I'm currently paying 17.49% interest with Chase,I called to request a lower rate but they said that they were not currently offering any :neutral: I'm thinking about doing a balance transfer to a lower interest rate card,any suggestions? Thanks!
HOLY CRAP BATMAN!!! 17.49 Interest? We call every year and TELL them to lower our interest rate. We pay on time, we have NEVER missed a payment and have good credit. I'd call back. :boxing:
Yeah,Chase sucks :x -used to be Providian but they were bought out by Chase. I thought it would be no problem since I pay on time as well and have not missed a payment and got a credit score above 700 :?
After reading the headline again - I guess one could also say that NO credit card is a good credit card :lol:
Not 2 many people are on here on the weekends. They are all 2 BUSY I guess. :lol: Seriously, call them BACK and don't take NO for an answer. Tell them you got a card in the mail from .... whoever .... and they have offered you an interest rate of X percent and you are going with them if Chase doesn't offer you the same rate. hell it might work.
I thought about it but in the end chickened out on it,worried they could smell my bluff ten miles against the wind so to speak,but you're right-I'll give it a try once more and might get lucky the next time around.
About everyone else being busy today- went to Cameron Village earlier today to drop off some pottery and it was so busy there,unreal! Also the traffic there and back was quite a lot for so early on a Saturday morning. Going by that one can just about believe that the recession is coming to an end.
Why not apply for a card online with zero interest for a year? You can google credit cards, no interest. I've done this before and tranfered my balance and paid it off within that time. Worked like a charm for me and allowed me time to pay it off with NO interest. If you decide to transfer the balance you need to be sure to pay it off in the time specified and make sure to read all the info. Pat
I just googled 'credit cards no interest' and saw several with no interest for a year and you could apply online and do the balance transfer at the same time. Pat
Thanks Pat,that does sound good even if I might not be able to pay off the entire sum within one year since I could always switch to another no interest card at the time I guess!?
I just looked at the "Discover more" card,it's at 0% interest for 12 month. Is there a lot involved when transferring a balance? Will the transfer automatically cancel the old card or how does all of that work out? Thanks!
The new card company will handle the transfer, you just need to give them the amount and account number. The transfer will not cancel the old card, and I don't recommend you cancel it unless there is an annual fee. Just put it in a drawer and don't use it any more. Having that available credit will improve your credit score, especially if you never use it. (I have a drawer full of credit cards I never use, and my credit score is 805.)
True. Sometimes they are a necessary evil, and since she doesn't have 17 grand in her back pocket to pay it off with, she probably needs to contend with the whole problem for a while longer.
I have also read or heard somewhere that if you miss a payment and just not on said card but any others they will pull that 0 or low % rate and jack it up to 20+ %... check the fine print on that, ask that question... anyone else hear of that???