Any opinions on Cooper Elementary or Polenta Elementary?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cristianna, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. cristianna

    cristianna Well-Known Member

    My daughter is enrolled in kindergarten at Cooper Elementary, but has the option to attend Polenta. Just wondering if anyone has any advice or experience with either of these schools?

  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  3. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't choose just based on test scores. I have heard good things about this school and it's teachers. I know one of them won some big woopdie-doo national award recently.

    You also have to take the demographics into consideration - and IMO if you are an active, involved parent your child should be fine where ever they go.
  5. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I have experience w/ my kids at BOTH schools. Have experience w/ 2 kids at Cooper & 4 at Polenta. I had experience w/ K, 1st & 2nd grades at Cooper. I would NEVER, EVER send my kids to Cooper if I could at all help it. We LOVED Polenta but haven't been in a few years and have heard it has changed a bit but still good. I just know the administration at Cooper was horrible to deal w/ and I had to deal w/ a teacher there who was terrible. Later found out she was fired for some things (not related to my kid though) she had done. I volunteered at Cooper as well so you see & hear things. I did not feel my kids were safe there. They lost my son 3 times! Polenta on the other hand made a remarkable difference in my kids' academic future. VERY impressed w/ the instruction there. Was saddened when we were made to change schools. Again, I can ONLY speak from MY experiences w/ MY children. Everyone has different experiences and opinions. Can only state facts of what has happened to us over the years. We have experience w/ Cooper, Riverwood, Riverdell, Polenta, Cleveland and Westview Elementary Schools. Good luck w/ whatever you decide.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  6. KnSmommyJo

    KnSmommyJo New Member

    ***coming out of lurkdom***

    I definitely think that each experience is going to be very individual. I have 2 kids at Cooper and we had FABULOUS K, 1st, and 2nd gr experiences. 3rd grade, a little rougher but the older the kids get I think the less coddling the teachers do (as it probably should be) so you don't get quite the same vibe. But, we lucked out and had teachers that really clicked with our family style.

    I considered briefly the move to Polenta but it's not really that close, their "scores" are a bit better (but my kids are honor roll students and I think they will probably score pretty well independent of the school), plus all my kids neighborhood friends go to Cooper. I like that the class size at Cooper is pretty small - usually by mid year there are about 18 or so to a classroom (I have no idea what Polenta's avg class size is maybe it's the same all over the county). So, we are going to stay.

    I'm sure Polenta is a good school, though, if you decide to go there. I will say check the letter that you should have gotten from the school I think the deadline for deciding to move is very very near (I actually thought it was like the 5th of 6th of Aug. but I didn't save the letter so I could be wrong).

    MARPKR Active Member

    My son goes to Polenta and I really like it. I had some problems in 2nd grade with his teacher and trying to get him switched but all that was resolved. Something I don't like is the way they teach them for EOG's but I'm sure all schools do it. Overall though I think Polenta is a great school.
  8. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    I'm confused folks. Polenta and Cooper schools are miles apart. 2 responders indicated they had a choice between Cooper and Polenta. Why do you have options?
    In my opinion kids should attend the same school as their neighboorhood friends.
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  10. KnSmommyJo

    KnSmommyJo New Member

    Cooper has to offer school choice because they did not make AYP 2 years in a row (they made it this last year and if they make it this year school choice will no longer be offered). I do not know what happens to the kids who do choose Polenta for now next year if Cooper no longer is under school choice, I would assume the kids already there would get to stay but not sure about younger siblings...that would be a pain (but maybe they allow younger siblings even after school choice is over???).
  11. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

  12. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    My boss's child attended Cooper last year. The school was so horrible that they moved just to be in another school district. RUN, don't walk away from Cooper. Polenta is much better.
  13. XLSweetTea

    XLSweetTea Well-Known Member


    Polenta has been a very good school - they always try to do some extra stuff for the kids, fields trips and such. Also, the building is in great shape - that means more than you think sometimes, especially when the weather gets real bad, you don't have to worry about your kids as much. We've enjoyed getting to know all our kids' teachers there - never had a problem and have had at least one kid in there every year since it opened up. All around good staff and 2-3 really outstanding teachers that really do care.

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