down if they like. No ones telling them to have there windows half open. Everyone that works there takes good care of all the kids and would never put them in harms way.
  7. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    When I took my son and his friend to Interskate last year so they could skate, the Kids Clubhouse camp was there also. I witnessed a girl who was 6,(I knew her age because I knew who she was), go in the bathroom alone, and wander all through the facility alone. Keep in mind there were a bunch of strangers in there, adults and older kids. I know there is no way the camp counselors can keep track of everyone but that girl could have been snatched up in a heartbeat because NO ONE was watching her, I mean NO ONE was except for me. My daughter takes gymnastics once a week and when we are there, the summer camp group is winding down for the day and the majority of the campers are girls. I think there is like 3 boys in there. I think I am going to have my kids do the YMCA camp for a couple of weeks this summer. I too am petrified of not being able to watch my kids when they are at a pool or lake, etc.
  8. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    When I said my daughter takes gymnastics, I forgot to add that it's at Morgans.
  9. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    Did your kids do the YMCA camp? If so, how was it? Was it the Clayton Middle School location?
  10. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    one of my kids did the YMCA camp a few years ago, and he said it was ok. They just hung out in the gym and played. It is a lot cheaper (I think it still is) than the other camps but not too much to do though.

    As far as the person who said they saw a little girl wandering around by herself at the skating rink, I understand exactly what you are saying. Last summer I went to the movies during the day and noticed a couple of kids just wandering around looking for the bathrooms and did not have a camp counselor with them. And yes, these were kids from the Kids Clubhouse. That told me right there that these camps were not for my children. In my opinion, there are just too many kids to keep up with for the counselors and I am sure they are doing the best they can to keep up with the kids but it all seems to overwhelming. My kids have said they would like to do it, but I prefer them to be in smaller groups.
  11. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reply. Are you kids still summer campers? Do you have experience with other places? I am not trilled with the camp we chose for this summer but it is almost over and I am researching ahead for next year.
  12. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    They did a couple of small group camps and they were through church. I have a babysitter that keeps them which worked out lovely for our family, and we are sooo extremely thankful to have her. While my kids would have enjoyed going to all the places that many camps go, I am just not ready to let my youngest to venture at this time.
  13. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    We love Interskate, but my son is older.... it wouldnt be where I would send my little one. But for age 8-9 and up it is great. (depending on child)
  14. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Last week I saw three little girls (about six years old) wandering around White Oak Theater hallway without an adult. They were obviously confused and unsure where they were suppose to be. I watched them go back in the theater room then come out. They did find their group at the bathroom. The adults were chatting outside the bathroom not even appearing to take any kind of head count. They children were wearing Kids R Kids shirts.
  15. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    My DD goes to Kims Kids & LOVES IT! We love the staff & the facility. They do alot of field trips but not every day and they do not go swimming (although they have water party days at camp). I do feel it is more geared for younger kids but mine is 5 so that is really all I pay attention to. It is definitely worth checking out!
  16. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for mentioning Building Blocks. I had forgotten they do summer camp so I went yesterday afternoon to get more info and see the facility. It is very nice and I wish I had toured it before making our current choice but it is really too late to switch now. They are at the top of my list for next year.
  17. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    That doesn't surprise me. Those kind of things along with a few other issues are why we didn't go back to KRK this summer.

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