GPS for Car

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by gillac, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. gillac

    gillac Well-Known Member

    CAn someone suggest a good GPS for the car? My husband is interested in getting on and I have no idea where to start.

  2. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member


    I have one that is older than dirt, but continues to work perfectly. It's a Garmin 2720. I think we paid close to $600 for it new (DH got it for me when we moved here). They are selling now on ebay for much, much less.

    The plus side - it knows the locations, roads, etc. It's directions are clear, the print on the screen is big (yes, big print is good for me), and it has a repeat button (speak) in case I miss something because the kids are yelling in the back seat.

    The down side is that it has a bean bag to hold it to the dash. On my former car, that was fine because there was a sunglasses spot in the dash and it did not move. However in my new car, the dash is somewhat rounded, so the beanbag has slipped a few times.

    All that being said, I don't think you can go wrong with a Garmin. I tried another brand once (DH was pimping my ride and put in an indash gps/movie/headrest TV.) That GPS could not find several major roads in Raleigh. Weird, because you'd think that any GPS would operate on the same satellites...

    Anyhow, DH also has a Garmin older than mine, and he would not trade it for the world. A friend of ours has a Tom-Tom, and it was not to our liking.
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Mine is a Garmin Nuvi 250

    I LOVE IT!!!
  4. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I have a Garmin Nuvi that I love. The "text to speach" feature is great. That means that instead of the unit saying, "turn in 500 ft". She actually says street names, so she says "turn right in 500 ft on Amelia Church Rd." I like that because I don't have to take my eyes off the road to look at the GPS screen for a street name, and then focus on the road again to look for the street. I can just hear her say it, and be looking for it, not needing to take my eyes off the road.

    My MIL, sister and moms boyfriend all have Tom Tom Ones, and they are very user friendly and easy to use also. Everyone I know with a Tom Tom loves them.

    Hope that helps!
  5. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  6. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

  7. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Garmin 265WT and love it! It also states the street names which is huge! I took a trip to DE and MD a few weeks ago and trusted it totally-it got me where I needed without any problems!
  8. snowdio

    snowdio Well-Known Member

    My wife has a Mio Moov 200. It's not as well known brand but it is top quality and I did a lot of researh before deciding on it. It gets good reviews and it's never let us down. We've traveled as far as NY and it always gets us there.
    It sells for $99 at Sears or Kmart and features spoken STREET NAMES.
  9. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I have a brand new Tom Tom I'll sell ya....
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    We've bought 3 Mio's for the same reason. LOTS of features for the money. Got a spare I will be putting on CL soon. 8)
  11. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Tiger Direct / Comp USA has a Tom Tom One on sale for $79. It was on their website, It used to be Tiger Direct (there is a store on Capital Blvd behind Outback restaurant), but Comp USA bought them out recently.
  12. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    Garmin, hands down. We have two of them and all of our friends have them too. Our Realtor had TomTom when we were looking at homes and we used our Garmin instead and they were so impressed that they switched to Garmin.
  13. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I've been reluctant to jump on the Government Peeping System bandwagon. Besides, just about everywhere I go, I know basically where I'm at and where I'm going. If not, I usually can plan my trip ahead.
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    That's nice for you............but I am not a JC native and even after living here several years, there are times when I am not 100% certain which way to go. They have been a Godsend to me. That and we travel quite a bit, it's nice to have, because I have to tell you, Mapquest is difficult to access from the car when there is an unexpected detour. 8)
  15. stella

    stella Guest

    Tom Tom sucks
  16. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Thats odd. We have had ours for over a year and it has not sucked once.

    Not even a reach around.

    We are happy with it.
  17. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  18. Aglassnut

    Aglassnut Well-Known Member

    I've been using a Garmin Nuvi 200 everyday for over a year and it's been a lifesaver in my job. I'd say they all have their good and bad points, but I'd go to Best Buy and play with a couple of 'em and see which one you like the best.


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